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Homework answers / question archive / Butler County Community CollegeHLTH 201 HEALTH SCIENCE Chapter 4 Sleep 1)The stages of sleep are delineated by A) patterns of brain activity

Butler County Community CollegeHLTH 201 HEALTH SCIENCE Chapter 4 Sleep 1)The stages of sleep are delineated by A) patterns of brain activity

Health Science

Butler County Community CollegeHLTH 201


Chapter 4 Sleep

1)The stages of sleep are delineated by A) patterns of brain activity.

B)            changes in metabolic rate.

C)            changes in body temperature.

D)           respiratory and heart rates.


1)            The deepest stage of sleep is A) REM sleep.

B)            Stage I.

C)            Stage II.

D)           Stage III.


2)            Which stage of sleep is the longest in adults?

A)           REM sleep

B)            Stage I

C)            Stage II D) Stage III


3)            A full night's sleep is characterized by

A)           four to five sleep cycles of about 90 minutes each.

B)            four to five sleep cycles of about 45 minutes each.

C)            three to five sleep cycles of about 60 minutes each.

D)           a cycle of NREM sleep, followed by a cycle of REM sleep, then wakefulness.


4)            Which of the following could lengthen the time a person stays in Stage III sleep? A) avoiding caffeine

B)            exercising

C)            avoiding stress

D)           reading before bed


5)            During REM sleep, brain activity

A)           may be increased in some regions compared to during wakefulness.

B)            may be decreased in some regions compared to during wakefulness.

C)            is distinguishable from the alpha rhythm.

D)           is the lowest among all sleep stages.


6)            You had to wake up your roommate in the morning so she won't be late to class. She wakes up confused and takes several minutes to appear alert. She is likely in

A)           Stage I sleep.

B)            Stage II sleep.

C)            Stage III sleep.

D)           REM sleep.



7)            The average circadian rhythm repeats every A) 24 hours.

B)            12 hours.

C)            8 hours.

D)           6 hours.


8)            The chemical associated with homeostatic sleep drive is

A)           melatonin.

B)            adenine.

C)            tryptophan.

D)           adenosine.


9)            The suprachiasmatic nucleus is located in

A)           all cells of the body.

B)            the retina. C) the brain.

D) the thymus.


10)          The melatonin response may be               in people who are blind compared to sighted people.

A)           decreased

B)            increased

C)            the same D) absent.


11)          The circadian rhythm is most heavily influenced by

A)           how long a person stays awake.

B)            intensity of physical activity during the day.

C)            length of stage III sleep. D) exposure to light.


12)          John regularly wakes up at 9:00 a.m. but has just accepted a new job that requires him to wake up at 7:30 a.m. Which of the following would most effectively increase his chances of shifting his sleep phase?

A)           go to bed two hours earlier than normal

B)            keep the light on later at night

C)            set a light timer to turn on at 7:00 a.m.

D)           set a light timer to turn on at 6:00 a.m.


13)          Which of the following statements is TRUE about the effect of caffeine?

A)           Drinking coffee may have effects for up to 48 hours in people with insomnia. B) Drinking coffee can reset the circadian rhythm.

C)            Caffeine increases the homeostatic sleep drive.

D)           Caffeine reduces the effects of adenosine accumulation.


14)          A delayed sleep phase is most common during

A)           infancy.

B)            childhood.

C)            adolescence.

D)           older adulthood.


15)          Which of the following factors is most likely to particularly affect women's sleep? A) sleep apnea

B)            work schedules

C)            hormonal changes

D)           number of children she has


16)          A high progesterone level

A)           causes sleep difficulty.

B)            is the main driver of sleeplessness during menopause.

C)            is not associated with sleep function.

D)           promotes sleep.


17)          Which of the following is NOT a benefit of a later school start time for adolescents? A) increased alertness despite a shorter sleep duration

B)            decreased car accidents

C)            better grades

D)           reduced school nurse visits


18)          Older adults tend to get

A)           the best sleep quality.

B)            more REM sleep.

C)            less deep sleep.

D)           more slow-wave sleep.


19)          Athletic performance is influenced by

A)           circadian rhythms.

B)            length of sleep.

C)            level of homeostatic sleep drive. D) All answer choices are correct.


20)          Sleep deprivation is linked to obesity via

A)           increasing ghrelin and leptin levels.

B)            decreasing ghrelin and leptin levels.

