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Homework answers / question archive / Campbell University ENVS 111 Ch

Campbell University ENVS 111 Ch

Earth Science

Campbell University

ENVS 111

Ch. 18 Practice Quiz

1)The principle source of infectious waste material in water is

  1. Examples of point sources of water pollution include
  2. Oxygen-demanding waste
  3. Since the Clean Water Act of 1972, the quantities of nitrate and phosphate entering surface waters have
  4. Pfiesteria piscicda is___________


  1. The major remaining barriers to achieving improved water quality include which of the following nonpoint discharges?
  2. Negative impacts of sediments include
  3. About 1.5 million Americans get sick annually from fecal contamination producing large health costs. Preventative measures would cost
  4. The Clean Water Act has turned out to be                   In achieving its point source goals.
  5. The central goal of the U.S. Clean Water Act was to_____________
  6. Atmospheric deposition of pollutants is an example of point source pollution______________
  7. Eutrophication is a natural process that has been greatly stimulated by human activities.
  8. Runoff of pesticides from lawns, fields, golf courses, and other areas is considered to be one of the most important sources of toxic organic pollution of water.
  9. The greatest remaining need in rectifying remaining water pollution problems in the U.S. and Canada is solving the point source discharge problem.
  10. Pollution of water in large aquifers is essentially irreversible in the short term (decades).
  11. A 2006 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that resulted in the EPA dropping enforcement actions on at least 1,500 water pollution cases and exclusion of the drinking water sources of over 117 million Americans was based on the court’s interpretation of the word
  12. Air pollution can lead to water contamination via a process called atmospheric deposition
  13. Eutrophication_____________


  1. The use of water to cool industrial facilities_____________
  2. MTBE is a gasoline additive________


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