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Homework answers / question archive / West Coast University PATHO 101 Patho Study Review Questions: Chapter 16 1)Which is a major determinant of diastolic blood pressure? Which best defines systolic blood pressure? Which term is determined by stroke volume, speed of ejection, and arterial distensibility? Cardiac output is the product of both which receptor is responsible for innervation of the arterioles? Which statement is true about baroreceptors? What is another name for vasopressin? Which term is used to identify hypertension that has a specific disease as its cause? Which situation causes an increase in blood pressure? Which statement is true regarding hypertension during pregnancy? Which statement is true regarding hypertension? Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) can be indirectly estimated with the use of which blood pressure measurement? Aortic and carotid baroreceptors are activated by                               , resulting in                             

West Coast University PATHO 101 Patho Study Review Questions: Chapter 16 1)Which is a major determinant of diastolic blood pressure? Which best defines systolic blood pressure? Which term is determined by stroke volume, speed of ejection, and arterial distensibility? Cardiac output is the product of both which receptor is responsible for innervation of the arterioles? Which statement is true about baroreceptors? What is another name for vasopressin? Which term is used to identify hypertension that has a specific disease as its cause? Which situation causes an increase in blood pressure? Which statement is true regarding hypertension during pregnancy? Which statement is true regarding hypertension? Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) can be indirectly estimated with the use of which blood pressure measurement? Aortic and carotid baroreceptors are activated by                               , resulting in                             


West Coast University


Patho Study Review Questions:

Chapter 16

1)Which is a major determinant of diastolic blood pressure?

  1. Which best defines systolic blood pressure?
  2. Which term is determined by stroke volume, speed of ejection, and arterial distensibility?
  3. Cardiac output is the product of both
  4. which receptor is responsible for innervation of the arterioles?
  5. Which statement is true about baroreceptors?
  6. What is another name for vasopressin?
  7. Which term is used to identify hypertension that has a specific disease as its cause?
  8. Which situation causes an increase in blood pressure?
  9. Which statement is true regarding hypertension during pregnancy?
  10. Which statement is true regarding hypertension?
  11. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) can be indirectly estimated with the use of which blood pressure measurement?
  12. Aortic and carotid baroreceptors are activated by                               , resulting in                              .
  13. The renin­angiotensin system (RAS) alters blood pressure in response to
  14. What stimulates the release of renin?
    1. Renal hypoperfusion
    2. Sympathetic activation
    3. Decreased sodium delivery
  15. What causes vasodilation?
    1. Nitric oxide
    2. Histamine
    3. Kinins
  16. Which is a risk factor associated with hypertension?
    1. Age
    2. African­american race
    3. History of tabacco smoking


  1. Which condition is an endocrine disorder that causes elevated blood pressure?
    1. Cushing disease
    2. Hyperthyroidism
  2. Systemic blood pressure is determined by which factor(s)?
    1. Heart rate (HR)
    2. Stroke volume (SV)
    3. Cardia output (CO)
    4. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
  3. Risk factors for the development of high blood pressure are which of the following?
    1. Age
    2. Race
    3. Diet
    4. Weight
  4. High blood pressure can be treated with lifestyle modification related to which of the following?
    1. Decreased sodium intake
    2. Relaxation techniques
    3. Weight management
    4. Exercise







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