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Homework answers / question archive / University of Dayton PHL 313 CHAPTER 1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1)Norman Bowie explains Kant’s approach to ethics in terms of: a

University of Dayton PHL 313 CHAPTER 1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1)Norman Bowie explains Kant’s approach to ethics in terms of: a


University of Dayton

PHL 313


Multiple-Choice Questions

1)Norman Bowie explains Kant’s approach to ethics in terms of:

a.            Aesthetics and beauty

b.            The greatest happiness principle

c.             The notion that work is a regrettable duty

d.            The categorical imperative

e.            The Golden Rule


2.            Kant formulates his ethical ideas in terms of:

a.            Utility

b.            Virtues

c.             Rules

d.            Feelings

e.            Relationships


3.            W. D. Ross offers a list of duties to guide how we treat other people, which does not include:

a.            Justice

b.            Fidelity

c.             Pleasure

d.            Gratitude

e.            Beneficence


4.            It is important for Hochschild’s discussion of service jobs that it is difficult to determine when:

a.            Trades are reasonable

b.            Places have different wages

c.             The job is done

d.            Work is done well

e.            Workers are paid fairly


5.            Hochschild defines “emotional labor” as:

a.            Less useful than physical labor

b.            A problem of courtesy and civility

c.             Not important for business ethics

d.            Work that you feel strongly about

e.            Suppressing feelings to maintain an appearance


6.            Barry says that advances in technology have changed workplace expression because:

a.            People talk on their cellphones at work.

b.            No one talks at the water cooler any more.

c.             There are new outlets for expression, like blogs and Internet forums.

d.            People use their work computers for private communication.

e.            It is easier to telecommute and work from home.


7.            According to Barry, employment law in the United States:

a.            Is the most advanced in the world

b.            Is not sufficient to protect employees’ right to freedom of expression

c.             Ensures that no one can be fired for speaking freely

d.            Protects employees’ private political beliefs

e.            Prevents an employer from punishing an employee who speaks out


8.            Keashly says that bullying behaviors are:

a.            Frequently repeated and prolonged over time

b.            Frequently repeated and physically violent

c.             Only engaged in by a boss or superior

d.            Only damaging to the person being bullied

e.            Very rare in the workplace


9.            According to Keashly, how is bullying different from other kinds of conflict between coworkers?

a.            Bullying makes it hard to focus on your job.

b.            Bullying creates a power imbalance so that the target can’t fight back.

c.             Bullying is always personal and not related to the job.

d.            Bullying only affects one target, while other conflicts affect the whole office.

e.            Bullying happens mostly in cyberspace.


10.          The Economist piece on “Doing Business in Dangerous Places” highlights how, for businesses with employees overseas:

a.            Safety risks are mostly under control.

b.            Employees are lied to about the risks associated with overseas work.

c.             Dangerous places are getting more dangerous.

d.            No good reasons justify the risks.

e.            Business is becoming less profitable.


11.          The Economist article mentions all of these dangers EXCEPT:

a.            Disease

b.            Dangerous driving conditions

c.             Earthquakes

d.            Terrorist attacks

e.            Violent crime


12.          According to Van Buren, who has a boundaryless career?

a.            Someone who works in lots of different countries around the world

b.            Someone who works for short periods for multiple different employers

c.             Someone who works outside of an office or cubicle

d.            Someone who stays with one organization by choice

e.            Someone who reaches the very top of his or her profession


13.          According to Van Buren, the risk to the employee is:

a.            Not significant


b.            Not the employer’s problem

c.             The same in a boundaryless career as in a traditional career

d.            Lower in a boundaryless career

e.            Higher in a boundaryless career


14.          According to the article “Facial Discrimination,” people judged unattractive were treated differently in studies of :

a.            Gambling behavior

b.            Self-destructive behavior

c.             Criminal behavior

d.            Dating behavior

e.            Helping behavior


15.          Why is appearance discrimination different from other kinds of unfair discrimination?

a.            Because unattractive people don’t form a cohesive group

b.            Because it is hard to determine who is “attractive” and who is “unattractive”

c.             Because no court cases have yet challenged employers for appearance discrimination

d.            All of the above answers are correct.

e.            None of the above answers are correct.



True/False Questions

1.                            Bowie claims that the idea of respecting persons has no place in the business world.


2.                            For Kant, it is the fact that human beings can make moral decisions that makes them worthy of respect.


3.                            Hochschild argues that in emotional labor, the product is often a state of mind.


4.            Barry argues that freedom of expression in the workplace will prevent the economy from flourishing.


5.            One of Barry’s examples is an employee who was fired because of the bumper sticker on her car.


6.            Keashly believes it is possible for a subordinate to bully a boss.


7.            Bullying usually does not escalate over time.


8.            Companies send workers to dangerous places, the Economist observes, because where the risks are great, so are the rewards.


9.            A boundaryless career is no more risky for an employee than a traditional career. 

10.          The Harvard Law Review states that qualified people are sometimes denied jobs because of their physical appearance.



Fill-in-the-Blank Questions


1.                           believes that persons are the only beings in this world who have dignity.


2.            Bowie’s argument depends on respecting the   of persons.


3.            Hochschild is concerned about   labor.


4.            Barry is concerned about restrictions on a worker’s         .


5.                           is a kind of workplace aggression


6.            Employers sending workers to dangerous places should be         about what they are doing.


7.            Someone who works in many different employment settings over time has a   



8.            Van Buren believes that workers have a right to                .


9.            According to Van Buren, the skills that are valued in external labor markets are                 



10.          People considered unattractive often face          .










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