C)            decreasing ghrelin and increasing leptin levels. D) increasing ghrelin and decreasing leptin levels.


21)          The public health impact of sleep deprivation is most clearly seen in

A)           the national consumption of coffee.

B)            the increasing rates of depression nationwide.

C)            the number of auto accidents caused by drowsy drivers.

D)           the decreased productivity at work.


22)          The main cardiovascular symptom associated with sleep apnea is

A)           hypertension.

B)            obesity.

C)            atherosclerosis.

D)           diabetes.


23)          Getting enough sleep is important in minimizing the risk for dementia by

A)           reducing the levels of cerebrospinal fluid that puts pressure on the brain. B) allowing sufficient time for the glymphatic system to do its work.

C)            increasing the level of amyloid proteins in the brain.

D)           increasing melatonin, which is a protective factor for the brain.


24)          The first recommended step in planning to get better sleep is to A) start a sleep diary.

B)            identify your sleep disrupters.

C)            aim for 8 hours of sleep a night.

D)           limit caffeine intake.


25)          Physical sleep disrupters include all of the following EXCEPT

A)           reflux.

B)            pain.

C)            allergies.

D)           room temperature.


26)          Of the following items to treat nasal congestion at night,              should be avoided.

A)           decongestants containing ephedrine

B)            nasal steroid sprays C) nasal saline sprays

D) allergy medication


27)          To avoid getting up to use the bathroom at night, you should avoid

A)           drinking water within an hour of bedtime.

B)            drinking tea and other diuretics during the day. C) caffeine after 3 p.m.

D) drinking any fluids within three hours of bedtime.


28)          The following are environmental changes you can make to improve sleep EXCEPT

A)           ensuring an appropriate bedroom temperature.

B)            removing the TV from the bedroom. C) sleeping with your dog on the bed.

D) using noise-dampening and light-blocking curtains.


29)          Which of the following practices would be LEAST helpful in reducing stress before bedtime?

A)           exercising during the day

B)            planning for the next day right before bedtime

C)            meditating in the evening

D)           stopping studying or working one hour before bedtime



30)          All of the following are sources of caffeine EXCEPT

A)           black tea.

B)            coffee.

C)            chocolate. D) orange juice.


31)          Which of the following is a symptom of reflux?

A)           frequent urination

B)            sneezing at night

C)            dry cough at night D) snoring


32)          The term "social jet lag" refers to

A)           jet lag that occurs when you travel across time zones.

B)            a circadian rhythm that is out of sync between weekends and weekdays. C) a delayed sleep phase.

D) the effect of social drinking on the sleep cycle.


33)          Aram keeps waking up at night coughing, and he has noticed hoarseness in his voice during the day. He should consider

A)           taking a multivitamin to reduce boost his immune system.

B)            eating starchy foods at dinner to absorb stomach acid. C) taking cough medicine before bedtime.

D) skipping his pre-bedtime ice cream routine.


34)          When assessing your sleep habits, which of the following is NOT recommended to be included in your initial sleep diary?

A)           how long it took to fall asleep

B)            how much exercise you did during the day

C)            how rested you feel in the morning

D)           your caffeine and alcohol intake during the day


35)          Which of the following sleep aids poses the least harmful side effects?

A)           prescription medication B) melatonin

C)            diphenhydramine

D)           cetirizine


36)          Alcohol and opioids can affect sleep similarly in that they

A)           stimulate the nervous system. B) affect breathing during sleep.

C)            cause extreme sleepiness.

D)           lower blood pressure during sleep.



37)          The following medications can cause insomnia, EXCEPT

A)           antidepressants.

B)            steroids. C) caffeine.

D) diphenhydramine.


38)          Sleeping helps us learn by facilitating all of the following EXCEPT

A)           encoding the learned material in the hippocampus.

B)            stabilizing the learned material in the prefrontal cortex.

C)            providing opportunities for the brain to rehearse the learned material.

D)           enhancing retrieval of the learned material.


39)          Winding down is a part of good sleep hygiene that may involve

A)           watching light entertainment on TV. B) taking a melatonin sleep aid.

C)            doing light tasks to make the next morning easier.

D)           disengaging from work during the hour before bedtime.


40)          Jasmine finds herself falling asleep during a particular lecturer's class, which is at 10:00 a.m. However, she was alert during her previous class which started at 8:00 a.m.—a laboratory class set inside a sunny greenhouse. Which of the following best explains her sleep condition?

