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Homework answers / question archive / California State University, Long Beach ENGLISH 101 Chapter7 TheIslamicWorld,800-1300C

California State University, Long Beach ENGLISH 101 Chapter7 TheIslamicWorld,800-1300C


California State University, Long Beach


Chapter7 TheIslamicWorld,800-1300C.E.

1)The Umayyad dynasty was overthrown by A) Mongols.

B) a Zani revolt. C) Seljuq Turks. D) Crusaders from Europe.

E) Abbasid supporters.


  1. Abu al-Abbas assumed the title of al-Saffah or ?the Munificent? in order to A) include non-Arabs in his regime.

B) show himself to be divinely inspired. C) gain dominance over the Mongols. D) inspire fear.

E) pacify opposition within his family.


  1. Which of the following did NOT pose a threat to the Abbasid dynasty? A) Muslim Spain

B) political division within the dynasty C) Shi?ites D) Mongols

E) all of the above


  1. A high tide of Islamic civilization was achieved in Baghdad, the capital of the  Dynasty.
    1. Umayyad B) Quraysh C) Hishmam

D) Fatimid E) Abbasid


  1. The Abbasid caliphs A) suffered economic decline.

B) ended political unrest. C) waged war on Byzantium. D) introduced private property ownership.

E) encouraged debate.



  1. The need to assert an Arab-Islamic identity resulted in A) the use of Arabic as the official language. B) the replacement of non-Muslim officials.

C) new coinage. D) a military register.

E) all of the above.


  1. To quell uprisings within the military, the Abbasid caliphate A) distributed land to commanders.

B) distributed slave women to the soldiers. C) resettled foreign troops in distinct neighborhoods. D) built markets, bath houses, and mosques for the soldiers.

E) all of the above.


  1. The fall of the Abbasid Empire was due to all of the following EXCEPT A) Mongol invasions.

B) reliance on Turkic and Central Asian regiments. C) bankruptcy. D) loss of territory.

E) political disintegration.


  1. The key to the economic prosperity of the Muslim world after the seventh century collapse of the Sasanid state was
    1. banking. B) new technologies.

C) diverse agricultural production. D) trade to and from all over the known world.

E) the manufacture of olive oil.


  1. Muslims demonstrate their faith by A) completing the five obligations, or ?Pillars of Faith.?

B) reading only from the Qur?an. C) following the instructions of the Islamic priesthood. D) avoiding contact with non-Muslims.

E) making a pilgrimage to Medina.




  1. Within Islam, women A) enjoyed many freedoms.

B) were barred from the study and teaching of the law. C) excelled in scholarship. D) were the authority within the family.

E) had free access to the mosques.


  1. The Abbasid caliph al-Ma?mun?s policy to reduce the power of the ulama A) resulted in steps toward separation of church and state.

B) made the caliph the final arbitrator of the law. C) became a fundamental facet of modern Islam. D) asserted that the Qur?an was the eternal word of God.

E) failed to introduce reform.


  1. According to Shi?ites, the imam A) is only a prayer leader.

B) was responsible for the Kharijites? movement. C) is a political and religious leader from the Prophet?s family.

  1. is Islamic law.
  2. is an interpretation of Islamic text.


  1. All of the following are part of the Shi?ite doctrine EXCEPT A) only a direct male descendent of the Prophet?s daughter Fatima may lead.

B) the act of martyrdom. C) the belief that each generation is provided an infallible imam by God. D) unity among all Shi?ites.

E) the Sharia is the only law.


  1. Sunni Islam A) is the largest division within Islam.
  1. teaches the legitimacy of the Prophet?s first successors. C testifies that Islamic law was created by God for all humans.
  2. all of the above. D) none of the above.



  1. Islamic scholars cited the Qur?an to justify laws that A) allowed women freedom of movement.

B) made men and women equal before God and the law. C) prohibited divorce. D) made women subject to the authority of their husbands and senior males.

E) encouraged women to be literate.


