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Homework answers / question archive / Experiment # 1 Title: Mixtures and their separation Aim: To separate the dyes of screened methyl orange indicator by paper chromatography

Experiment # 1 Title: Mixtures and their separation Aim: To separate the dyes of screened methyl orange indicator by paper chromatography


Experiment # 1

Title: Mixtures and their separation

Aim: To separate the dyes of screened methyl orange indicator by paper chromatography.

Apparatus:      Beaker, screened methyl orange, water, filter paper

Procedure:       Measure the depth of the beaker. Cut a filter paper into a rectangular strip to this measurement. Make the line with a pencil 1.5 cm across from the bottom. Place a drop of screened methyl orange indicator on the line. Suspend the filter paper in the beaker with water (depth of water should not exceed 1 cm). Allow the water to move up the filter paper to an appropriate level. Remove the filter paper and allow it to dry. Record all the measurements and observations. NB Attach chromatogram to lab book.

Discussion:    What is paper chromatography; list uses of chromatography, what is the purpose of the water, give reason for the separation, why one component moved faster/slower than the other, list one similarity/difference between the separated components.

Precautions/limitations/sources of error:





EXP. 1: Paper Chromatography                                                                             ORR


  1. Observations
  • water soaking up the paper                                                     [1 mark]
  • original colour of dyes                                                            [1 mark]
  • blue colour rising first                                                            [1 mark]
  • yellow dots moving slower                                                     [1 mark]


  1. Recording
  • Date 1, title 1, aim 1, apparatus 1, procedure 2                      [6 marks]
  • chromatography paper or drawing of it: starting line,

finishing line, labelling of dyes                                              [3 mark]


3.         Conclusion stated and accurate                                                          [2 marks]


 Total                                                                                                  15 marks



EXP. 1: Paper chromatography                                                                              A/I


            Discussion of results:                                                                                      [10 marks]

  • reasons for separation, definition of chromatography,
  • uses of chromatography, purpose of solvent
  • reason for components moving faster/slower
  • similarity/difference between separated components




Experiment #2

Title:               Reactions of acids

Aim:                To investigate the strength of acids.

Apparatus:      2 mols/dm3 sulphuric acid. 2 mols/dm3 ethanoic acid, powdered zinc, powdered copper, magnesium ribbon, copper(II) oxide, calcium carbonate, test tubes.

Procedure:       Place a small amount of one substance in a test tube. Add a small amount of one acid. Observe the reaction. Repeat with other reagents. Repeat with the other acid. Tabulate the results.

Discussion: What is an acid, what is a salt, what is a normal salt, what is an acid salt, what is a strong/weak acid, which acid is strong/weak? Which metal did not react with the acid and why?

Treatment of results:

  1. Write balanced molecular equations for each substance with dilute sulphuric acid.
  2. Write one ionic equation of acids with: (a) a metal   (b) an oxide   (c) the carbonate
  3. State how you would test for the gas given off from a reaction of an acids with (a) metals      (b) carbonates


Limations/precautions/sources of error:




SBA # 2                                                                                              Skill: MM

Title: Reactions of acids

Aim: To investigate the strength of acids


1.          Handled reagents without spilling                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2

2.          Always use clean test tubes from rack                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1

3.         Spatula used to place small quantity of solids in test tubes                                                                                                                 1

4.         Stoppers replaced immediately after use                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1

5.        Bottles replaced to proper place after use                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1

6.        Labels on bottles read before use                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1

7.        Avoid direct contact between bottles and test tube                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2

8.        Using only small quantities of reagents                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1


Experiment #3

Planning and Designing


Problem Statement:    Plan and design an experiment to determine if the change in melting point of a substance depends on the quantity of impurity present.

Experiment # 3

Marking Scheme                                                                                                               P/D

Hypothesis clearly stated and testable                                                                     2

Aim stated and linked to hypothesis                                                                          1

Apparatus/Materials  appropriate ones listed                                                       2

Procedure (appropriate tense/sequence/logical)                                                 3

Diagram of apparatus given                                                                                          1

Controlled/manipulated/responding variables stated                                        3

Data to be collected displayed                                                                                    2

Discussion/Expected results (2); “If” statement (1)                                              3

One possible source of error/Limitation/Assumption stated                            1

TOTAL                                                                                                                                   18         




Experiment #4

Title:               Volumetric analysis

Aim:                To determine the concentration of hydrochloric acid using 0.1mol/dm3 sodium hydroxide.

