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Homework answers / question archive / British Columbia Institute of Technology BUSA 13050 Chapter 8 Motivating Followers 1)______is the willingness to do something; it is conditioned by this action’s ability to satisfy some need for the individual

British Columbia Institute of Technology BUSA 13050 Chapter 8 Motivating Followers 1)______is the willingness to do something; it is conditioned by this action’s ability to satisfy some need for the individual


British Columbia Institute of Technology

BUSA 13050

Chapter 8 Motivating Followers

1)______is the willingness to do something; it is conditioned by this action’s ability to

satisfy some need for the individual.

    1. A need
    2. An individual’s conditioning
    3. An individual hierarchical need
    4. A psychological deficiency
    5. Motivation




  1. A                                        means a physiological or psychological deficiency that makes certain outcomes seem attractive.
    1. desire
    2. motive
    3. need
    4. reward
    5. want




  1. Why do we say that an “unsatisfied need creates tension.” Briefly explain.




  1. Matching                                                    with compatible jobs likely results in higher-performing and more satisfied employees.
    1. work skills
    2. personality types
    3. aptitudes
    4. perseverance
    5. work schedules




  1. There are five specific personality measures that have proven most powerful in explaining individual behavior in organizations. Which of the following is NOT one of those types?
    1. Locus of control
    2. Machiavellianism
    3. Self-esteem
    4. Ego-centric
    5. Risk propensity




  1. A person who exhibits tendencies of                                                       is a manipulative person who believes in the philosophy "the end justifies the means" and is viewed by some as being ruthless,
    1. Machiavellianism
    2. narcissism
    3. conceit
    4. selfishness
    5. egotism




  1.                                             is a trait in which people differ in the degree to which they like or dislike themselves.
    1. Locus of control
    2. Egotism
    3. Self-actualization
    4. Narcissism
    5. Self-esteem





  1. A                                                                      personality type shows considerable adaptability in adjusting behavior to external situational factors.
    1. locus of control
    2. risk propensity
    3. self-monitoring
    4. willingness to take chances
    5. Machiavellianism





  1. Exhibiting high                                                                                    

decisions and use less information in making choices.

    1. leadership aspirations
    2. tolerance levels
    3. risk propensity
    4. sensitivity levels
    5. self-esteem





  1.                                         may help a supervisor cope with the daily demands and pressures of the workplace.
    1. Emotional intelligence
    2. Empathy

C Positive self-esteem

D. Decisiveness

E. Sensitivity





  1. Describe the five dimensions of emotional intelligence and what each contributes to being a high- performing supervisor.




12                                               is the lowest need in A. H. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory.

  1. Safety
  2. Self-actualization
  3. Esteem
  4. Psychological
  5. Physiological



  1.                                            includes internal factors such as self-respect, autonomy, and achievement, and external factors such as status, recognition, and attention
    1. Self-actualization
    2. Physiological
    3. Social
    4. Esteem
    5. Safety



  1. Douglas McGregor proposed that managers assume employees view work as being as natural as rest or play, which is the                                        view of human nature and motivation.
    1. Theory Y
    2. expectancy theory of motivation
    3. Theory Z


    1. equity theory of motivation
    2. Theory X



  1. The motivation-hygiene theory concerns itself with                                                             .
    1. self-esteem needs
    2. job satisfaction
    3. positive reinforcement
    4. affiliation needs
    5. self-actualization



  1. When characteristics such as salary and working conditions are adequate, people will                                  

according to Frederick Herzberg

    1. be highly motivated
    2. experience self-actualization
    3. experience positive reinforcement
    4. be neither dissatisfied nor satisfied
    5. experience a high degree of achievement



  1. Characteristics as company policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal relations, working conditions, and salary have been characterized by Herzberg as                                                .
    1. job satisfaction factors
    2. hygiene factors
    3. self-actualization factors
    4. positive reinforcement factors
    5. leadership factors.



  1. According to Herzberg, the opposite of dissatisfaction is                                                          .
    1. no satisfaction
    2. not possible
    3. satisfaction
    4. no dissatisfaction
    5. contentment





  1. Douglas McGregor proposed two views of human nature and motivation. What are the motivational implications of Theory X-Theory Y? Which of McGregor’s assumptions have proved valid?.




  1. A compelling drive to succeed; an intrinsic motivation to do something better or more efficiently than it has been done before is described as a                                                                    
    1. need for achievement
    2. need for affiliation
    3. need for recognition
    4. need for acknowledgement
    5. need for power



  1. When some persons are placed into jobs that stimulate their                              , they are self-motivated and require little of your time or energy.


    1. affiliation drive
    2. recognition drive
    3. acknowledgement drive
    4. power drive
    5. achievement drive



  1. Persons preferring the challenge of working at a problem and accepting the personal responsibility for success or failure are characterized as possessing:
    1. Need for power
    2. Need for affiliation
    3. Need for achievement
    4. Need for recognition


    1. Need for acknowledgement



  1. Of the following, which is NOT characteristic of persons with a need for achievement
    1. Not gamblers
    2. Dislike accidental success
    3. Like goals that stretch them
    4. Dislike goals with equal chance of success or failure
    5. Embrace feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction


  1. Job situations that include personal responsibility and feedback appeal to those with a


    1. need for power
    2. need for achievement
    3. need for affiliation
    4. need for recognition
    5. need for acknowledgement



