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Workshops assess your ability to present information to your peers and prepare appropriate materials for submission


Workshops assess your ability to present information to your peers and prepare appropriate materials for submission.

Assessment for case studies each week will consist of one team answer to the assigned case study uploaded to a Wiki, with marks awarded for the teamwork shown in creating an answer and the appropriateness and detail of explanations provided on the Wiki. It is important to note that your target audience is a non-accounting audience which does not possess specialist knowledge. That is it is aimed at your fellow students who are developing their knowledge and so while it is important to use precise terminology it equally important to fully explain those concepts and not to assume any prior knowledge of this area.

Financial Accounting 1 - Developing teamwork skills


Teamwork is a focus of some learning activities and assessment in this course. Teamwork is a learning outcome of graduates of Bachelor accounting programs. Team projects are an opportunity to develop teamwork skills to work productively and effectively with others.

 Why do we do this: Quite simply, employers seek graduates who work effectively in teams. Teamwork skills rank in the top selection criteria that business and accounting employers use most when they recruit graduate employees.

  • Career benefits: Business is a ‘team sport’. Major and day-to-day projects in business and accounting practice often require people to work together to achieve objectives.
  • Learning benefits: Team projects are an opportunity to work constructively with student peers to solve problems, learn from others and reinforce your knowledge and understanding by explaining concepts to others.
  • Firms often assess applicants’ teamwork skills in their graduate recruitment programs: Applicants will need to form into teams and work on a team project. They will be observed closely by a member of the firm’s staff.


The following resources are designed to assist your team form and function effectively, and develop your teamwork skills. We will refer to the resources in the course. Students are expected to read and refer to the resources during their work on team projects. The resources are also relevant to team projects in your professional career.

Communication is key

You can avoid and resolve a number of common teamwork issues by agreeing on how to communicate (e.g. online, in person, a blend of both methods) and what to do if difficulties occur. This is important to discuss as a team. Ensure that each team member knows the team’s communication plan. The process can develop professional skills that you will need in your career. We also emphasise the importance of the following:

Getting to know each other

The importance of doing this in early team meetings and communications is vital. Tell each other about your past group work experiences:

  • What worked and what didn’t?
  • What tasks did you enjoy?
  • What are your strengths?
  • How did you manage differences in skill levels, expectations, and commitment?

This discussion is necessary to help you plan how to avoid group work issues you have previously encountered and to allocate tasks based on team members’ strengths.


  • Communication is vital. Participate and contribute in communications.
  • Tell other members of the team what it is you want to do but be ready to negotiate. Everyone needs to be prepared to perform tasks they may not have volunteered for but which need doing.
  • Draw a timeline that shows when everyone needs to complete their parts of the task and when each major section needs to be ready. Have agreed targets and milestones.
  • Stick to agreed deadlines. The team relies on each member delivering quality work within the agreed timeline.
  • Let everyone know if you think something needs changing. Don’t make changes without consulting other team members.
  • Don’t underestimate the time needed for proofreading and editing the final draft. Ask several people in the team to check for errors.

 Go to  Getting started - Learning at uni

 GROUP WORK has a good overview of teamwork and its direct connection to professional careers where team projects are common. The resource offers valuable advice on

  • getting started
  • keeping the group working well
  • presenting/submitting a group assignment, and
  • reflecting on the group work process.

What does a successful team look like?

Use the list at 12 SIGNS OF A HEALTHY GROUP to guide how your team interacts and performs.

How should your team deal with any problems that may arise?

DEALING WITH GROUP WORK CHALLENGES tackles common problems and provides solutions.



It is important that you confer as a team to discuss assessment feedback. Use the reflection process as a valuable opportunity to learn from any challenges you faced so you can be ready to deal with them more effectively the next time you are involved in a team project. Make notes about the parts of the team project experience that worked well and areas that you will aim to improve in future team projects. The skills that you develop during this reflection process are important and useful in your career.


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