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Homework answers / question archive / Capella University - PSY 7712 1)Challenging behavior can produce both short-term and long-term negative outcomes for: a The student who engages in the
Capella University - PSY 7712
1)Challenging behavior can produce both short-term and long-term negative outcomes for:
a The student who engages in the
. challenging behavior.
b Peers and educators of the student.
c Family members of the student.
d All of the other answers are correct.
Diego's BCBA is conducting a home visit to determine why he is having tantrums at home and not during therapy. Diego is a 4-year-old boy with moderate severity ASD. After two separate observations, it was found that 92% of Diego's tantrums were maintained by escape from non-preferred tasks and activities. For instance, if Diego's mom asked him to pick up his toys or brush his teeth, he would engage in a tantrum and his mother would no longer require him to complete the task. Based on this information, which (if any) of the following interventions is appropriate for addressing Diego's tantrums?
a The BCBA should have Diego's mom reprimand him each time he
. has a tantrum.
b The BCBA should recommend that Diego's mom have him wear a
. weighted vest to prevent his tantrums from occurring.
The BCBA should teach Diego's mom how to provide Diego with a c reinforcing stimulus each time he completes a non-preferred task
. without having a tantrum.
d None of the other answers is correct.
3. Early problems or trauma experienced as a child are often suggested as the original causes of, or influences on, a student's challenging behavior. Which statement is most accurate?
There may be useful information gained from investigating such historical factors. For example, one may learn that the child has a
a great fear of dogs, loud noises (for example, thunder or jets), and
. lightning. This information can guide the preparation of related interventions.
The primary question in determining intervention is, "What are the b current influences on behavior, and how can they be altered in
. order to change behavior?"
c The original conditions that led to the acquisition of the challenging
. behavior probably are not the conditions that maintain it today.
d All of the other answers are correct.
Educational teams should:
Focus only on disruptive or dangerous types of challenging
a behavior, specifically the topography or the physical features of the
. behavior.
b Focus only on the severity or intensity of disruptive or dangerous
. types of challenging behavior.
Attend to disruptive or dangerous behaviors as well as more mild c challenging behaviors that have a negative effect on learning and
. development.
d None of the other answers is correct.
5. Misleading or faulty explanations about the causes of behavior:
Sometimes yield better understanding about why challenging
a behavior is occurring now. For example, the team may discover that
. a rare disorder exists that is associated with challenging behavior (for example, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome).
Should always be thoroughly examined in order to select
b therapeutic, non-behavioral interventions for the challenging
. behavior.
Often interfere as we try to address challenging behavior. This may occur if we remain focused on blaming the student, other
c individuals, or family and home situations. If our beliefs about why
. challenging behavior occurs are misguided or wrong, then the interventions we select will be misguided, and the likelihood is that
we will be unsuccessful in changing the challenging behavior.
d All of the other answers are correct.
Private events:
a Have the same physical status as public events.
b Are anything an organism does, including covert
. actions like thinking.
c Are behaviors that produce aversive or punishing
. outcomes.
d Are not considered behavior.
The functional assessment and intervention model is built on a core set of assumptions concerning the development and maintenance of both appropriate and challenging behaviors. These assumptions guide the identification of the supports for challenging behavior and the interventions that are developed to address challenging behavior. Which of the following are core assumptions?
a Challenging behavior and appropriate behavior are supported by
. the current environment. Behavior serves a function.
b Challenging behavior can be changed using positive interventions
. that address the function of the behavior.
c Functional assessment should be a team-based process.
d All of the other answers are correct.
This is anything an organism does, including covert actions like thinking:
a Applied behavior analysis.
b Shaping.
c Behavior.
d All of the other answers are
. correct.
Upon completion of Amber's functional behavior assessment, it was clear that her talk-outs were being maintained by teacher attention. Which (if any) of the following could be a potentially effective strategy to address this behavior?
Have the teacher provide reinforcement when Amber raises her
b hand while not providing any response or attention to Amber's talk-
. outs.
c Have the teacher tell Amber, "I'm not going to address you when
. you talk out," each time Amber engages in the target behavior.
d None of the above.
