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Homework answers / question archive / In this unit, you have learned about many theories and concepts related to communication in interpersonal relationships, including Self-Disclosure, Social Judgment Theory, Social Comparison Theory, Social Penetration Theory, the Johari Window, Social Exchange Theory, the Stages of Relationship Development, Expressing Emotion, and the Six Types of Love

In this unit, you have learned about many theories and concepts related to communication in interpersonal relationships, including Self-Disclosure, Social Judgment Theory, Social Comparison Theory, Social Penetration Theory, the Johari Window, Social Exchange Theory, the Stages of Relationship Development, Expressing Emotion, and the Six Types of Love


In this unit, you have learned about many theories and concepts related to communication in interpersonal relationships, including Self-Disclosure, Social Judgment Theory, Social Comparison Theory, Social Penetration Theory, the Johari Window, Social Exchange Theory, the Stages of Relationship Development, Expressing Emotion, and the Six Types of Love.

Choose one of these theories and concepts to use for this post. Put that theory in your post title. Next, briefly demonstrate that you understand that theory or concept by summarizing it in your own words. Finally, apply it to a personal example to show us that you can use that theory or concept in practice. (see example below



Example Post

Title: The Johari Window with My Friend Bob

The Johari Window is an interesting theory to me because it points out how much of ourselves we hide from others, even if we tell ourselves we are open and honest. It is divided into four smaller window panes, with the Open pane the one we want to use more of. The Blind part is what we can't see about ourselves and the Hidden or Secret part is what we don't show others. The more we try to talk to other people and engage in self-reflection to better understand ourselves the better our Johari Window looks.

My friend Bob has a crappy window. All he ever talks about is how awesome he is at Basketball, even though he has a weak 3 point shot and can't do a layup. He is Blind to this and a lot of other stuff. He thinks he doesn't have a Hidden part of his window either - he always says 'He'll tell anyone anything and doesn't have secrets.' I know about his relationship with his mom, which he never talks about, and about how he is failing some of his classes - and he never tells people he is struggling in school. My window is better than Bob's, because I think i am more honest about what I choose to hide, and I don't think hiding things is entirely bad. Like, we should be allowed to have some things that are hidden, and that's why it is on the window. Everyone gets a few secrets, but the more of them you have, the less Open your window, the worse your relationships are going to be. That's what I think Johari window is saying.


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