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Homework answers / question archive / CPS 470/570: Computer Networks and Security Programming Assignment #1, 100 pts Purpose This homework builds an understanding of the Application Layer, Winsock programming, and multithreaded programming

CPS 470/570: Computer Networks and Security Programming Assignment #1, 100 pts Purpose This homework builds an understanding of the Application Layer, Winsock programming, and multithreaded programming

Computer Science

CPS 470/570: Computer Networks and Security

Programming Assignment #1, 100 pts

  1. Purpose

This homework builds an understanding of the Application Layer, Winsock programming, and multithreaded programming.

  1. Description

Your project will read multiple URLs from an input file using a single thread. To ensure politeness, you will need to hit only unique IPs. To avoid hanging up the code on slow downloads, you will also have to abort all pages that take longer than 10 seconds or occupy more than 2 MB


You may lose points for copy-pasting the same function (with minor changes) over and over again, for writing poorly designed or convoluted code, not checking for errors in every API you call, and allowing buffer overflows, access violations, debug-assertion failures, heap corruption, synchronization bugs, memory leaks, or any conditions that lead to a crash. Furthermore, your program must be robust against unexpected responses from the Internet and deadlocks.


    1. Single Threaded Crawling Code with URL-input-100.txt

The program must accept two arguments. The first argument indicates the number of threads to run and the second one the input file: 

as1.exe 1 URL-input-100.txt 

If the number of threads does not equal one, you should reject the parameters and report usage information to the user. Similarly, if the file does not exist or cannot be successfully read, the program should complain and quit. Assuming these checks pass, you should load the file into RAM and split it into individual URLs (one line per URL). You can use fopen, fgets, fclose (or their ifstream equivalents) to scan the file one-line-at-a-time. A faster approach is load the entire input into some buffer and then separately determine where each line ends. Use C-style fread or an even-faster ReadFile for this.


Make sure that only unique hosts make it to gethostbyname and that only unique IP make it to request:

Parse URL      Check host is unique      DNS lookup (to get IP address)                           Check IP is unique                                 

Request robots.txt (to request a header only)      Check HTTP code       Request page (entire file)

      Check HTTP code      Parse page 

Note that robot.txt existence should be verified using a HEAD request, which ensures that you receive only a header rather than an entire file. That is, in a HEAD request, your program requests the robots.txt file, i.e., "/robots.txt" file. In the reply from server, Code 200 indicates that the robots.txt file does exist and that the website does not allow unrestricted crawling, which means we should NOT request the web page from this web server. For more information, here is the link:


Your printouts should begin with indication that you read the file and its size, followed by the following trace:


Opened URL-input-100.txt  


Parsing URL... host, port 80 

Checking host uniqueness... passed  

Doing DNS... done in 139 ms, found 

Checking IP uniqueness... passed  Connecting on robots... done in 5 ms  

Loading... done in 57 ms with 213 bytes  

Verifying header... status code 200  


Parsing URL... host, port 80

Checking host uniqueness... passed  

Doing DNS... done in 70 ms, found 

Checking IP uniqueness... passed  Connecting on robots... done in 11 ms  

Loading... done in 61 ms with 179 bytes  

Verifying header... status code 404  

     *  Connecting on page... done in 3020 ms 

Loading... done in 87 ms with 10177 bytes 

Verifying header... status code 200 

     +  Parsing page... done in 0 ms with 16 links 


Parsing URL... host, port 80 

Checking host uniqueness... passed  

Doing DNS... done in 1 ms, found 

Checking IP uniqueness... passed  Connecting on robots... done in 138 ms  

Loading... done in 484 ms with 469 bytes  

Verifying header... status code 404  

     *  Connecting on page... done in 4335 ms 

Loading... done in 899 ms with 57273 bytes 

Verifying header... status code 200 

     +  Parsing page... done in 1 ms with 63 links

Uniqueness-verification steps and the robots phase are highlighted in bold. You should have a function that connects to a server, downloads a given URL, and verifies the HTTP header. You can simply call this function twice to produce both robots and page-related statistics. The function needs to accept additional parameters that specify a) the HTTP method (i.e., HEAD for robots.txt or GET for the entire page); b) valid HTTP codes; c) maximum download size (i.e., 2 MB for pages, 16 KB for robots.txt); and d) presence of an asterisk in the output. If any of the steps fails, you should drop the current URL and move on to the next:


Parsing URL... host, port 80 

Checking host uniqueness... failed  


Parsing URL... host, port 80 

Checking host uniqueness... passed 

Doing DNS... done in 19 ms, found 

Checking IP uniqueness... failed  


Parsing URL... host, port 80 

Checking host uniqueness... passed 

Doing DNS... done in 218 ms, found 

Checking IP uniqueness... passed 

Connecting on robots... done in 9118 ms  Loading... failed with 10060 on recv 2


 URL:  Parsing URL... host, port 80 

                       Checking host uniqueness... passed

             Doing DNS... done in 1135 ms, found  Checking IP uniqueness... passed 

      Connecting on robots... done in 367 ms              Loading... done in 767 ms with 140 bytes 

Verifying header... status code 403        *  Connecting on page... done in 3376 ms 

                       Loading... failed with slow download  


                       Parsing URL... host, port 80 

                       Checking host uniqueness... passed 

Doing DNS... done in 81 ms, found 

      Checking IP uniqueness... passed         Connecting on robots... done in 5 ms 

Loading... failed with exceeding max  


                       Parsing URL... host, port 80 

          Checking host uniqueness... passed  Doing DNS... done in 57 ms, found 

                       Checking IP uniqueness... passed 

         Connecting on robots... done in 49 ms  Loading... done in 2131 ms with 176 bytes 

      Verifying header... status code 404        *  Connecting on page... done in 3051 ms 

Loading... failed with exceeding max  


                       Parsing URL... host, port 80 

Checking host uniqueness... passed 

                       Doing DNS... done in 11 ms, found 

                       Checking IP uniqueness... passed 

Connecting on robots... done in 2 ms 

      Loading... done in 490 ms with 2436 bytes             Verifying header... status code 404 

      *  Connecting on page... done in 3001 ms  Loading... done in 50 ms with 2850 bytes

                       Verifying header... status code 408


In the last example, the downloaded page does not result in success codes 2xx, which explains why parsing was not performed. As the text may scroll down pretty fast, you can watch for * and + to easily track how often the program attempts to load the target page and parse HTML, respectively.


Basic operation of Winsock is covered in class and sample code. Additional caveats are discussed next.

    1. Required HTTP Fields

The general URL format is given by:



No need to download a page if scheme is https. No need to parse username/password in this assignment. You should extract host, port number, path, and query. For instance:


Given URL, parse URL... host is, port is 467, path is empty, query is ?addrbook.php.


Given URL, parse URL... host, port 80, path is /, query is ?viewcart.php




HTTP request includes [/path][?query]


GET /some/page/index.php?status=15 HTTP/1.0 




As shown above, an HTTP request begins with the method line (GET or HEAD in this assignment, same syntax), HTTP/version, followed by (field: value) pairs (e.g., field is Host, value is, and ends with an empty line.


Requests may keep the connection open for some non-compliant servers, which makes it difficult to detect the end of transfer. We thus add “Connection: close” to explicitly request that the server close the connection:  


GET /some/page/index.php?status=15 HTTP/1.0 

Host:  Connection: close 


It is also common courtesy to specify your user-agent to keep webmasters aware of visiting browsers and robots. In fact, some websites (e.g., refuse to provide a response unless the useragent is present in the request header: 


GET /some/page/index.php?status=15 HTTP/1.0 

User-agent: udatyoncrawler/1.0  


Connection: close 

You may invent your own string in the format of crawlerName/x.y, where x.y can evolve from 1.1 to 1.3.


When parsing an URL, find # to strip off the fragment. Find first /, :, ? to extract path, port number, and query. See functions in string at


If the path is empty, you must use the root / in its place. If query is empty, do not add ? in the request.


Next, insert your request into a character array and then call send(). The following is the outline.


string URL = "";  // a URL example  string host = "", path = ""; //You should parse URL to get host “”, path “a.htm”


string sendstring = "GET /" + path + " HTTP/1.0\nUser-agent: UDCScrawler/1.0\nHost: " + host 

+ "\nConnection: close" + "\n\n";  // pay attention to required white space 


int size = sendstring.length();  // length of string, in terms of bytes                                                                


if (send(sock, sendstring.c_str(), size, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)


    printf("send() error - %d\n", WSAGetLastError ());     return false;   // your function returns false

} return true; // otherwise successfully send a GET request



In next subsection, we show how to use a loop to receive HTTP response. 

