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Eastern Michigan University
MKT 510A
Chapter 5-Analyzing Consumer Markets
True/ Questions
1)Nike sponsored the Brazilian national football team in order to “authenticate” the brand
Eastern Michigan University
MKT 510A
Chapter 5-Analyzing Consumer Markets
True/ Questions
1)Nike sponsored the Brazilian national football team in order to “authenticate” the brand
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Eastern Michigan University
MKT 510A
Chapter 5-Analyzing Consumer Markets
True/ Questions
1)Nike sponsored the Brazilian national football team in order to “authenticate” the brand.
- Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a person’s wants and behavior.
- Social classes are relatively heterogeneous and enduring divisions in a society.
- If you reject the values of a particular group, it is considered a dissociative group.
- Religious, professional, and trade union groups are types of secondary reference groups.
- An opinion leader is a person who offers informal advice or information about some product category.
- The value of the social class concept to marketers is that members of a given class tend to share similar values, interests, and behavior.
- Usually people from the same subculture, social class, and/or occupation have essentially the same lifestyle.
- One’s family of orientation and one’s family of procreation are the same thing for most people.
- Family members constitute the most influential primary reference group.
- The buyer’s age and occupation are considered personal factors that may affect buying decisions.
- Perception involves selecting, organizing, and interpreting information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world.
- Most human behavior is learned.
- A brand’s mental map is meant to illustrate consumers’ memory retrieval.
- The buying decision process will involve all the same stages sequentially regardless of whether the purchase reflects high or low involvement.
- If in order to buy a computer, James visited several electronic stores, read magazine reviews, and talked to several friends, we would say he faced a highly involving purchase.
- The consumer’s evaluation of alternatives begins with a need, progresses through analysis of the bundle of attributes, and results in a determination of the benefits the consumer needs to meet his/her needs.
- Post-purchase satisfaction is a function of the consumer’s product expectations and the product’s perceived performance. True
- Marketers can use post-purchase communications to reduce order cancellations.
- Consumer product disposal is of little interest to marketers. Multiple Choice Questions
- Each of the following is considered consumer behavior, EXCEPT:
- selection of a product.
- production of a concert.
- use of public transit.
- acceptance of a political idea.
- disposal of trash.
- Which factors have the broadest and deepest influence on consumer behavior?
- Personal.
- Organizational.
- Social.
- Cultural.
- Psychological.
- Within China, Tibetans, Buddhists, and the Han Chinese are all examples of:
- social classes.
- subcultures.
- psychographically defined groups.
- geographically defined groups.
- cultures.
- are relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions in society, and may exhibit distinct product, brand, and media preferences.
- Subcultures
- Reference groups
- Social classes
- Demographic groups
- Cultures
- Lee is constantly begging his mother to buy him an iPod because the most popular kids at his school all have one. His mother contends that he’ll just break or lose the music player if she buys it for him. For Lee, the most popular kids in his school are an example of a .
- subculture
- reference group
- social class
- demographic group
- culture
- A(n) is likely to offer informal advice and information about a product or product category.
- primary reference group
- aspirational reference group
- opinion leader
- brand monger
- diversity marketing program
- Li Ming worked in the Chinese Navy from 1994–2001. He still holds fast to the values he learned while a sailor and even has contact with some of his Navy buddies sporadically. His allegiance to the Navy affects his opinions about many facets of life. For Li Ming the Navy is a(n) reference group.
- aspirational
- secondary
- dissociative
- associative
- primary
- are those groups a person hopes to join.
- Aspirational groups
- Dissociative groups
- Membership groups
- Family group
- Professional groups
- Which of the following types of groups consists of members whose values or behavior an individual rejects?
- Aspirational groups.
- Dissociative groups.
- Membership groups.
- Family group.
- Professional groups.
- One’s family of is made up of one’s parents and siblings.
- preference
- orientation
- invention
- procreation
- later life
- Which of the following is the most influential primary reference group?
