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Homework answers / question archive / question 1 Select any gang, sex crime, or pornography-related issue/story in the news this week

question 1 Select any gang, sex crime, or pornography-related issue/story in the news this week


question 1

Select any gang, sex crime, or pornography-related issue/story in the news this week. What, if any, public policy implications are associated with this story? Offer additional thoughts and opinions or related course material/references to support your assessment.


Reply 1


Today NBC News reports that reality star Josh Duggar was found guilty in his child sex abuse image trial.  Duggar was convicted of downloading and possessing child sex abuse images on his work computer (Dasrath 2021).   The prosecutor argued that Duggar use enhancement software on his work computer that allowed his downloads to go undetected, but through their undercover investigation they discovered his actions.  At sentencing he can face up to 20 yrs. i prison and up to $250,000.00 per count.  The U.S. Attorney General stated that his office had implemented policy that all abusers would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, regardless of their wealth, status or position. 

Duggar and his defense team has stated that he will appeal the judgement.  They stated that the prosecution did not prove all of its case and the computer at work was accessible to other people.  They also stated that the prior evidence of his child molestation should not have been allowed at the trial because it poisoned the juror.  His parents released a statement saying that they would continue to pray and support their child.  They also stated that his faith was in the hands of God, whom they trusted. 


Reply 2

On December 9, 2021 a major bust was made involving a San Bernardino, California gang and netting an arrest of 180 individuals. The investigation found that illegal guns and drugs were being trafficked between San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange County, and Mexico. Nelson (2021) said "

During the course of the investigation, coined “Operation Westside Jenga,” police seized 92 handguns, 19 assault weapons, more than $295,000 in cash and hundreds of pounds of methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin and fentanyl. Several potential shootings and armed robberies were thwarted, and evidence collected by investigators during the investigation assisted in the closure of two homicide cases, police said. Additionally, investigators infiltrated and shut down 30 illegal gambling operations and seized more than 100 high-end gambling machines. The facilities were linked to five homicides, four attempted murders and other crimes in 2021, authorities said" (para. 6-7). The Westside Verdugo street gang was trafficking guns and drugs and also running illegal gambling rings. This was a bust that usually involves federal authorities, but California has decided to keep this case inside of the state's hands and use their own prosecutors to try the case. Most gangs focus on trafficking drugs and weapons. Whether large or small, these items are big business for street gangs. Okada, Maguire, & Sardina (2018) said "Eight out of ten law enforcement agencies nationwide contend that drug trafficking is the most predominant influence on local gang violence" (p. 162). Gang violence is also a main concern. This bust helped to prevent shootings, robberies, and murders that were being planned in these three large California cities. 


question 2

Every day we read or hear in the news about police officers and the use of force. Issues regarding the use of force can cause significant levels of stress for police officers in the performance of their duties. This stress can lead to police suicide. Police officers have one of the highest suicide rates among professionals in the United States. How should we measure excessive force? What can be done to reduce the level of stress for police officers?


Reply 1

While there is no set definition that can explain excessive force, the law has given leniency to law enforcement officers (police officers, jail staff, and prison officers) to carry out the commission of their duties.  Sometimes some level of force is needed in order to accomplish that mission (Chowdri 2021)/  When the situation escalates quickly, then the lever of force that should be used is enough to diffuse the situation without causing harm to yourself or to others.  In other cases, I believe that the use of force spectrum should be used to determine if excessive force was warranted and /or subsequently used.  For example, in an ideal situation an officer should use the following graduated method to diffuse a situation, physical presence, (using mere presence), verbalization, (using non-threatening requests to direct orders), empty hand control (using physical body force through grabs, holds, punches or kicks), less lethal method (using weapons such as batons, tasers or chemical sprays) and lastly lethal force ( using lethal weapons such as firearms) (FindLaw 2020).

Some ways in which police officers can reduce stress is by first recognizing that they are stressed, seek help (many don't for fear they will appear weak), take regular vacations (to decompress from the perils of the job), reduce the amount of overtime, create a "patrol buddy" program and make time to check on each other (Police 1 2017).


