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Homework answers / question archive / Instructions: I) This paper consists of four sections: Iden2fy an ethical issue that is common in an Early learning classroom/se6ng

Instructions: I) This paper consists of four sections: Iden2fy an ethical issue that is common in an Early learning classroom/se6ng



I) This paper consists of four sections:

  1. Iden2fy an ethical issue that is common in an Early learning classroom/se6ng. Write a descrip2on of how this issue is relevant to your professional iden2ty
  2. Specify a ra2onale for choosing this issue; detail your involvement (if any)
  3. Ethical and/or legal facts about the scenario.   


  1. Apply each step (1-10) of the ethical decision-making model to your ethical issue.  Please use ethical decisionmaking model. 


  1. Discuss how a decision was made to resolve the ethical issue; offer three key reasons. In your concluding remarks, comment how this model could be used in your future personal or professional life. 


    • Please follow APA guidelines and site a minimum of five related references. References can be comprised of chapters and ar2cles provided in this course or relevant scholarly literature. 
    • Paper should not exceed 10 double-spaced pages (not including references). 
    • Paper and template (as a Word document or PDF)

Ethical Decision Making Paper Rubric

Scoring Level/ Themes

Exemplary  (5)

Exceeds Requirements (4)

Meets Requirements (3)

Beginning (1)


Ethical issue

Describes the ethical issues and poten2al ques2ons and how the important people in the case study relate to the ethical issues.

Describes the ethical issues and poten2al ques2ons and how the important people in the case study relate to the ethical issues but descrip2on lacks depth or detail

Somewhat describes the ethical issues and poten2al ques2ons and the important people in the case study

Does not describe the ethical issues and poten2al ques2ons and the important people in the case study



Clearly iden2fies the reasoning on why the ethical issue is relevant to the field and scope of prac2ce. The paper uses relevant examples (4 or more) and jus2fica2on to strengthen discussion.

Clearly iden2fies the reasoning on why the ethical issue is relevant to the field and scope of prac2ce. The paper uses relevant examples (2-3) and jus2fica2on to strengthen discussion.

Somewhat iden2fies the reasoning on why the ethical issue is relevant. The paper uses an example to strengthen discussion.

Somewhat iden2fies the reasoning on why the ethical issue is relevant.


Ethical and/or legal facts about the scenario

All relevant facts iden2fied appropriately. Who, what, where, when, how and why were all addressed, as appropriate. Unavailable facts that were rela2ve to the ethical outcome were also iden2fied. Facts were assembled and logically explained.

All relevant facts iden2fied. Who, what, where, when, how and why were all addressed, as appropriate. Unavailable facts that were rela2ve to the ethical outcome were also iden2fied.

Some relevant facts iden2fied. Who, what, where, when, how and why were somewhat addressed, as appropriate.

Few to none relevant facts iden2fied. Who, what, where, when, how and why were not addressed. Facts were not assembled and logically explained.



Discussion on reaching resolu2on

Solu2on and ethical analysis is logical and clearly presented at a level that reflects extensive reflec2on and insight. Sites a minimum of five related references. References can be comprised of chapters and ar2cles provided in this course or relevant scholarly literature acquired in other BELCD courses.

Solu2on and ethical analysis is logical and presented at a level that reflects good reflec2on and insight. Sites 3-5 related references.

Solu2on and ethical analysis is presented at a basic level that reflects some thought. Sites 1-2 related references.

Solu2on and ethical analysis is stated. Sites 1 related reference.



The conclusion sa2sfactorily 2es the paper together and follows a logical reasoning. The conclusion reflects on how this model could be used in your future personal or

professional life

The conclusion sa2sfactorily 2es the paper together and follows a logical reasoning.

The conclusion somewhat 2es the paper together and follows a logical reasoning. The conclusion reflects slightly on how this model could be used in your future personal or professional life

The conclusion does not 2e the paper together and does not

follow a logical reasoning. The conclusion does not reflects on how this model could be used in your future personal or professional life


Wri2ng Conven2on

Paper follows APA guidelines and all references are APA aligned. Paper is 10 double-spaced pages. Has few to none spelling and gramma2cal errors.

Paper mostly follows APA guidelines and most references are APA aligned.

7-9 pages are submi^ed. Has some spelling and gramma2cal errors.

Paper somewhat follows APA guidelines and some references are APA aligned. 6-7 pages are submi^ed. Has some many and gramma2cal errors.

Not APA aligned. Paper has many referencing, spelling and gramma2cal errors.

3-6 pages submi^ed.



Very Crea2ve, fun and engaging

Crea2ve, fun and engaging

Somewhat Crea2ve, fun and engaging

Not so Crea2ve, fun and engaging



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