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Homework answers / question archive / Michigan State University HB 307 TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Chapter 14 1)Studies indicate that some people’s traits and behaviors make them more susceptible to bullying   Research indicates that individuals are more likely to make unethical choices when faced with minor dilemmas than with major problems   Shared perceptions organizational members have about their organization and work environment is known as organizational climate   Exit interviews are conducted to inform an employee of the fact that he or she has been dismissed   Wrongful discharge occurs when an employee’s dismissal does not comply with the law or with the contractual agreement states or implied by the firm through its employment application forms and employee manuals   If an employee conducts a personal phone call at work, the employer can legally eavesdrop and monitor the phone calls   Nonpunitive discipline is discipline involving oral warnings and paid “decision-making leaves of absence

Michigan State University HB 307 TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Chapter 14 1)Studies indicate that some people’s traits and behaviors make them more susceptible to bullying   Research indicates that individuals are more likely to make unethical choices when faced with minor dilemmas than with major problems   Shared perceptions organizational members have about their organization and work environment is known as organizational climate   Exit interviews are conducted to inform an employee of the fact that he or she has been dismissed   Wrongful discharge occurs when an employee’s dismissal does not comply with the law or with the contractual agreement states or implied by the firm through its employment application forms and employee manuals   If an employee conducts a personal phone call at work, the employer can legally eavesdrop and monitor the phone calls   Nonpunitive discipline is discipline involving oral warnings and paid “decision-making leaves of absence


Michigan State University

HB 307


Chapter 14

1)Studies indicate that some people’s traits and behaviors make them more susceptible to bullying


  1. Research indicates that individuals are more likely to make unethical choices when faced with minor dilemmas than with major problems


  1. Shared perceptions organizational members have about their organization and work environment is known as organizational climate


  1. Exit interviews are conducted to inform an employee of the fact that he or she has been dismissed


  1. Wrongful discharge occurs when an employee’s dismissal does not comply with the law or with the contractual agreement states or implied by the firm through its employment application forms and employee manuals


  1. If an employee conducts a personal phone call at work, the employer can legally eavesdrop and monitor the phone calls


  1. Nonpunitive discipline is discipline involving oral warnings and paid “decision-making leaves of absence.”


  1. With a system of progressive penalties, the severity of the penalty depends on the offense and the employee’s seniority level


  1. When firms do not deal swiftly and fairly with the unethical behavior of employees, ethical employees feel penalized


  1. Unfortunately, employers have no tools for ensuring the ethics of an individual during the applicant screening process, so employers do not realize they have hired an unethical person until it is too late.


  1. Many people in the new business development group at GRS&M feel that Blaine was promoted due to her personal friendship with the supervisor rather than a fair review of the qualified employees in the group. This attitude is the result of the employees’ perceived procedural justice relative to the decision






  1. What tool does society use to ensure that employers act fairly and morally?
  1. Legislation
  2. Public forums
  3. Non-punitive discipline
  4. Social media outlets


  1. When an employee’s dismissal does not comply with the law or with the contractual agreement states or implied by the firm via its employment application forms, employee manuals, or other promises, has most likely occurred.
  1. Insubordination
  2. Gross misconduct
  3. Emotional hardship
  4. Wrongful discharge


  1. All of the following are examples of insubordination EXCEPT                       
  1. Publicly criticizing supervisor
  2. Repeatedly failing to perform tasks
  3. Disregarding the chain of command
  4. Deliberately defying company rules


  1. Tracy is frequently absent from work and almost always late, so her manager has decided to fire her. When of the following grounds for dismissal will her manager most likely use?
  1. Insubordination
  2. Lack of qualifications for the job
  3. Misconduct
  4. Unsatisfactory performance


  1. When a court determines that an employee handbook implies an employment contract, the

            doctrine doctrine is no longer being used

  1. Termination-at-will
  2. Good faith exception
  3. Public policy exception
  4. Statutory exception


  1. Which of the following best defines “termination at will”?


  1. Employers can deny employees’ requests for vacation and leave for any reason
  2. Employees can refuse to collaborate with specific co-workers for personal reasons
  3. Customers can end relationships with service providers for any reason at any time
  4. Either the employer or the employee can end the employment relationship at any time


  1. The business purpose exception to the Electronic Communication Privacy act permits                         
  1. Employers to monitor communications if they can show a legitimate business reason for doing so
  2. Employees to access private employer documents if they have reason to suspect unethical

behavior company agents

  1. Employers to listen to personal employee phone call if the calls are made on employer time
  2. Employees to conduct personal business during work hours if they can show it is necessary


  1. Employees at R&R Carpet and Tile are allowed to take one-hour lunch breaks. Todd’s assistant, Suzanne, took a two-hour lunch break today without prior approval. Suzanne has never broken any other rules since being employed by the company. R&R has a non punitive discipline policy. Which of the following will most likely be Todd’s response to Suzanne’s violation?
  1. Issuing a formal written reminder to Suzanne
  2. Telling Suzanne that she is dismissed
  3. Giving Suzanne a one-day leave with pay
  4. Issuing an oral reminder to Suzanne


  1. Which of the following is the primary element of properly developed disciplinary procedures?
  1. Severe penalties
  2. Legal representation
  3. Clearly established rules
  4. Electronic employee monitoring


  1. The applicant screening process would most likely be considered unfair if an HR manager




  1. Focused mostly on personality issues
  2. Included appeals process
  3. Provided useful feedback
  4. Encouraged two-way communication



  1. John & Johnson has a corporate ethic code that states “We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses, and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services.” What is the most likely purpose of Johnson & Johnson’s ethic code?
  1. Marketing to potential new customers
  2. Establishing disciplinary procedures
  3. Clarifying expectations for employees
  4. Providing incentives for employees


  1. According to research, which of the following has the greatest impact on work-related ethical decisions?


  1. Organizational characteristics
  2. Personal inclinations
  3. Environmental pressures
  4. Management attitudes


  1. Which of the following terms refers to a systematic process by which a terminated employee is trained and counseled in how to perform a self-appraisal and secure a new position?
  1. Outplacement counseling
  2. Exit interview
  3. Outsourcing
  4. Job counseling fair


  1. Which of the following best defines values as they relate to organizational culture?
  1. Principles of conduct governing an individual or group
  2. Basic beliefs about what is right or wrong
  3. Characteristics values, traditions, and behaviors a company’s employees share
  4. Standards of behavior accepted by society


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