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Homework answers / question archive / Structure of Programming Languages1

Structure of Programming Languages1

Computer Science

Structure of Programming Languages1. (2) This expression can be evaluated inside-out or outside in: x=sqrt( 3*z - floor(y))Which function is called first in an inside-out evaluation?Which is called first in an outside-in evaluation?2. (2) What is the difference between a conditional statement and a conditional expression? Note that aconditional expression is NOT what you might write in the parentheses of a while statement.3. (2) What restrictions are necessary in a C for loop to ensure that you can predict the tripcount aheadof time?4. (2) List the jump statements (things like break, continue, goto, and exceptions) that are supported inRuby. Explain briefly how each one works.5. (2) After reading the relevant section in the text, explain why unrestricted control statements (goto)make it difficult to translate and maintain a large program.

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