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Homework answers / question archive / Central Texas College GOVT 2304 Quiz 6 Question 1)The 15th executive department was created after the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States
a Department of Homeland
. Security.
b National Security
. Administration.
c Transportation Safety
. Administration.
d Department of War.
e Terrorist Cessation
. Department.
is considered the model for parliamentary democracy around the world.
a The United
. Kingdom
b Japan
c The United
. States
d Germany
e France
According to Steiner and Crepaz, which of the following is an advantage to having an independent executive (president):
a legislative terms are fixed.
b the executive is popularly
. elected.
c presidential government is
. limited.
d a system of separation of
. powers.
e All of the above
Which is NOT true of India’s divided executive system?
a There are both a president and a prime minister.
b Formal constitutional authority (Article 77) of the executive branch is given to
. the prime minister.
c The prime minister is the leader of the majority party elected to the Lok
. Sabha (lower house).
d The president is elected by means of an electoral college for a five year term.
e There are both a president and a vice president.
Which of the following is correct?
a The Queen of England must stand for elections.
b The British prime minister serves a five year term.
c The British use a personalized proportional representation system.
d The British prime minister can call for parliamentary elections at any point
. during a five-year period.
e The American president is only allowed to serve one six-year term.
Which of the following is NOT a reason why new democracies would choose multiparty parliamentary systems rather than presidential or majoritarian parliamentary systems?
a That independent executives are dangerous
b That the voters should have a diverse set of political parties to reflect their policy
. positions
c That everyone’s voice is heard through multiple parties
d That countries with a history of strong, independent rulers (dictators) need leaders free
. from legislative restraint
e all of the above are reasons why new democracies would choose multiparty
. parliamentary systems
The number of Electoral College votes per state is based upon
a the number of U.S. Representatives and U.S.
. Senators per state.
b the size of both political parties in the state.
c the size of the state legislature.
d determined by state law.
e the formula highlighted in the Twelve Amendment.
This first president of India generated a constitutional crisis in the 1950s by violating the conventions of cabinet government intended by India's Constituent Assembly.
a Sue Ellen
. Charlton
b Pranab
. Mukherjee
c Rajendra
. Prasad
d Manmohan
. Singh
e Indira Gandhi
Since the majority party that controls the House of Commons determines the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, we label it as a
a unitary state.
b federal state.
c presidential
. democracy.
d parliamentary
. democracy.
e bicameral
. democracy.
The mechanism that allows the president to veto only certain provisions of a law while signing the rest into law is called
a the pocket veto.
b the selective
. veto.
c the line-item
. veto.
d the exceptional
. veto.
e the partial veto.
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