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Homework answers / question archive / Students will analyze the mutual aid online lab group they participated in during this course (via Zoom)

Students will analyze the mutual aid online lab group they participated in during this course (via Zoom)


Students will analyze the mutual aid online lab group they participated in during this course (via Zoom). Students will focus this assignment on all three (3) mutual aid sessions that took place during weeks 3, 4, and 5 of this course. Students may have been a group worker (group facilitator), member, or both.  Students will examine and analyze the group experience (introduction / group composition), stages of group development, member roles, examples of mutual aid, and summary).

The assignment must be written and formatted according to APA style. In addition, your paper must include a minimum of four (4) distinct in-text citations. In-text citations should be formatted according to APA style. See below for more information about in-text citations and references.

Paper must be submitted through the Webcourses assignment tab.


Paper Format:

  • Students should use the student paper format, including a cover page. For more information: refer to Chapter 2 of APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, the APA Style Paper Format resource, and the APA Student Title Page Guide.
  • Student papers do not include a running head. For more information: refer to page 30 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, and this APA Style Header resource.
  • This paper should NOT include an abstract, table of contents, or appendix.
  • The paper should be double spaced and include 1" margins throughout.



  • Students will analyze a mutual aid online lab group they have participated in. Students may have been a group worker, member, or both.  Examine and analyze the group experience (introduction, stages of group development, member roles, mutual aid, and summary). See table below with 1st level headings.
  • Refer to this resource on 1st level headings (Links to an external site.). You  may also refer to sample APA formatted paper (Links to an external site.) or your APA manual for additional information about 1st level headings.

1st Level Heading

Content of that Section of the Paper


Introduce paper and include a discussion of the composition of the group and leadership styles and thesis statement.

(Paper is about facilitating our first group. Composition of the group: Rebecca- Lead Facilitator opened group and discussed focusing on work life balance examples: Self care, Covid, Masters program, Overall stress and temperature of society right now) Rebecca also utilized Mentimeter activity to engage the group

Kat (Myself) Co facilitator discussed the importance of confidentiality and as social workers being mandated reporters and this being a safe space for everyone. Also introduced the ice breaker - every one went around and discussed what their screen saver meant to them on their phones.

Joanna Co facilatator focused on grounding activity by discussing  mindfulness. 5 senses exercise. 



Stages of Group Development

Discuss your preferred theory of  group development. In this section, include information about group norms, diversity, and group conflict that may have been experienced in your group.

Prefer theory of group development for me was Performing. (Please fluff this section) Also, I did not find any conflict during group.

Member Roles

List and discuss the roles students experienced in the group (e.g., leader role, silent member, monopolizer, internal leader, clown, etc.) 

Leader roles were Rebecca. She has the most experience with facilitating group. Rebecca has great ideas and is very engaged while facilitating. Clown: I would say myself... I always made jokes and tried to find the light heartedness in the conversation. 

Mutual Aid 

Discuss mutual aid as you understand it, and give examples from your group where students benefited from mutual aid. 


Provide an overview of the paper and tie your points together.


Font Type and Size:

  • A variety of font choices are permitted in APA Style. Use the same font throughout the text of the paper. Options include:
    • Sans serif font: 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, 10-point Lucida San Unicode
    • Serif font: 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, normal (10-point) Computer Modern
  • For more information: refer to page 44 of the of APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, and this APA Style Font resource.
  • Ensure the font type and font size of your page numbers are consistent with the rest of your paper. 


Paper Length:

  • Your paper should be a minimum of six (6) to seven (7) pages in length.
  • The cover page and references page will not be part of the total page count for this assignment. You will not lose points for including a cover or reference page.


In-Text Citations and References:

  • Paper must include a minimum of four (4) distinct references.
  • In-text citations and reference list should be formatted according to APA style.
  • For more information about in-text citations, refer to Chapter 8 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding 'Author-Date Citation System'. (Links to an external site.)
  • To review formatting and structure of various reference examples, refer to Chapters 9 and 10 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding 'Reference Examples' (Links to an external site.).


Group Analysis PaperGroup Analysis PaperCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction5 ptsExcellentExcellent, clear overall introduction and overview of group composition. (4-5 points)3 ptsGoodGood, adequate introduction and overview of group composition with one item missing. (2-3 points)1 ptsPoorPoor, unclear introduction and overview of group composition with several missing items. (0-1 points)5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStages of Group Development5 ptsExcellentExcellent, clear discussion of group development covering norms, diversity and the conflict stage. (4-5 points)3 ptsGoodGood, adequate discussion of group development covering norms, diversity and the conflict stage. (2-3 points)1 ptsPoorPoor, unclear discussion of group development covering norms, diversity and the conflict stage . (0-1 points)5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent Roles5 ptsExcellentExcellent, discussion of student roles including leadership (leader and co-leader) and participant roles . (4-5 points)3 ptsGoodGood, discussion of student roles including leadership (leader and co-leader) and participant roles but incomplete in one area. (2-3 points)1 ptsPoorPoor, unclear discussion of student roles including leadership (leader and co-leader) and participant roles. (0-1 points)5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMutual Aid5 ptsExcellentExcellent, clear discussion and definition of mutual aid with examples from the group experience. (4-5 points)3 ptsGoodGood, adequate discussion and definition of mutual aid with examples from the group experience with one missing item. (2-3 points)1 ptsPoorPoor, unclear, incomplete discussion and definition of mutual aid with examples from the group experience with several missing items. (0 points5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary5 ptsExcellentExcellent, clear and comprehensive summary of the key points of the paper. (4-5 points)3 ptsGoodGood, adequate summary of key points of the paper with one item missing. (2-3 points).1 ptsPoorPoor, unclear, inadequate or no summary of the key points of the paper. (0-1 points)5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style5 ptsExcellentExcellent, no APA Style errors, superb use of grammar, and reference citations. (4-5 points)3 ptsGoodGood, APA Style good with one or two errors or referencing flawed. (2 - 3 points)1 ptsPoorPoor, several errors in one or more APA Style area. (0-1 points)5 pts
Total Points: 30 

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