- Family.
- Social class.
- Friends.
- Coworkers.
- Celebrities.
- A consists of the activities that a person is expected to perform.
- role
- value
- culture
- position
- moral
- Which of the following would NOT be considered a personal factor that might influence consumer buying behavior?
- Age.
- Economic circumstances.
- Personality.
- Values.
- All of the above are all personal factors that might influence consumer buying behavior.
- David Zhou is married, has one kid at home at the ages of 12, and has moved up to middle management. This information tells us which stage of the cycle David is in.
- psychological life
- business
- consumer household
- family life
- socio-demographic
- refers to the distinguishing psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and enduring responses to the environment.
- Personality
- Self-concept
- Self-image
- Attitude
- Perception
- Aaron’s hunting and fishing activities, his interest in military history, and his opinions about an all-volunteer army reflect his .
- self-concept
- personality
- social class
- lifestyle
- demographics
- is a person’s pattern of living in the world as expressed in activities, interests, and opinions.
- Self-concept
- Personality
- Social class
- Lifestyle
- Demographics
- Which of the following needs, as identified by Abraham Maslow, could also be described as biogenic motives?
- Social and esteems needs.
- Psychological and physiological needs.
- Self-actualization and esteem needs.
- Physiological and safety needs.
- Social, esteem, and self-actualization needs.
- Biogenic needs arise from of tension, such as hunger, thirst, and discomfort.
- motivational states
- psychogenic states
- increased intensity
- psychological states
- physiological states
- assumed that the psychological forces shaping people’s behavior are largely at the subconscious level and that people cannot fully understand their own motivations.
- Dr. Phil
- Sigmund Freud
- Frederick Herzberg
- Abraham Maslow
- Philip Kotler
- A is a need that is sufficiently pressing to drive the person to act.
- personality
- value
- moral
- motive
- belief
- On the way to work, Jason drives past at least 150 signs for businesses and hears at least 20 commercials on the radio. Yet, if you ask Jason to name a single brand or commercial he has been exposed to lately, he can only think of one—an ad for his
favorite beer brand, Tsingtao Beer. This is an example of .
- selective attention
- selective distortion
- selective retention
- selective memory
- selective disposal
- refers to when a person learns to recognize differences in similar sets of stimuli and adjust responses accordingly.
- Learning
- Generalization
- Discrimination
- Cue formation
- Attention
- The process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world is called .
- impression
- perception
- cognition
- comprehension
- conviction
- Aunt Marry is a hard person to buy a gift for. Her birthday is about a week away, and she has hinted to her nephew Peter how nice a digital camera would be. Suddenly, Peter starts seeing ads for digital cameras in newspaper and magazines and on billboards. When he goes with his girlfriend to one of GOME Electronic Appliance stores, he notices digital camera displays that he can’t recall ever noticing before. Peter is probably engaging in .
- selective attention
- perceptual aggregation
- selective distortion
- selective retention
- perceptual cuing
- While watching “Super Girls”, Yanling saw an ad for an upset stomach remedy. Although the ad was for Yunnan Baiyao, Yanling thought the ad was for her favorite brand—Tongrentang. This is an example of .
- information overload
- selective attention
- perceptual aggregation
- selective retention
- selective distortion
- While watching “Meet on the Road of Health,” Grant noticed the show had a feature on Huakang, a food supplement that helps lower cholesterol. He has taken Huakang for
the last year and is convinced it is the only reason he is able to keep his cholesterol numbers in check. The feature began with a description of how the product works and concluded with a discussion of its potential negative side effects. Grant called his brother to tell him how the feature supported his belief in how well Huakang works at lowering cholesterol. Due to , Grant did not remember the negative side effects associated with Huakang use.
- information overload
- selective attention
- perceptual aggregation
- selective retention
- selective distortion
- involves changes in an individual’s behavior that arise from experience.