  1. The Sufis A) believed that a path of discipline leads to mystical communion with Allah.

B) suffered the execution of al-Hallaj, a famous teacher, for blasphemy. C) were accused of claiming to be above the law and divine. D) all of the above.

E) none of the above.


  1. Arab mathematicians and astronomers adopted a system of numerals from A) Persia.          B) Greece.

C) Egypt.       D) India.        E) China.


  1. One of the major sources of medical knowledge for Europe in the first part of the second millennium was
    1. Abu Bakr?s corpus of experiments. B) the works of Abu al-Atahiya.

C) Omar Khayyam?s Rubaiyat. D.Ibn Sina?s Canon of Medicine. D) Ibn Khaldun?s writings.



  1. Medieval Islamic cities A) were usually small.

B) relied on slave labor. C) had integrated neighborhoods. D) forbade the construction of personal palaces.

E) were well planned.


  1. Islamic law specified that A) slavery was forbidden.

B) slavery existed only for agricultural labor. C) slaves came only from Africa. D) Muslims were allowed to own non-Muslim slaves.

E) only involved male laborers and female domestic servants.



  1. All of the following were features of the Fatimid dynasty EXCEPT A) the founding of Cairo.

B) territorial expansion by military force. C) the separation of the religion and government. D) the belief that the rulers were the infallible representatives of God on earth.

E) massive urban construction projects.


  1. The Fatimid dynasty collapsed due to all of the following EXCEPT A) lack of support from the majority Sunni population.

B) attacks from the Shi?ite Muslims. C) corruption. D) attacks from the Seljuq Turks.

E) famine.


  1. The Seljuq Turks originated A) in Turkey.

B) from southern India. C) from Siberia. D) in the mountains of Persia.

E) in the steppe region between Iran and China.


  1. The Seljuq Turks called their leader a A) sultan.                       B) vizir.          C) madrasa.   D) dhikr.            E) zakat.


  1. The Umayyad dynasty during the reign of Abd al-Rahman II united A) Iraq.

B) Iran. C) Egypt. D) North Africa.

E) Spain.


  1. Arab-Islamic settlement of Spain resulted in A) constant warfare.

B) a ?dark age? for scholastic achievement. C) introduction of the orange tree. D) famine and epidemics.

E) none of the above.



  1. The Almoravid dynasty A) resulted in an emphasis on religion.

B) ejected the Muslims from Spain. C) constructed Cordoba as the ?ornament of the world.? D) originated in Syria.

E) moved away from strict adherence of Islam.


  1. Averroe ?s was A) the leader of the Shi?ite Muslims.

B) the Christian king of Toledo. C) the first caliph. D) governor of Egypt under Harun al-Rashid.

E) a philosopher in Muslim Spain.


  1. Reconquista means A) a series of formal campaigns to free Jerusalem from Muslim control.


B) Catholic campaigns to unify a Christian Spain. C) the retreat of Islam from the Balkan peninsula. D) European dominance of the trade routes to the East.

E) the diversity of the Islamic world.


  1. The Normans A) recovered Sicily from the Muslims.

B) were descendants of the Vikings. C) came from northern France. D) had strong Roman Catholic support.

E) all of the above.


  1. The Crusades originated in A) China.                    B) India.        C) Turkey.    D) Spain.      E) France.


  1. Which of the following cities is a holy site to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism? A) Damascus

B) Cairo C) Rome D) Constantinople

E) none of the above



  1. The Ayyubid dynasty was overthrown in 1250 by A) a Mamluk military regiment.

B) the Mongols. C) the Crusades. D) a direct descendent of Muhammad.

E) Turkic nomads.


  1. The first Mongol campaigns into Islamic territory were led by A) Chinggis Khan.

B) Khwarazm-Shahs. C) Transoxania. D) Hu ?legu ?.

E) Mongke.


  1. The Mongol invasion of the Islamic world resulted in all of the following EXCEPT A) devastation of urban areas.

B) the revival of the Silk Roads. C) the end of scholarship. D) the conversion to Islam of the Mongols.

E) an eventual empire ruled by Tamerlane.


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