What decision by the educational team will need to be made as to whether a behavior requires functional assessment and intervention?
a The team should decide if the student's behavior is challenging.
The team should recognize that for the student the challenging b behavior is in fact very functional and effective; it produces an
. outcome that is desirable to the student or that meets the needs of
the student.
c The team should consider the perspective of those individuals who
. identify the behavior as challenging.
d All of the other answers are correct.
What is a way we can determine if biological or medical variables may be affecting a client?
a Conduct a preference
. assessment.
c Refer the client for a medical
. evaluation.
d All of the other answers are
. correct.
Which is an acceptable explanation for when an educator asks you the question, "Why does his challenging behavior occur?"
a His challenging behavior occurs because of his personality and
. disability.
b His challenging behavior is caused by his family, poor parenting and
. discipline practices, and unfortunate home circumstances.
c His challenging behavior is a result of previous trauma related to
. bad experiences where he lived before.
His challenging behavior may be occurring since it serves a purpose d for him. He is possibly getting something he wants through his
. behavior. We can conduct a functional assessment to learn more
about the causes for his behavior.
Which is an acceptable explanation for when an educator asks you the question, "Why does his challenging behavior occur?"
a His challenging behavior occurs because of his personality and
. disability.
b His challenging behavior is caused by his family, poor parenting and
discipline practices, and unfortunate home circumstances.
c His challenging behavior is a result of previous trauma related to
. bad experiences where he lived before.
His challenging behavior may be occurring since it serves a purpose d for him. He is possibly getting something he wants through his
. behavior. We can conduct a functional assessment to learn more
about the causes for his behavior.
Which is not one of the four phases of intervention?
a Assessme
. nt.
b Parsimony
. .
c Interventi
. on.
d Planning.
Which is part of the definition of challenging behavior?
a Behavior that interferes with the student's learning or the learning
. of other individuals.
b Behavior that hinders positive social interactions and relationships.
c Behavior that harms the student, peers, adults, or family members.
d All of the above are correct.
Which is true about the functional assessment perspective?
a Most behaviors are triggered, strengthened, or weakened by current
. environmental events.
b Behaviors that produce positive outcomes are strengthened and
. continue to occur.
c Behaviors that produce aversive or punishing outcomes are
. weakened and do not continue to occur.
d All of the other answers are correct.
Which of the following is a biological or medical variable that could affect the client?
a Constipation.
b A toothache.
c A chromosomal disorder.
d All of the other answers are
. correct.
Which statement is false?
Challenging behaviors have little or no adverse impact on students a receiving maximum or optimal benefits from educational
. placements.
b Challenging behavior often is incompatible with engagement and
. academic learning.
Students in self-contained special education classes who exhibit c challenging behavior are expelled or suspended at higher rates
. than students in general education.
d Many students with severe and frequent challenging behavior drop
. out of high school.
Which statement is false?
Challenging behaviors have little or no adverse impact on students a receiving maximum or optimal benefits from educational
. placements.
b Challenging behavior often is incompatible with engagement and
. academic learning.
Students in self-contained special education classes who exhibit c challenging behavior are expelled or suspended at higher rates
. than students in general education.
d Many students with severe and frequent challenging behavior drop
. out of high school.
Which statement is true?
Students who exhibit challenging behavior often are avoided or
a rejected by peers and have fewer opportunities for successful and
. fulfilling social relationships.
b Challenging behavior often interferes with the development of
. positive relationships and interactions with family members.
Challenging behavior that is not addressed typically will become more severe and frequent with age and may have a negative effect
c on post-school outcomes (for example, crime, substance abuse,
. unemployment, referral to state institutions, and psychiatric disorder diagnosis).
d All of these answers are true.
Why is it important to rule out medical issues before treating problem behaviors?
a If biological or medical variables are impacting the behavior, there
. may be no need for behavior analytic services.
b Underlying medical issues can impact the effectiveness of
. behavioral intervention.
Ethically, we need to work within the scope of our competency. If a c biological or medical issue is maintaining the behavior, it may be
. more beneficial for the client to receive other specialized services.
d All of the other answers are correct.
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