    1. Receive Loop  

An HTTP response consists of status line, HTTP header, and then object. Status line begins with


HTTP/, and status codes are 3-digit integers. 















Cache-Control: private\r\n 

Content-Type: text/html\r\n 

Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0\r\n 

X-Powered-By: ASP.NET\r\n 

MicrosoftOfficeWebServer: 5.0_Pub\r\n 

MS-Author-Via: MS-FP/4.0\r\n 

Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 09:22:34 GMT\r\n 

Connection: close\r\n 

Content-Length: 16367\r\n 



 empty line







meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"

content="text/html; charset=windows- 1252">...


The function below checks the socket to see if there is any data (via select()) before attempting a receive. Without doing this, you may experience deadlocks inside recv() call when the remove host neither provides any data nor closes the connection. 


#define BUF_SIZE 1024   // array size

#define TIMEOUT  20000    // 20 seconds


class Winsockpublic:

    Winsock() {  }  // empty constructor

    ~Winsock() {  }  // deconstructor     // --- many public methods --- 

    bool    Receive (string & recv_string);        SOCKET  sock;  private:

    char buf[BUF_SIZE]; // char array used to receive data from the server


bool Winsock::Receive( string & recv_string)   //recv_string is modified after function is called


    FD_SET Reader;  // for select() function call


    FD_SET(sock, &Reader);   // add your socket to the set Reader


    // set timeout, used for select()     struct timeval timeout;

    timeout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT;   // must include <time.h>     timeout.tv_usec = 0; 

     recv_string = ""// initialized as an empty string, used to save all received data     int bytes = 0;    // count how many bytes received via each recv()      do{

   if (select(0, &Reader, NULL, NULL, &timeout) > 0)   // if have data


        if (( bytes = recv(sock, buf, BUF_SIZE-1, 0))== SOCKET_ERROR )

    {         printf("failed with %d on recv\n", WSAGetLastError ());

              return false;  


    else if (bytes > 0)


              buf[bytes] = 0;     // NULL terminate buffer             recv_string += buf; // append to the string recv_string


       // quit loop if it hits the maximum size, i.e., 2 MB for pages, 16 KB for robots




           // timed out on select()

           return false;


    } while ( bytes > 0);  // end of do-while     return true

}  // end of Winsock::Receive


Since select() modifies the parameters you pass to it, you must reinsert sock into fd_set each time you call select(). This is accomplished with macros FD_ZERO and FD_SET. For more details, see 

NOT required: An alternative to traditional select() is WSAEventSelect() or the IOCP framework (, which you can explore only if the rest of the homework appears too simple. The WSAEventSelect lets you register an event that gets signaled when the socket has data in it. This allows your code to wait for multiple events and implement simple timeout-based socket disconnection. 

To parse a page, use function recv_string.find(…) to collect data, e.g., “href” for finding links this page has, and status code such as “200 OK” and “301”.

    1. Other Functions, Tools, and Commands

You can use C-string functions strchr and strstr to quickly find substrings in a buffer. Comparison is usually performed using strcmp/stricmp or strncmp/strnicmp. It is recommended to use printf as it greatly reduces the amount of typing in this homework compared to cout. Search these functions at the website to see how to use them. 

Oftentimes, it is convenient to declare a fixed-size buffer that is large enough to accept even the longest URL. If the input string violates either bound, you should reject it. An explicit check is required since the input file (.txt) contains random URLs obtained from the web.


Usage of gethostbyname for DNS lookups, printout of IPs via inet_ntoa, and connection to a server are provided in the sample code. 

For debugging responses, use an HTTP sniffer, e.g.,, or various Firefox addons. If you need to see the contents of your outgoing packets, use For information about your network configuration, run ipconfig at the command prompt (to see the DNS servers, use ipconfig /all). To manually perform DNS lookups, try nslookup host or nslookup IP.

