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Homework answers / question archive / You will be responsible for a research Term Paper (Run Your Own Multinational Corporation (MNC)), as detailed below: - Think of an idea for your own MNC to conduct international business

You will be responsible for a research Term Paper (Run Your Own Multinational Corporation (MNC)), as detailed below: - Think of an idea for your own MNC to conduct international business


You will be responsible for a research Term Paper (Run Your Own
Multinational Corporation (MNC)), as detailed below:

- Think of an idea for your own MNC to conduct international business. Your idea
should be simplified to the degree that you could possibly implement it someday.
However, your idea should also be sufficiently creative to be successful if done
properly. Your idea should focus on one country and one foreign currency, since
many MNCs are focused in this manner when they are first created. So that you can
recognize the issues regarding exchange rate risk that are discussed throughout this
text, you should assume that you will receive foreign currency when selling your
product. Your idea should be for a small MNC instead of a large MNC because even
most large MNCs began as small firms. - Every week, you will be asked a set of questions related to the chapter covered in
that particular week. You need to research, analyze, and respond to each question. - Responses to these questions should be part of your Term Paper. Your paper must
cover all the questions that were raised and you should supplement content with
the material that you think will provide more insight and in-depth analysis. - All such responses along with supplemental research should be assembled in one
portfolio called, “Run Your Own MNC”. This portfolio will be approximately
15-18 double-spaced pages (with complete references). - Students are expected to submit this portfolio electronically by Saturday (11:59
PM) of Week 13. Late submission will be penalized @10% for each day’s delay. - Your paper will be run through SafeAssign to make sure that it does not have
more than 20% content matching other sources. Otherwise, it will be reported
to college for violation of our Academic Integrity Policy.
Emphasis will be on the understanding of the problems, critical evaluation as well as
the ability to clearly communicate proposed solutions. Your final project is your major
contribution, where you will exhibit your learning.

Now I will explain to you the advantages of using SafeAssign as a learning tool.

SafeAssign helps prevent plagiarism by providing both the student and the professor a
feedback report that compares any student work submitted through the software with a
comprehensive database of books, journals, websites and papers written by other
students. Some of the writing assignments in this course will use Blackboard’s
SafeAssign software to help students improve their skill at paraphrasing statements
contained in research on a topic and to help increase awareness of the proper use of
citation when a student writes a paper using ideas or statements taken from a research
source. For any assignment requiring research and/or requiring more than two pages of
writing, students will be expected to submit that assignment through SafeAssign in
Blackboard, following the submission guidelines given with the assignment instructions.
Prior to submitting a final draft of an assignment, students will have the opportunity to
submit several drafts of that assignment to SafeAssign in order to get sufficient feedback
from SafeAssign reports to help minimize the risk of plagiarism. If the assignment
continues to have evidence of plagiarism in the final draft of the assignment, the
professor will file a report for submittal to the Department Chair/Dean documenting the
use of the paper as an action of academic dishonesty. If a student fails to submit an
assignment to SafeAssign, the professor will assign a grade of zero for that assignment.
By submitting a paper to SafeAssign, that paper will become source material included in
the SafeAssign database.

In each chapter of this text, you have the opportunity to apply the key concepts to your
own idea about running an MNC. Many existing MNCs are small firms that focus on
exporting a single product to a single country. The exported products could be sold to a
single distributor based in a foreign country or could even be sold through the mail
based on demand from mail-order ads. Your idea may be an extension of an idea you
had for a business within the United States. It should focus on one particular foreign
country and one particular foreign currency (the local currency of that country), since
many of the questions within this project will allow you to learn more about that country
and currency.

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