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  I'm working on a geography question and need support to help me learn



I'm working on a geography question and need support to help me learn.


first, please go over the following items inside this folder:

1) What is Geography PowerPoint lecture

2) What is Geography audio recording

3) Geography; What is it for (video)

4) Why Geography Matters (video)

5) Why Geography is Important (short paper)

After watching the PowerPoint lecture, both videos, and reading the short paper, please type a 1-page word document (500 words) minimum (single-spaced, size 12 font, Calibri or Times Roman) analysis of what you think geography is and why it is important. Please do not simply repeat what you have read and watched. I want you to use that information to give me your opinion. You can use a few examples from what you have watched and read, but I want you to show me your understanding about geography. You can provide your own examples to further the point. I have attached a rubric to this assignment that will give you a general idea on how the assignment will be graded. is Geography? What is Geography? ? ? ? Geography is the study of spatial variation, of how and why things differ from place to place on the surface of the earth. The word comes from the Greek words Ge or Gaea, both meaning "Earth", and graphein meaning "to describe" or "to write". Geographers study the location (place) and distribution (Space) of features on the Earth’s surface. Why is Geography important? ? ? ? It is the only discipline concerned with understanding why and how both physical and cultural phenomena differ from place to place on the surface of the earth. A grasp of the broad concerns and topics of geography is vital to an understanding of the national and international problems that dominate daily news reports. Geography is such a broad field of study, a great diversity of job opportunities await those who pursue college training in the discipline. Classification in Geography 3 subfields - Techniques - Physical - Human Very inter-disciplinary - Geography has many commonalities with other fields. - For example. Biogeography, Economic Geography, Medical Geography, Political Geography, Historical Geography, etc., that are all part of geography (on the inside of the circle) are related to other fields (outside of the circle). For example, Political Geography is related to Political Science. 5 Themes in Geography ? ? ? ? ? Location Place Human/Environment Interaction Movement Region Location: Where you are, Where something is located 2 types : Absolute and Relative Absolute (mathematical) location : A latitude and longitude location or a street address. Baltimore, MD coordinates 39°17′N 76°37′W Relative location: Described by landmarks, time, direction, or distance from one place to another and may associate a particular place with another. Examples. Bowie State University is approximately 2 miles north east of Bowie, South of Kansas city, 10 miles from Manhattan, near the big oak tree outside of town on Route 24,1 hour from New York City. Place ? ? ? Description of a place What is a place like Human and physical characteristics Austria Human/Environment Interaction • How people have been modified by their environment. • How people have modified their environment. Movement • Interaction between humans. Immigration • Transportation and communication systems which link people and place. • Diffusion of ideas and cultural traits. Region ? An area where there is something in common between the environment or between humans 3 types of regions ? Formal region ? Functional region ? Vernacular region Manila, Philippines Region ? Formal region - Also called uniform regions, these define a place where there is homogeneity or sameness in terms of some element. Examples. Corn belt – central U.S. – this is where much of the corn in the US is grown. Chinatown – you find mostly Chinese businesses and Chinese people. A business district – you find mostly businesses. Those are the common elements. Region ? Functional regions - Area that functions as a unit politically, socially, or economically. ie. States, counties, school districts. Region ? Perceptual (Vernacular) Region – region perceived to exist by its inhabitants. ie. Southwest – cowboys Midwest – standard English (depends on who you ask) ? Evolution of Geography • Between the 5th & 3rd century B.C. several Greeks made important contributions to Geography. • “Geography” coined by Erathostenes over 2200 years ago. Maps are the language of Geography. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a map is often worth a million. ? Evolution of Geography • Ptolemy’s map was the standard reference map of the western world for 1300 yrs. • It established the Earth’s circumference to be much smaller than it actually is. Ptolemy’s Eurocentric Map Eurocentrism and Ethnocentrism ? ? Ethnocentrism or Ethnocentricity is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture. Its the viewpoint that “one’s own group is the center of everything,” against which all other groups are judged. Ethnocentrism often entails the belief that one's own race or ethnic group is the most important and/or that some or all aspects of its culture are superior to those of other groups. Eurocentrism is the practice, conscious or otherwise, of placing emphasis on European (and, generally, Western) concerns, culture and values at the expense of those of other cultures. Eurocentrism is an instance of ethnocentrism, examples – Colonialism, Hitler, racism, etc. ? Evolution of Geography • Meanwhile much learning from the Greek & Roman periods was discarded by Christians in the Middle Ages & T-O Maps were the result. Geographic knowledge was stunted due to religious norms. Note – Jerusalem is at the center Christian centric map Chinese Map of Central Asia & Japan in 1555. Map of the known world in 1571. Geographical Society Establishment Chart Know the date for the very last organization - 1904com/watch?v=PPGuhJe6Qao

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