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Homework answers / question archive / My nonhuman primate is lemur and comparing to Emperor tamarin Project 2 (due Sunday of week 4): A) Create an informational slide on either a nonhuman primate or hominin species of your choice and B) compare with a classmate Part A: Choose and research a nonhuman primate or hominin species** that has not already been chosen by anyone in your Anth 261 group/squad

My nonhuman primate is lemur and comparing to Emperor tamarin Project 2 (due Sunday of week 4): A) Create an informational slide on either a nonhuman primate or hominin species of your choice and B) compare with a classmate Part A: Choose and research a nonhuman primate or hominin species** that has not already been chosen by anyone in your Anth 261 group/squad


My nonhuman primate is lemur and comparing to Emperor tamarin Project 2 (due Sunday of week 4): A) Create an informational slide on either a nonhuman primate or hominin species of your choice and B) compare with a classmate Part A: Choose and research a nonhuman primate or hominin species** that has not already been chosen by anyone in your Anth 261 group/squad. Describe the following information about your primate on a slide that you create using software such as PowerPoint or Keynote and upload your slide to the Project 2 discussion topic. **Remember to phrase ideas IN YOUR OWN WORDS to avoid plagiarism (a form of academic misconduct that can stay on your transcript forever) and demonstrate your understanding of the topic. If you use a source to find the information you are writing about, cite it just after the information in the body of your project (author, year) AND copy the complete reference in to your reference section (review avoiding plagiarism section near the top of the bi-weekly project assignments document if you have not already) ** Note, some common names for primates refer to multiple species. For example gorillas and orangutans each refer to a genus of primates containing 2 or more species. An example of an even broader group is lemurs. The word lemurs describes an entire infraorder consisting of many taxonomic families, genera, and species. You must narrow down your choice to one species. i. ii. iii. What is the common name of your primate or hominin? 1 pt _________ (make sure to list your name somewhere on the slide or in the slide title too so we know who created your slide) What is the scientific name of your primate/hominin (i.e. to what genus and species does your primate/hominin belong? These should be italicized and the genus should be capitalized, e.g. Cebus capucinus, Homo sapiens). 1 pt _________ Use a taxonomic table, such as the one below, to identify the Suborder (note that Clade-based is preferred over grade-based), Infraorder, and Family to which your primate/hominin belongs. Cross-check your taxonomy with (nonhuman primates) or (hominins) to make sure that it is accurate and up to date. Briefly describe which species are included in each of these taxa. 2 pt _________ o Example: The scientific name for white-faced capuchins is Cebus capucinus which means that they belong to the genus Cebus and the species capucinus. White-faced capuchins belong to the family Cebidae along with squirrel monkeys and owl monkeys, and to the Infraorder platyrrhini along with the rest of the New World monkeys (these include marmosets, tamarins, spider monkeys, and howler monkeys), and to the suborder Haplorhini which includes all of the New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, apes, and tarsiers. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Use the phylogenetic tree, such as the one below, to identify when your primate/hominin last shared a common ancestor with humans. 2 pts _________ Briefly describe your primate/hominin’s ecology including their: (Make sure to cite your sources) o diet 1.5 pts ______ o social structure 1.5 pts ______ o mating structure 1.5 pts ______ i. I.e. does your primate have a mating system that is polygynous (uni-male multifemale), promiscuous (multi-male multi-female), polyandrous (uni-female multimale), or monogamous? Use the correct terminology and explain what it means. o geographic range 1.5 pts ______ o habitat 1.5 pts ______ o style of locomotion 1.5 pts ______ Hypothesize about how the different aspects of your primate/hominin’s ecology, that you described for part v of the rubric, may influence other aspects of your primate/hominin’s ecology, or aspects of your primate/hominin’s morphology or physiology (such as brain size, body size, digestion rates, tri-color vs bi-color vision, etc.). 3 pts ______ o How to think about these things. i. An example: Terrestrial primates tend to live in larger social groups than do arboreal primates. Why might this be? What does google scholar say? ii. Another example: some primates live in matrilineal groups (the females stay in their natal/birth group) whereas other primates live in patrilineal societies (the males stay in their birth groups). In still other primates, both sexes leave at maturity. What factors determine which sex leaves at maturity? iii. Consider how diet, predation risk, and competition over resources and mates influence social and mating structure. Include a photo or drawing of your primate/hominin. 1 pt _________ Cite 2 or more scholarly and course-related sources within the text (author, date) and at the end of the document in a reference section/bibliography (APA format). 3 pts _____ Project does a good job of synthesizing relevant content from the class and outside sources. It is detailed, uses correct scientific terminology, and demonstrates the author’s knowledge and comprehension of the material. 3 pts ______ Part B: Read through your classmates’ slides and identify a species that is either very similar or very different from yours. Describe two or more similarities and two or more differences between your species and theirs. Hypothesize (come up with a potential evolutionary explanation) about which factors could have selected for one of these differences. x. xi. Identify a species that either very similar or very different from yours 1 pt ______ Describe two or more similarities between your species and theirs 1 pt ______ xii. xiii. Describe two or more differences between your species and theirs 1 pt ______ Hypothesize about which factors could have selected for one difference 2 pts ______ As for all projects remember: The objective of these unit projects is to apply the concepts that you learned in the video lectures and reading to a new set of questions. Your unit projects should demonstrate your thoughtful understanding of the topics covered in the readings, video lectures, and videos. Good unit projects will provide complete definitions and explanations, and will demonstrate your ability to apply the knowledge you have gained on a recent topic to new questions in original ways. Common mistakes to avoid: Sloppy, unprofessional writing lacking in clarity and content, overly "fluffed" up writing with personal anecdotes that do not clearly relate to the topic, rhetorical questions, and redundant sections.

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