- Learning
- Personality
- Attitude
- Perception
- Culture
- consist of all brand-related thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs, and attitudes that become linked to a brand node in the associative network of a person’s long-term memory.
- Encoded information
- Decoded information
- Liminal associations
- Brand associations
- Subliminal associations
- What type of information cannot be stored in a consumer’s memory network?
- Verbal.
- Visual.
- Abstract.
- Contextual.
- All of the above may all be stored in a consumer’s memory network.
- The first step in the buying process is the .
- information search
- evaluation of alternatives
- purchase decision
- location of alternatives
- recognition of the need or problem
- Usually, the consumer receives the most information exposure about a product from
- personal
- commercial
- organizational
- public
- experiential
- A(n) is a descriptive thought a person holds about something.
- attitude
- conviction
- perception
- opinion
- belief
- Benson’s computer has broken. He decides to buy a new one. After studying all the information he can get his hands on about computers, he realizes that he likes the following brands: Levono, IBM and Dell. After more research, Benson decides that IBM will be the best for him. The Levono and the Dell make up Benson’s .
- awareness set
- total set
- choice set
- consideration set
- aspiration set
- Kim Gao is considering buying a new truck. Due to budget considerations, he has
eliminated all brands and models priced over ¥300,000. He also believes strongly in buying “made in China” whenever possible, so he has eliminated all foreign brands from his list. The remaining vehicles make up his set.
- total
- consideration
- choice
- awareness
- information
- Because attitudes are very difficult to change, a company would be well advised to
- use care when trying to change people’s attitudes
- fit its products in with existing attitudes rather than try to change people’s attitudes
- avoid all consumers who have negative attitudes
- use aggressive campaigns to influence trusted opinion leaders
- seek only consumers who are positively predisposed to its products
- Rhiannon is looking to buy a new computer and has narrowed her choices down to three, an Apple iMac, a Dell, and a Lenovo. Her most important attributes for the new machine are (in order of importance) price, speed, physical appearance, and compatibility. As she does a little research online, Rhiannon decides that the Lenovo is the cheapest, the Dell is the fastest, and the iMac is the nicest looking. Which will she buy?
- She’ll buy the Lenovo because it’s the cheapest.
- You need to know how important price is over the other attributes before you can
- She’ll buy the iMac, if it goes on sale for cheaper.
- What she chooses will depend on Rhiannon’s mood at the time.
- With more detail you could make a decent guess, but not predict for sure
- The sudden loss of a job, a rainstorm, an encounter with a rude sales clerk, and forgetting to go by the cash machine are all examples of that can change the outcome of a consumer buying situation.
- perceived risk
- others’ attitudes
- motivational modifications
- unanticipated situational factors
- personality changes
- Customer win-back is based on the premise that .
- reasons for customer dissatisfaction are normally well understood
- it can cost less to win back a lost customer than to attract a new customer
- real repositioning is stronger than competitive depositioning
- a company do not like to embarrass outgoing customers with surveys
- customers cannot usually give good reasons for not continuing with a brand Essay Questions
- Tiffany Abdul is 16 years old. She won’t be seen in public without her cell phone. She hangs around with a group of people who have formed a Coldplay (a popular power- ballad rock band) fan club. She has gone to the country club every weekend since she can remember. She likes to take tennis lessons. She is a member of her high school’s varsity dancing team. Her parents would like her to join the Student Union (her grades are good enough), but she thinks its members are losers. Her boyfriend is a player on the basketball team. In a short essay, identify the different types of reference groups that might influence Tiffany and discuss three ways they might influence her consumer behavior.
- Deng Wei is a 41-year-old welder, a divorcee, and a single father of an unemployed
19-year-old son Jimmy who lives at home and attends a few community college classes.
Deng’s income last year was ¥7,500. Deng’s favorite time of the week is when he gets
together with friends on Friday night to play Mah-Jong. In a short essay, discuss the roles and statuses, and the personal factors that are likely to influence the consumer buying patterns of Deng’s household.