A)           Her lecture teacher is a boring speaker.

B)            She forgot to drink coffee that morning.

C)            She has a sleep deficit.

D)           She has a delayed sleep phase.


41)          You are trying to determine your baseline sleep need by implementing a 10-hour sleep opportunity. You generally need to get up at 8:00 a.m. to be on time for morning classes. What time should you ideally try to set as your bedtime?

A) 10:00 p.m.

B) midnight

C) 9:00 p.m.

D) when you begin to feel sleepy.


42)          Which of the following advice regarding eating is most effective for resetting a delayed sleep phase?

A)           Skip breakfast and eat an early lunch.

B)            Eat a light dinner.

C)            Have your last meal three hours before your intended bedtime.

D)           Rise an hour earlier and drink coffee.


43)          To best increase your chances of falling asleep quickly, you should avoid

A)           exercising late in the day.

B)            eating spicy food late in the day.

C)            taking a warm shower before bedtime. D) looking at your phone before bedtime.



44)          Chronic insomnia is defined as

A)           having trouble falling asleep during the day.

B)            having trouble falling asleep at night at least once a week.

C)            having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at least three nights a week for at least three months.

D)           having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at least three nights a week for at least six months.

45)          One of the first steps in treating insomnia is to

A)           eliminate naps.

B)            address possible sleep disrupters.

C)            take melatonin supplements.

D)           establish an early wake up schedule.


46)          Exercising before bedtime is       for people with insomnia because it        .

A)           inadvisable; causes late-night hunger

B)            advisable; promotes relaxation afterwards

C)            advisable; encourages melatonin production D) inadvisable; raises the metabolic rate


47)          The following strategies can lessen the symptoms of restless leg syndrome EXCEPT

A)           stretching before bedtime.

B)            taking sleep aids that contain diphenhydramine.

C)            ensuring iron levels are not too high or too low.

D)           avoiding caffeine.


48)          Probably the most common disrupter of sleep is

A)           sleep apnea.

B)            restless leg syndrome.

C)            circadian rhythm problems. D) a stressful lifestyle.


49)          All of the following are symptoms of narcolepsy EXCEPT

A)           sudden loss of muscle control. B) sleepwalking.

C)            overwhelming urge to sleep in the daytime.

D)           difficulty talking upon waking up.


50)          Many people with sleep apnea A) feel extremely sleepy all day.

B)            sleepwalk frequently

C)            are unaware of their breathing problems.

D)           have difficulty taking naps during the day.


51)          People with narcolepsy tend to

A)           have several other relatives afflicted with the disorder.

B)            stay in the deepest stage of sleep most of the night. C) have a genetic mutation in the brain.


D) have trouble falling asleep at night.

52)          Julie has had difficulty falling asleep for a few months. She regularly tries to go to bed at 9:00 p.m. and stays in bed until 6:00 a.m. However, she wakes up tired and so remains in bed for about an hour before getting up. To treat her insomnia, she should try

A)           going to bed earlier so she falls asleep earlier.

B)            taking a 45-minute afternoon nap to help her get through the day. C) delaying her bedtime to 10:00 p.m., and get out of bed at 6:00 a.m.

D) taking coffee in the morning to help set her circadian rhythm.


53)          Julie has tried to narrow her sleep window in an attempt to treat her insomnia and fall asleep faster. She has started to fall asleep faster; however, she still wakes up occasionally and finds it hard to go back to sleep afterward. Which of the following would be LEAST helpful as a next step?

A)           treat her nasal allergies with nasal spray

B)            start sleeping a little earlier to allow enough time for deep sleep to set in

C)            eliminate all caffeine during the day

D)           check her room temperature to make sure it's cool enough at night


Mike is a 45-year-old man who is slightly overweight. His wife complains that he snores loudly at night, keeping her awake, and wants him to ask his doctor to do a sleep study.


54)          Which sleep disorder is suggested by Mike's symptoms?

A)           insomnia

B)            narcolepsy

C)            restless leg syndrome D) sleep apnea


55)          Mike is concerned about the time and cost of getting a sleep study and any treatments he might need. What recommended strategies could he first try on his own to improve his and his wife's sleep at night?

A)           take a 30-day-trial of an anti-snoring device being advertised online B) start an exercise program and ensure a healthy diet to lose weight

C)            sleep on his back using more pillows to raise his head

D)           diffuse essential oils to clear his sinuses


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