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Homework answers / question archive / California State University, Long Beach HCA 465 chpt 5 1)In research, it is more important to be reliable than valid

California State University, Long Beach HCA 465 chpt 5 1)In research, it is more important to be reliable than valid

Health Science

California State University, Long Beach

HCA 465

chpt 5

1)In research, it is more important to be reliable than valid.

  1. It is possible for a scale to be valid and unreliable.
  2. Subject attrition refers to individuals gained during a study.
  3. The best way to access generalizability in research is to repeat research in different populations.


  1. Threats to internal validity are more critical than threats to external validity.


  1. Following the pilot testing and modification phase, researchers move forward with conducting the actual research.


  1. Validity is defined as the extent to which a test measures what it purports to measure.
  2. Internal consistency is also called homogeneity .



  1. An important strategy that can be used to reduce measurement errors is



  1. When you give an individual a test multiple times over a certain period of time in order to test stability, this technique is called:


  1. . The extent to which each question on survey is related to the same topic is termed:




  1. The technique used when you interview one person, and then ask them for the name of another person that might be interested in participating, is called:



  1. A set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned is referred to as



  1. The type of test that measures mastery, comprehension or proficiency of acquired skills of individuals is:



  1. Which statement thanks respondent for their participation, describes how incentives are received, and reassures them of the confidentiality of their responses?



  1. When investigators determine that they will use a survey for data collection they only have the option of using an existing survey.



  1. A survey introduction needs to be concise and easy to read In a few sections.


  1. When developing a scale, the first step is to gather a research group to generate ideas that relate to the topic of interest.



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