    1. Uniqueness  

To maintain previously seen hosts and IPs, you can use the following verification logic: 


#include <unordered_set>  #include <string>  using namespace std; 


DWORD IP = inet_addr ("");  unordered_set<DWORD> seenIPs;  seenIPs.insert(IP); 



unordered_set<string> seenHosts;  // populate with some initial elements  seenHosts.insert("");  seenHosts.insert("");  string test = "";  int prevSize = seenHosts.size();  seenHosts.insert (test);  if (seenHosts.size() > prevSize)

    // unique host  else 

// duplicate host


    1. Page Buffers

Make sure to reuse the string recv_string in Socket::Receive for the next connection to a new host. Do not hardwire 2-MB buffers into your receiver. When you scale this program to 5000 threads in Part 3, inefficient RAM usage may become problematic.


  1. Multi-threaded Crawling 

We are finally ready to multi-thread this program and achieve significantly faster download rates. Due to the high volume of outbound connections in your project, your home ISP (e.g., Suddenlink, cam-pus dorms) will probably block this traffic and/or take your Internet link down. Do not be alarmed, this condition is usually temporary, but it should remind you to run the experiments over VPN. The program may also generate high rates of DNS queries against your local server (e.g., udayton DNS server), which may be construed as malicious flooding attacks. In such cases, you can run your own DNS ( on your computer or you should send a few DNS requests per minute

    1. Code with input URL-input-1M.txt  

The command-line format remains the same as simple threaded crawling, but allows more threads:  as1.exe 3500 URL-input-1M.txt 

To achieve proper load-balancing, you need to create a shared queue of pending URLs, which will be drained by the crawling threads using an unbounded producer-consumer. The general algorithm follows this outline: 

int main(int argc char **argv)

   // parse command line args 

   // initialize shared data structures & parameters sent to threads 


   // read file and populate shared queue

   // start N crawling threads 


   // wait for N crawling threads to finish 

   // print stats data (below)

   // cleanup 


Your crawler should process the following information:


Q: current size of the pending queue 

E: number of extracted URLs from the queue 

H: number of URLs that have passed host uniqueness 

D: number of successful DNS lookups 

I: number of URLs that have passed IP uniqueness 

R: number of URLs that have passed robots checks 

C: number of successfully crawled URLs (those with a valid HTTP code)  L: total links found


At the end, the following stats should be printed:


Extracted 1000004 URLs @ 9666/s 

Looked up 139300 DNS names @ 1346/s   

Downloaded 95460 robots @ 923/s   

Crawled 59904 pages @ 579/s (1651.63 MB) 

Parsed 3256521 links @ 31476/s   

HTTP codes: 2xx = 47185, 3xx = 5826, 4xx = 6691, 5xx = 202, other = 0  



    1. Report 

The report should address the following questions based on the links in URL-input-1M.txt

  1. Briefly explain your code architecture and lessons learned. Using multithreads, show a complete trace with 1M input URLs. 


  1. Obtain the average number of links per HTML page that came back with a 2xx code. Estimate the size of Google’s webgraph (in terms of edges and bytes) that contains 1T crawled nodes and all of their out-links. Assume the graph is stored using adjacency lists, where each URL is represented by a 64-bit hash. 


  1. Determine the average page size in bytes (across all HTTP codes). Estimate the bandwidth (in Gbps) needed for Yahoo to crawl 10B pages a day. 


  1. What is the probability that a link in the input file contains a unique host? What is the probability that a unique host has a valid DNS record? What percentage of contacted sites had a 4xx robots file? 


    1. Synchronization and Threads

It is a good idea to learn Windows threads and synchronization primitives by running and dis-secting the sample project on the course website. As long as you remember the main concepts from the Operating System course, most of the APIs are pretty self-explanatory and have good coverage on MSDN. The main synchronization algorithm you will be using is called producer-consumer. In fact, our problem is slightly simpler and can be solved using the following: 



Producer () // in main() 

   // produce items, which are read from input file into the queue in AS#1    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) 



Consumer () // in crawling thread 

{     while (true) 











       Lock mutex;  // obtain mutex in order to modify shared Q if (Q.size() == 0) // finished crawling? 


   mutex.Unlock();     break;  }  x = Q.front(); Q.pop(); 

Unlock mutex; 


// crawl x, collect stats data: valid host/IP? Status code? # of links found on page x? … 

Lock mutex; // to modify shared parameters

// modify shared parameters: total # of unique hosts, total # of links, … Unlock mutex; 




For mutexes, there is a user-mode pair of functions EnterCriticalSection and LeaveCriticalSection that operate on objects of type CRITICAL_SECTION. Note that you must call InitializeCriticalSection before using them. You can also use kernel mutexes created via CreateMutex (below), but they are much slower.