Apparatus:      0.1mol/dm3 Sodium hydroxide solution, dilute hydrochloric acid, conical flask, 50cm3 burette, 25cm3 pipette, phenolphthalein indicator.

Procedure:       Wash burette with distilled water and then with diluted hydrochloric acid. Fill the burette with the acid. Zero the burette. Pipette 25cm3 of alkali into a conical flask. Add 1- 2 drops of the indicator. Titrate the acid against the alkali until the first colour change. Repeat the procedure until the volume used differs by no more than +/- 0.1cm3. Tabulate the results.

Discussion: What is a neutralisation reaction? Define titration, acid salt, normal salt, use of indicato r, colour change at end point etc.

Treatment of results:

  1. Calculate the average volume of acid used.
  2. Write a balanced molecular and ionic equation
  3. Calculate the number of moles in the volume of alkali used.
  4. Determine the number of moles in the average volume of acid used.
  5. Calculate the molar concentration of the acid.


Sources of error:



SBA # 4                                                                                              Skill: AI

Title: Volumetric Analysis

Aim: To determine the concentration of hydrochloric acid


Discussion                                                                                                       5

1.       Correct average volume                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2

2.       Balanced molecular/ ionic equations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2

3.       Number of moles of alkali                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2

4.       Number of moles of acid determined                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2

5.       Concentration of acid correct                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2



SBA # 4

Volumetric Analysis                                                                                                         Skill: MM

Aim: To determine the concentration of hydrochloric acid


1.           Pipette tip kept below liquid while filling                                                                 2

2.           Pipette held by stem and not bulb during transportation/handling                        2

3.           Pipette read at eye level                                                                                                 2

4.           Pipette tip touch liquid surface to remove the final drop                                   2

5.           No air bubbles in burette tip after filling                                                                  2

6.           Fingers correctly positioned around tap while operating burette                            2

7.           Burette read at eye level                                                                                                2

              TOTAL                                                                                                                                  14


Experiment # 5

Title:               Volumetric Analysis

Aim:                To determine the concentration of NaOH using 0.1mol/dm3 H2SO4

Apparatus:      retort stand, burette, pipette, conical flask, beaker, NaOH, 0.1mol/dm3 H2SO4, Phenolphthalein indicator.

Procedure:       Rinse burette with the alkali and fill to the zero mark. Pipette 25cm3 of acid into a conical flask. Add 1-2 drops of indicator to the acid in the conical flask. Allow the alkali to run from the burette until the end point is reached. Record the burette reading. Repeat the titration unit readings differ by no more than plus or minus 0.1cm3. Tabulate the results.

Treatment of results:

1.         Calculate the average volume of alkali used.

2.         Calculate the number of moles of acid in the 25 cm3 volume used.

3.         Write  equations (molecular/ionic) for the reaction of sulphuric acid with sodium hydroxide.

4.         Using the mole ratio from balanced equation, find the number of moles of NaOH in average volume of the solution used.

5.         Use the answer in above to find the concentration of the NaOH in mol/dm3 and g/dm3


Precautions/Sources of errors:



SBA # 5

Volumetric Analysis                                                                                                        Skill: MM

Aim: To determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide solution using sulphuric acid.


1.           Pipette tip kept below liquid while filling                                                                 2

2.           Pipette held by stem and not bulb                                                                              2

3.           Pipette read at eye level                                                                                                 2

4.           Pipette tip touched liquid or glass wall to remove the final drop                   2

5.           No air bubbles in burette tip                                                                                         2

6.           Fingers correctly positioned around tap                                                                   2

7.           Burette read at eye level                                                                                                2

              TOTAL                                                                                                                                  14

SBA # 5                                                                                                          Skill: AI

Title: Volumetric analysis

Aim: To determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide.