- Aubrey, Will, and Miguel were watching the Loess Plateau in Northern China on television when a Dodge truck commercial came on followed shortly by one for Toyota trucks. Will is in the market for a new truck, so he paid close attention to both commercials. Aubrey saw the same commercial and wondered why anyone would want to run a shiny new truck through all that mud. If you had to drive it in the mud, then a truck was not for her. Miguel used to have a Toyota truck and decided that if his experience were any indicator, the Toyota truck truly is “the mayor of Truckville.”(which was actually used in Dodge ads). In a short essay, discuss how their responses to the TV commercials illustrate perception?
- The information search in the buying decision process involves gathering information from a number of sources. In a short essay, name the four different sources and give examples of each source an individual could use when buying new carpeting.
- Explain how the high-involvement consumer task of buying a vehicle might look, using the Five-Stage Model of the Consumer Buying Process.
Mini-Cases Mini-Case 5-1
Yao Fei is shopping for a new car. He is very concerned about receiving value for his money. He believes cars are transportation and should be driven until they fall apart. He does not understand how people can trade in their car for a new one every few years. This view of cars is very much a part of his Chinese heritage. Yao’s lifestyle can be best described as comfortable, frugal, reflective, mature, and stable. He favors durability, functionality, and value in the products he buys. He must have a vehicle that is large enough to hold him, his wife, and his two teenagers comfortably. After talking to his wife, his brother, and a few co-workers, Yao test drives a minivan but decides he likes SUVs with V-8 engines.
- Refer to Mini-Case 5-1. Yao’s views about cars are an expression of the factors that affect consumer buying behavior.
- cultural
- social
- organizational
- personal
- psychological
- Refer to Mini-Case 5-1. Yao is discussing his car purchase with his reference group.
- aspirational
- primary
- associative
- dissociative
- secondary
- Refer to Mini-Case 5-1. When looking for information, Yao used sources.
- primary and secondary
- public and personal
- commercial, public, and personal
- experiential and public
- personal and experiential
- Which of the following vehicle attributes do NOT seem to play a role in Yao’s alternative evaluation?
- Price.
- Passenger capacity.
- Reliability.
- Style.
- Engine size.
Mini-Case 5-2
Nate Hartman has been saving up his money for a new car, and has seen the Honda Element on the road and in ads in his favorite magazine, Vibe. The car’s funky shape and weird mix of form and function are attractive to Nate. Nate’s father, a university provost with a Ph.D. in economic history has definite opinions about the Element, “Just look at all that cheapo plastic molding, you can see this is a car aimed at low-class people who think lots of bumps are somehow classy - yuck!! You should consider something that is cool in a stealthier sort of way, what about a Scion tC, or an old, restored BMW 2002?” Nate has always trusted his dad’s advice about cars. Dr. Hartman drives a 3-year-old Volvo. Nate decides to wait a little longer, and think over the Element, and consider cars that his father is suggesting. He really doesn’t want his father to make fun of him if he chooses unwisely.
- Refer to Mini-Case 5-2. At what stage in the consumer decision-making process is Nate at the time of the case?
- Problem recognition.
- Information search.
- Purchase moment.
- Post-purchase behavior.
- Pre-recognition stage.
- Refer to Mini-Case 5-2. The Honda Element is no longer a part of Nate’s set.
- total set
- awareness set
- consideration set
- choice set
- More than one of the answers above could be correct.
- Refer to Mini-Case 5-2. When Nate finally makes his choice and buys another car, he will need to do something with his current transportation, a 1979 Mustang II with 181,000 miles on it. It seems like the car needs about $150 a month just to keep it on the road. Which of the following is NOT a way that consumers like Nate dispose of a product they no longer want?
- Lend it.
- Convert it to a new purpose.
- Create new space for it.
- Sell it.
- Throw it away.