// create a mutex for accessing critical sections (including printf); initial state = not locked HANDLE mutex = CreateMutex (NULL, 0, NULL);  // as in sample code


To update the stats, you can use a critical section, but it is often faster to directly use interlocked operations, each mapping to a single CPU instruction. You may find InterlockedIncrement and InterlockedAdd useful. 

After emptying the input queue, most of the threads will quit successfully, but some will hang for an extra 20-30 seconds, which will be caused by connect() and select() hanging on timeout. There is no good way to reduce the shutdown delay (unless you employ overlapped or non-blocking sockets, i.e., using WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED in WSASocket or FIONBIO in ioctlsocket. These are not required, but can be explored for an additional level of control over your program). 

Quit notification can be accomplished with a manual event. See CreateEvent and SetEvent

You will need to use mutex to synchronize on updating shared data structures, e.g.:


H: number of URLs that have passed host uniqueness 

D: number of successful DNS lookups 

I: number of URLs that have passed IP uniqueness 

R: number of URLs that have passed robots checks 

C: number of successfully crawled URLs (those with a valid HTTP code)  L: total links found


In addition, to avoid slowing down the user-interaction response time of your computer, you should set all your threads to the lowest priority: 


SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST);

    1. Thread Issues

Starting too many threads may be difficult in 32-bit operating systems due to the large space needed in the kernel to handle thread control data. It is recommended that you use a system with at least 2 GB of RAM and a 64-bit operating system. 


Here are several suggestions that will overcome problems with running out of thread memory in the kernel (which usually manifests itself in calls to bad_alloc() with out-of-memory errors in

Debug mode). First, reduce the reserve stack size in the project using Visual Studio .NET 2013: 


Project Properties->Linker->System->Stack Reserve Size = 65536


Second, use Windows Task Manager to see the number of threads actually running and make your code report any errors returned from CreateThread to the user. To see the thread count per process, use View->Select Columns in Task Manager. 

    1. DNS Lookup Issues

During crawling, you may generate a huge amount of traffic to your local DNS server (the default DNS server at my computer is and potentially crash it. This may lead to suspicion that you are performing malicious activity and purposely trying to compromise network security. To find out your local DNS server, go to the command prompt and type nslookup without any arguments.


To avoid complications, you should reset the DNS server of your own computer using one of the following methods. You need administrator privileges to switch the DNS server.  


Method 1 (for students who live on campus):  Run DNS queries slowly, since we do not want to overwhelm UD DNS servers.   


Method 2 (recommended for all students): you can install a free trial version of Simple DNS Plus ( After you install DNS locally on your computer, you may set the local DNS server to Go into Network Connections->Local Area Connection

(Properties)->Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (Properties) and modify the field called “Preferred DNS server” by entering Then gethostbyname will send all lookup requests to your local computer. 


Method 3 (not recommended, but a working method): Use Google Public DNS at In this case, you do not need to install any DNS server at your computer, but run the lookups slowly on Google DNS.    


To verify that DNS is working as intended, run nslookup at the command prompt.  

    1. Wireshark

Wireshark ( is a software package that allows you to intercept all packets sent and received by your computer. Wireshark allows you to diagnose implementation problems encountered in this and other homework. 

    1. Debug vs. Release Mode

When using a large number of threads, always run your code in Release mode as it runs 50 times faster in STL functions and occupies 50% less memory. For scalar classes inserted into STL sets, you can roughly estimate 60 bytes per entry in Debug mode and 30 bytes in Release mode. If you insert other STL objects (such as strings, unordered_set) into a set, then count a minimum of 90 bytes per entry plus the length of the string in Debug mode and 55 bytes in Release mode. 


Furthermore, to avoid swapping to disk and showing unacceptably low performance in your report, check that the total memory usage in Task Manager is well below your physical RAM size. You can notice that something is wrong when increasing the number of threads beyond some threshold (such as 2500) leads to significantly lower performance. 


CPS 470/570: Computer Networks

Assignment #1-part 2 Notes on Grading


  1. Part 2 (25 points): 100 webpages, one week


1.1. Sample run:

Your program must accept two arguments, where the first one indicates the number of threads to run and the second one the input file:


python [1] URL-input.txt











[1] .2. Grading chart


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