1.         Average volume of acid correct                                                                     1

2.         Number of moles in average volume of acid correct                                     2

3.         Equation (molecular and ionic)                                                                      2

4.         Number of moles of alkali used                                                                     1

5.         Molar concentration correct                                                                           2

6.         Mass concentration correct                                                                            2

TOTAL                                                                                                                      10                   


Experiment #6

Title:    Redox Titration

Aim:     To determine the concentration of a solution of potassium permanganate using acidified iron (II) solution.

Apparatus:       burette, pipette, conical flask, measuring cylinder, potassium manganate (VII) solution, acidified iron (II) [ (NH4)Fe(SO4)2.6H2O]  solution containing 35 g/dm-3.

Procedure:       Fill the burette with potassium permanganate solution. Pipette 25cm3 of acidified iron (II) solution into a conical flask. Titrate iron (II) solution against the potassium manganate (VII) until the first faint permanent pink colour appears. Tabulate the results. Repeat until values differ by no more than +/- 0.1cm3.

Treatment of results;

              5Fe2+ + MnO4- + 8H+                                 Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H2O

1.           Calculate the average volume of manganate (VII) used.

2.           Calculate the number of moles of iron (II) in the volume used.

3.           Calculate the number of moles of permanganate that reacted using mole ratio

4.           Calculate the molar and mass concentration of the potassium manganate (VII) used.

 5.          Identify the reagents is the oxidizing and reducing agent?

6.           Explain why no indicator was required for this titration.

Limitations/precautions/sources of error:



SBA #6                                                                                                                             Skill A/I

Title: Redox Titration

Aim:   To determine the concentration of a solution of potassium manganate (VII) using iron (II) solution.


1.           Correct volume of permanganate used calculated                                               2

2.           Correct number of moles of Fe2+ calculated                                                            2

3.           Correct number of moles of permanganate reacted calculated                            2

4.           Molar concentration calculated correctly                                                                 2

5.           Mass concentration correct                                                                                           2

6.           Oxidizing and reducing agent correctly identified                                                 2

7.           Explanation for no indicator given and correct                                                       2           

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                  14




SBA # 6

 REDOX TITRATION                                                                                                          Skill: MM

Aim: To determine the concentration of a solution of potassium manganate (V11) using Iron (11) solution.


1.           Pipette tip kept below liquid while filling                                                                 2

2.           Pipette held by stem and not bulb                                                                              2

3.           Pipette read at eye level                                                                                                 2

4.           Pipette tip touch liquid to remove the final drop                                                   2

4.           No air bubbles in burette tip                                                                                         2

5.           Fingers correctly positioned around tap while operating burette                            2

6.           Burette read at eye level                                                                                                2

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                14


Experiment # 7

Title: Energetics

Aim:                    To measure the enthalpy of neutralisation of a reaction.

Apparatus:       1mol/dm3 sodium hydroxide solution, 1mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid solution, Styrofoam cup, beaker, measuring cylinder, thermometer.

Method:            Run 50cm3 of aqueous NaOH from a burette into a Styrofoam cup. Record the steady temperature. Run 50cm3 of HCl into a beaker. Record the steady temperature. Add acid solution all at once to the alkali. Stir and record the highest temperature reached.

Discussion: What is chemical energetics, what is enthalpy, enthalpy of neutralisation, what is an exothermic reaction? What is an energy profile diagram?

Treatment of results:

Write a balanced ionic equation for the reaction

What was the number of moles of acid used?

What was the number of moles of alkali used?

What was the number of moles of water formed?

What was the energy change for the reaction?

What was the value of the enthalpy of neutralization?

Draw an energy profile diagram for this reaction?

Precautions/ sources of error


 SBA # 7                                                                                                                                             Skill: AI

Title: Energetics

Aim: To determine the heat change in substances.