Reply 2

Officers occasionally have to use excessive force in their positions. These situations can place an extreme amount of stress on the officer. Should an officer have to use deadly force on somebody, this is something that they will suffer with for the rest of their lives. This is one main reason that an officer may choose to take their own life. Mays & Ruddell (2018) said "One of the challenges for officers is that while these policies look good on paper they make less sense when they are confronting potentially dangerous individuals in highly stressful situations where officers fear being harmed. A Pew Research Center (Morin, Parker, Stepler & Mercer, 2017, p. 8) study of almost 8,000 police officers revealed that 84 percent worried about their personal safety at least some of the time, and 86 percent believed the public did not understand the risks they took on the job" (p. 76). Law enforcement officers are placed in danger ever single day. This level of concern for their own safety can also cause a high amount of stress. This stress can lead to them losing their families, their happiness, and their lives. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (2021) said "Peer support serves as a powerful resource for police in addressing stress management, mental health concerns, suicide prevention, and overall officer safety and wellness. This resource outlines how peer support can best integrate suicide prevention strategies to support fellow officers, and considerations for peers to consider for their own wellness" (para. 3). The use of peer support is one way that law enforcement officers can talk to someone that understands exactly what they are dealing with. These supports are people that have been in similar situations and can relate to what the officer is going through. The officer being able to talk to someone that has been in the same situation can be the difference between an officer living and an officer dying needlessly.





question 3 

Gun ownership is an on-going political issue in America. Some individuals in our country see additional gun control laws as an erosion of their 2nd Amendment Rights. How do we balance 2nd Amendment rights against the need to control crime in our society? How do we explain gun violence-related crime rates in cities with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country? Will new gun control legislation help reduce gun violence and gun-related crime? Why or why not?


Reply 1

Even though the constitution upholds the rights for individuals to bare arms, it or the law should also be aware of the responsibilities that are associated with this issue.  Those responsibilities should take into account that as a society we have the right to be safe by ensuring that our elected officials institute laws that are designed to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people is paramount.  For example, people who suffer from mental problems or criminals (Marshall 2021).  One of the cities in the U. S. that has a high gun violence -related crime rate despite having strict gun laws is Chicago (Kurtzleben 2017).  In 2016, there were over 4000 shooting victims and gun homicides rose by 61% between 2015 and 2016, which was the most significant factor is the rise of the homicide rate during that time period (Kurtzleben 2017).

One significant factor as to why Chicago has a high gun-violence rate is because their neighboring States (Wisconsin and Indiana) have very loose gun laws.  Since neither State requires licenses or permits to purchase a gun, it makes it easier for Chicagoan (criminal types) to cross the border to obtain these weapons (Kurtzleben 2017).  Many of the illegal guns recovered during this period came from the two neighboring states Wisconsin and Indiana.  Even though one state is doing their best to keep gun control to a minimum and other states have no regard for establishing gun laws make it very difficult for states like Chicago. 


Reply 2


Gun control is a very touchy subject in the United States. There is a need to balance our Second Amendment rights and control crime. There can be some regulations put in place that still keep our Second Amendment rights in tact and attempt to keep guns out of the hands of people that are not fit enough to own a gun. The only way to explain the violent crimes in cities with strict gun control laws is that it is not the gun, but the people using the guns. New gun control legislation will not solve the problem. The problem won't be solved until humanity stops being hateful and offended about everything. Mays & Ruddell (2018) said "First, most people who have mental health problems are not dangerous. For example, should a person who was treated for depression as a college student be restricted from owning a firearm later in life? Rozel and Mulvey (2017, p. 461) observe that “Any intervention focusing on the link between mental illness and violence will have limited impact on overall gun violence. The amount of violence in general, and gun violence in particular, involving mentally ill individuals is so small that focusing on this aspect of the problem is largely a distraction.” Similar challenges exist for persons who are alcohol or drug dependent when it comes to the issue of restricting their ability to own a gun" (p. 102). The real issue is hate. People with so much hate is the root cause of violence. Hate and a lack of self control. Until humanity changes no amount of legislation will stop gun violence. 

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