  1. Evidence consistently demonstrates that high achievers are successful in                                                                      
    1. entrepreneurial activities
    2. high management positions
    3. non-sales positions
    4. supervisory positions
    5. large corporate settings




  1. Having employees                                                                     can help stimulate their achievement need.
    1. work in problem solving groups
    2. mentor other staff
    3. working in stressful situations
    4. write stories emphasizing achievement
    5. practice groupthink




  1. The concept that employees perceive what they can get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs), then compare their input–outcome ratio with the input– outcome ratio of others is:
    1. Theory X
    2. Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
    3. Two-factor Theory
    4. Theory Y
    5. Equity theory



  1. According to which of the following, are individuals concerned not only with the absolute amount of reward they receive for their efforts but also with the relationship of this amount to what others receive?
    1. Theory X
    2. Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
    3. Equity theory
    4. Two-factor Theory DE Theory Y




  1. When people perceive an imbalance in their input–outcome ratio relative to others,





    1. tension is created.
    2. dissatisfaction is created
    3. actualization exists
    4. imbalanced equity
    5. inequity is created



  1. Is there evidence to support to confirm the equity thesis? Explain briefly.




31..A theory that individuals analyze effort–performance, performance–rewards, and rewards–personal goals relationships, and their level of effort depends on the strengths of their expectations that these relationships can be achieved. is:

  1. Hygiene Theory
  2. Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
  3. Theory Y

D The Equity Theory

E. The Expectancy Theory



  1. According to expectancy theory, employees will be motivated to exert a high level of effort when they believe that effort will lead to                          .
    1. a good performance appraisal
    2. personal recognition by top management
    3. promotions
    4. more responsibility
    5. new job opportunities


  1. Employees will be motivated to exert a high level of effort when they believe that rewards received will




    1. result in recognition from their supervisor
    2. result in higher pay
    3. lead to promotion
    4. satisfy their personal goals
    5. foster respect of co-workers



  1. Motivation is maximized when supervisors make rewards contingent upon                               .
    1. group performance
    2. individual performance
    3. the work group’s efforts
    4. goal attainment
    5. a collaborative team effort



  1. How does the expectancy theory demonstrate a clear the need for supervisors to understand an individual’s goal and the linkage between effort and performance?



  1. Evidence supports the idea that motivational benefits accrue from                                                          .
    1. carefully matching people to jobs.
    2. treating all employees the same regardless of performance
    3. setting easily achieved goals
    4. compelling employees to participate in decision-making
    5. understanding that money is not a motivator



  1. Review of the evidence clearly indicates the power of                                  in influencing employee behavior.
    1. persuasion
    2. goals
    3. job opportunities
    4. achievement
    5. salary increases



  1.                                                     is increased when employees are allowed to participate in decisions that affect them.
    1. Enthusiasm
    2. Decisiveness
    3. Cooperation
    4. Motivation


    1. Innovation



  1. Use your knowledge of                                              to individualize the rewards over which you have control.
    1. the corporate budget
    2. an employee’s personal preferences
    3. individual differences
    4. the employee’s job challenges
    5. the effort for goal attainment



  1. Briefly list the main factors that help create an atmosphere in which employees really want to work. Answer: 1. Recognize individual differences 2. Match people to jobs 3. Set challenging goals 4. Encourage participation 5. Individualize rewards 6. Link rewards to performance 7. Check for equity 8. Don’t ignore money.


  1. Of the following, which is NOT a core dimension of any job?
    1. Task knowledge
    2. Skill variety
    3. Autonomy
    4. Feedback
    5. Task significance



  1. When a job organizes tasks to allow the worker to do a complete activity, increases the employee’s freedom and independence, increases responsibility, and provides feedback so that an individual can assess and correct performance, this is known as                                                                                           ..
    1. A job description
    2. Job enrichment
    3. Job workflow
    4. Employee accountability
    5. Goal attainment




  1.                      is a high level of intrinsic motivation occurring when individuals become so absorbed in what they are doing they lose all awareness of things external to the task.
    1. Focus
    2. Concentration
    3. Job motivation
    4. Collaboration
    5. Flow



  1. Flow is most common during work activities. Of the following, which is NOT one of those activities in which flow is most common:
    1. Skills are appropriately matched by challenges
    2. Concentration is so intense that there is no excess attention to focus on irrelevant problems or everyday worries
    3. One loses a sense of time
    4. An activity is so rewarding that people undertake the activity for its own sake
    5. There is a acute sense of awareness of self



  1. Why is it important for supervisors to realize when employees’ skills surpass their job challenges?




  1. To maximize motivation among today’s diversified workforce, supervisors need to think in terms of


    1. collaboration
    2. flexibility
    3. goal attainment
    4. financial results
    5. incentives




  1. The theories of motivation were developed largely by psychologists and validated by studying American workers. These theories                                                                  .
    1. need to be re-tested for different cultures
    2. do not have to be modified for different cultures.
    3. need to be modified for language differences
    4. need to be modified for different cultures
    5. should consider varying incentives for different cultures



  1.                                                              are compensation plans that pay employees on the basis of some performance measure.
    1. Pay-for-performance programs
    2. Incentive payment programs
    3. Commission driven plans
    4. Salary plus commission plans
    5. Straight commission programs



  1. One of the toughest motivational challenges facing many supervisors today is how to achieve high performance levels among                                                 .
    1. technology workers
    2. minimum-wage workers
    3. highly skilled workers
    4. contract staff
    5. middle management




  1. What is the difference in motivating professional and technical employees?













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