Marking Criteria:

Correct ionic equation given                                                                                                                     2

Number of moles of acid/alkali/water formed calculated (1 each)                                              3

Enthalpy for experiment correctly calculated                                                                                     2

Enthalpy of neutralization correctly calculated                                                                                  1

Correct labeled energy profile diagram                                                                                                2

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                               10

SBA # 7                                                                                                                  Skill: MM


Marking Criteria:

Measuring cylinder placed on a flat and horizontal surface                               1

Measuring cylinder read at eye level                                                                         1

Measuring cylinder read at the bottom of the meniscus                                    1

Liquid stirred for heat distribution                                                                             1

Bulb of thermometer immersed long enough for equilibrium                          1

Bulb completely immersed in liquid while reading                                               1

Thermometer correctly read at eye level                                                                 1

Thermometer read while bulb immersed                                                                1

Thermometer handed and stored properly                                                             2


Experiment #8

Title:                   Concentration and rates

Aim:                    To investigate the effects of concentration on reaction rates.

Apparatus:       0.1mol/dm3 sulphuric acid, 25g/dm3 sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate solution, stopwatch, beakers.

Procedure:       Mark a cross X on a blank paper. Measure and add 40cm3 of the thiosulphate to the beaker. Add 40cm3 of the acid and immediately start the stopwatch. Looking from above time how long it will take to completely obscure the cross. Rinse the beaker and repeat using the same volume of acid but decreasing the volume of thiosulphate by 5cm3. Add 5cm3 of water and repeat four more time, each time decreasing the volume of thiosulphate by 5cm3. The total volume must always be 80cm3. Tabulate the results.



Volume of acid/cm3

Volume of thiosulphate/cm3

Volume of water/cm3









































Treatment of results:

1.           Plot a graph of volume of thiosulphate against time. Comment on the shape of the graph.

2.           Plot a second graph of 1/t against volume of thiosulphate. Assuming that 1/t is a measure of the reaction rate, how does the reaction rate depend on the concentration of the thiosulphate?

3.           Write a balanced molecular and ionic equation for the reaction.

4.           Calculate the molar concentration of the thiosulphate solution.

5.           Why did the “X” marked on the paper disappeared after a while?

6.           Which variables(s) were controlled, manipulated and responded?

Limitations/precaution/sources of error:


 SBA # 8                                                                                                                 Skill: ORR

Title: Rates of reaction

Aim: To investigate the effects of concentration on reaction rate


1.           Work area kept tidy and clean                                                                      1

2.           Correct tense used                                                                                            1

3.           Standard English used                                                                                      2

4.           Clear presentation of results in a table                                                       1

5.           Title of table self-explanatory                                                                        1

6.           Columns in table have proper heading                                                       1            (G1)      (G2)

7.           Title of graphs accurate, capitalized and underlined                             4            2            2           

8.           Correct selection of axis                                                                                   2            1            1

9.           Axis labeled and with appropriate units                                                     2            1            1

10.        Accurate curve of best fit                                                                                1            1            -

11.        Graph occupies 50-75% of the paper                                                          2            1            1

12.        Scale given and correct                                                                                    2            1            1

13.        Points accurately plotted                                                                                4            2            2


Experiment # 9

Planning and designing

Problem statement:     A class was told that magnesium is more reactive than zinc. Formulate a hypothesis concerning the relative reactivity of alloys of magnesium and zinc. Plan and design an experiment to test your hypothesis.

Experiment #10

Title:               Qualitative analysis

Aim:                To identify cations and anions in samples of salt.

Apparatus: Solution A ,B, C, D ,E and F, dilute nitric acid ,dilute HCl, Aqueous  solutions of: Lead nitrate, silver nitrate ,ammonia ,sodium hydroxide ,potassium iodide ,barium chloride ,splint ,red litmus paper, dilute sulphuric acid and nitric acid





1.To a solution of A add aqueous NH3 drop by drop



2.Add aqueous NaOH to a fresh sample of solution A drop by drop



3.Add in excess  NaOH  to solution A from test 2 above


Ionic equation required.

4.To a sample of B add aqueous NaOH drop by drop



5. To  sample B add aqueous NH3 drop by drop



6.Add in excess aqueous NH3 to sample B in test 5 above


Ionic equation required.

7. To a sample of C add aqueous NaOH drop by drop



8. Add aqueous NH3 drop by drop to a sample of C



9. Add aqueous NH3 in excess  to sample C in test 8 above


Ionic equation required

10.To a sample  of D add aqueous NH3

drop by drop



11.To a fresh sample of D add aqueous NaOH drop by drop.



