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Homework answers / question archive / Western Kentucky University PSYS 220 Chapter 8: 1)When considering the Heinz dilemma, Tony says that he would not steal the drug because his mommy told him that stealing was wrong, and the people who steal get into trouble

Western Kentucky University PSYS 220 Chapter 8: 1)When considering the Heinz dilemma, Tony says that he would not steal the drug because his mommy told him that stealing was wrong, and the people who steal get into trouble


Western Kentucky University

PSYS 220

Chapter 8:

1)When considering the Heinz dilemma, Tony says that he would not steal the drug because his mommy told him that stealing was wrong, and the people who steal get into trouble. This consideration indicates that Tony is most likely in Kohlberg’s          stage of moral development.

a.            First

b.            Second

c.             Third

d.            Fourth

2.            If your basal metabolic rate were to dramatically accelerate, you would likely begin to

a.            Display secondary sex characteristics

b.            Display primary sex characteristics c. Lose weight

d. Gain weight

3.            Which statement best describes the connection between environmental stress and maturation in girls?

a.            Puberty occurs earlier in girls who have experienced chronic stress

b.            Puberty occurs later in girls who have experienced chronic stress


c.             The onset of puberty in girls is determined genetically, thus stress has no effect on the timing of puberty

d.            The effects of stress on maturation in girls are unknown

4.            During adolescence

a.            Both brain myelination and synaptic pruning first begin

b.            Brain myelination first begins and synaptic pruning nears completion

c.             Brain myelination nears completion and synaptic pruning first begins d. Both brain myelination and synaptic pruning near completion

5.            From whom would you expect the biggest gains in height and weight over the next three years?

a.            Ginger, who is 2 years’ old

b.            Grant, who is 6 years’ old c. Tina, who is 11 years’ old

d. Louise, who is 14 years’ old

6.            A person in the first stage of preconventional moral reasoning relies heavily on when making a moral judgment

a.            Adherence to laws

b.            Adherence to a personal moral code c. Obedience to authority

d. Random guessing

7.            Mariddie is a Western Apache teenager who has just experienced menarche. What reaction should she expect from those around her?

a.            There will be an elaborate celebration in her honor

b.            She will be married within a week

c.             Her hair will be cut short, and she will be expected to go into the wilderness to kill a small animal (e.g., rabbit)

d.            She will be ostracized from the tribe for one month

8.            Moral reasoning based on instrumental orientation tends to occur at the              level of moral thinking

a.            Preconventional

b.            Conventional

c.             Postconventional

d.            Unconventional

9.            Which adolescent is experiencing a change in his primary sex characteristics?

a.            Peter, who now has facial hair

b.            Saul, who has begun to produce sperm

c.             Andrew, who has begun to talk in a deeper voice

d.            James, who now has broader shoulders

10.          About one in      individuals diagnosed with an eating disorder is male

a.            3

b.            5 c. 10

d. 20


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