12.Add aqueous NaOH in excess and heat .Test gas with damp red litmus paper



13.To a sample of E add aqueous NaOH drop by drop;

 then in excess



14.To a fresh sample of E add aqueous KI



15.To a fresh sample of E add aqueous NH3 in excess


Ionic equation required.

16.To a sample of F add Ba2+ followed by dilute HCl /HNO3 .Heat if necessary.



17.To a dry sample of F add distilled water followed by aqueous barium nitrate. Heat the substance formed.



18. To a sample of D aqueous silver nitrate followed by aqueous ammonia.



19.Repeat procedure 18 on sample G



20.Add aqueous lead nitrate followed by dil. nitric acid to a fresh sample of G


Ionic equation required.



Experipent # 11

Title:                   Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons

Aim:                    To distinguish between a saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon

Apparatus:       cyclohaxane, cyclohexene, acidified potassium manganate (VII) solution, bromine solution, test tubes.

Procedure:       Place 2 cm3 of aqueous bromine and acidified potassium manganate (VII) into each of two test tubes. Label the test tubes A and B. Using a dropper, place a few drops of the alkane into each test tube. Shake and record your observations. Repeat for the alkene.


Observations: Colour of the solutions before and after each addition.






Observable changes




Potassium manganate VII





Potassium manganate VII





Aqueous bromine






Aqueous bromine






Discussion:      What is a saturated hydrocarbon, what an unsaturated solution, why was there a colour change with some solution and not with others, which hydrocarbon is a saturated hydrocarbon and which is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.




Experiment #12                                                                                                        ORR

Aim:                    To distinguish between an alkane and an alkene


1.         Results/observations placed in a table                                                            1

2.         Heading correct for the table                                                                          2

3.           Correct colour changes with acidified potassium manganate (VII)                     4

4.           Correct colour changes with aqueous bromine                                                      4


TOTAL                                                                                                                                                  14



Different brands of vinegar on a supermarket shelf are labeled to contain 5% acid. Some consumers are not convinced that this is so. Plan and design an experiment to determine if different brands contain the same percentage of acid.


Observation/Problem/Research question stated                                           

Hypothesis clearly stated and testable                                                                                          2

Aim related to hypothesis                                                                                                                1

Material and apparatus appropriate                                                                                              1

Method                suitable (1); manipulating or responding variable stated (1)                                      2

Control variables stated                                                                                                                    1

Expected results reasonable (1); linked with method                                                                 2

Assumptions/Precautions/Limitations (any one stated)                                                             1

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                   10         



(Analysis and Interpretation)

The maximum marks available for the Implementation is 20 marks

The format for this part is shown below.

Method –linked to proposal; change of tense                                                                              1 mark


Results                                                                                                                                                  4 marks


  • Correct formula and equations                                             2
  • accurate(2);acceptable(1)   
  • Accuracy of data                                                                       2
  • Accurate(2);Acceptable(1)


Discussion                                                                                                                                            5 marks


  •  Explanation                                                                              2
  • Points thoroughly developed(1)
  • Partial(1)
  • Interpretation                                                                           2
  • Fully supported by data(2);partially(1)
  • Trends stated                                                                            1           

Limitation                                                                                                                                            3 marks


  • Sources of error identified                                                     1
  • Precautions stated                                                                   1
  • Limitation stated                                                                      1

Reflection                                                                                                                                            5 marks


  • Relevance between experiment and real life                      1
  • (self, society and environment)
  • Impact of knowledge gained from experiment on self       1
  • Justification of any changes made during experiment       1
  • Communication of information; scientific language, grammar

and clarity all the time(2);some of the time(1)                   2



Conclusion         Stated (1); related to aim (1)                                                                               2 marks


TOTAL                                                                                                                                                   20 marks



1.   Cal # of mol in diluted volume used in titration (25cm3)?

2.  Cal. # of mol in total dil. volume (250 cm3)?  [Same as the undiluted volume, original volume].

3.  Cal mass in the original vol (25 cm3) [ # of mol at 2  * molar mass]

4.  Det. % by mass of Ethanoic acid (mass at 3 / mass of original sample{25 cm3}) * 100 [ nb use density to calculate the mass.



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