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Homework answers / question archive / California State University, Fresno - IS 6E Package Title: Test Bank Course Title: Introduction to IS 6e Chapter Number: 11 Question Type: Multiple Choice 1)For Organic and Beyond Corporation,        operations were more complex than             operations because of the number of orders

California State University, Fresno - IS 6E Package Title: Test Bank Course Title: Introduction to IS 6e Chapter Number: 11 Question Type: Multiple Choice 1)For Organic and Beyond Corporation,        operations were more complex than             operations because of the number of orders


California State University, Fresno - IS 6E

Package Title: Test Bank

Course Title: Introduction to IS 6e Chapter Number: 11

Question Type: Multiple Choice

1)For Organic and Beyond Corporation,        operations were more complex than            

operations because of the number of orders.

A.         B2B; B2C

B.         B2B; C2C

C.         B2C; B2B

D.         B2C; C2C




2.         Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Organic and Beyond Corporation’s CRM system?

A.         Meeting demand

B.         Operating costs

C.         Reduced sales

D.         Tracking sales performance




3.         CRM is most essential for       businesses.

A.         Small

B.         Medium

C.         Large

D.         All of the above




4.                    is the percentage of customers that will be lost over time.

A.         Customer churn

B.         Customer intimacy

C.         Lifetime loss

D.         Lifetime value





5.                    offers a 360-degree view of customers.

A.         Analytical CRM

B.         Data consolidation

C.         Mobile CRM

D.         On-demand





6.                    is a customer-focused and customer-driven organizational strategy.

A.         CRM

B.         ERP

C.         FAIS

D.         SCM





7.         CRM helps address which of Porter’s Five Forces?

A.         Buyer power

B.         Rivalry

C.         Supplier power

D.         Threat of substitutes





8.         Customer relationship has become    personal with the rapid growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web.

A.         Less

B.         More

C.         There has been no change

D.         It has become irrelevant





9.         Amazon’s CRM systems described in the IT’s About Business case are        .

A.         analytical

B.         operational, customer-facing

C.         operational, customer-touching

D.         analytical and operational





10.       The “Amazon Effect” has NOT impacted       .

A.         BestBuy

B.         Dell

C.         RadioShack

D.         Staples





11.       Amazon’s basic CRM strategy has always focused on           .

A.         Anticipation

B.         Cost

C.         Personalization

D.         Shipping







12.       Online feedback typically captures roughly   percent of customer interactions.

A.         5

B.         40

C.         75

D.         95





13.       StellaService’s business is       .

A.         B2B

B.         B2C

C.         B2G

D.         C2C




14.       StellaService entered into a partnership with            to give companies a double “mark of approval” in the eyes of customers.

A.         Amazon

B.         Facebook

C.         Google

D.         Twitter





15.       Which of the following is a customer-touching CRM application?

A.         CIC

B.         CMA

C.         FAQ

D.         SFA





16.       Which of the following is a customer-facing CRM application?

A.         FAQs

B.         Loyalty programs

C.         Personalized web pages

D.         Sales force automation





17.                  track all contacts that have been made with a customer, the purpose of each contact, and any follow-up that might be necessary.

A.         Configurators

B.         Contact management systems

C.         Sales forecasting systems

D.         Sales lead tracking systems





18.       You decide it’s finally time to get a new TV. You go to Best Buy to check out your options. One of the Best Buy sales representatives points out that the largest TV they have also has the most amazing picture quality. Even though you didn’t want a TV that big, you decide it’s worth it for the better picture quality. The sales representative’s technique is called      .

A.         Bundling

B.         Cross-selling

C.         Up-selling

D.         None of the above – this is unethical behavior






19.       The purpose of loyalty programs is to            .

A.         decrease the threat of substitute products

B.         increase buyer power

C.         influence future behavior

D.         reward past behavior





20.                  is an important technology in analytical CRM systems.

A.         Auto-responses

B.         Customer service and support

C.         OLAP

D.         OLTP





21.       Analytical CRM systems provide        .

A.         business intelligence

B.         data

C.         information

D.         knowledge





22.       Which of the following is NOT an analytical CRM technology?

A.         Business intelligence technologies

B.         Data mining

C.         OLAP

D.         OLTP





23.       Which of the following is NOT an analytical CRM technology?

A.         BI

B.         CIC

C.         DSS

D.         OLAP





24.       Which of the following is FALSE of analytical CRM systems?

A.         They analyze customer behavior and perceptions.

B.         They are used to create statistical models of customer behavior.

C.         They provide the information in digital dashboards.

D.         They support front-office business processes.





25.                  CRM systems are purchased “as-is” and then installed on-site.

A.         On-demand

B.         On-premise

C.         Open-source

D.         Mobile






26.       The problem with       CRM systems is they may be difficult to integrate with existing software.

A.         On-demand

B.         On-premise

C.         Open-source

D.         Mobile





27.       Salesforce is the best-known  CRM vendor.

A.         On-demand

B.         On-premise

C.         Open-source

D.         Mobile





28.                  CRM systems involve interacting directly with consumers anywhere at any time.

A.         On-demand

B.         On-premise

C.         Open-source

D.         Mobile





29.       The problem with open-source CRM systems is        .

A.         Availability

B.         Cost

C.         Integration

D.         Quality







30.       Disney implemented a(n)       CRM system at Disney World.

A.         Mobile

B.         On-demand

C.         On-premise

D.         Open-source





31.       The MagicBand uses   technology.

A.         AI

B.         FAQ

C.         GPS

D.         RFID





32.       The major issue with Disney’s MyMagic+ is  .

A.         Cost

B.         Integration

C.         Privacy

D.         Training




33.       For uShip,        operations were more complex than operations because of the longer term management.

A.         B2B; B2C

B.         B2B; C2C






C.         B2C; B2B

D.         B2C; C2C





34.       uShip used a    approach to system implementation.

A.         Direct

B.         Parallel

C.         Phased

D.         Pilot





35.       Which of the following is NOT an advantage of uShip’s CRM system?

A.         Cost

B.         Reporting

C.         Response time

D.         Workload





36.       The Morton’s Steakhouse case shows the power of  CRM.

A.         Mobile

B.         On-demand

C.         Open-source

D.         Social




37.       Morton’s Steakhouse responded to a post to please its customer.

A.         Blog

B.         Facebook

C.         Google

D.         Twitter




38.       The Morton’s Steakhouse case is an example of how to use a          system to


A.         CRM; repair damaged relationships

B.         CRM; enhance your business’s image

C.         SCM; repair damaged relationships

D.         SCM; enhance your business’s image




39.       Sensors, RFID tags, meters, GPS, and other devices are used to collect supply chain information. These are all examples of      .

A.         Batch processing

B.         OLAP

C.         OLTP

D.         Source data automation






40.       Sourcing or procurement occurs in the          component of the supply chain.

A.         Downstream

B.         Internal

C.         Intraorganizational

D.         Upstream







41.       Customers are in the  component of the supply chain.

A.         Downstream

B.         Internal

C.         Intraorganizational

D.         Upstream





42.                  flows are the physical products, raw materials, and suppliers that flow along the chain.

A.         Financial

B.         Information

C.         Material

D.         Supplier





43.       You order a pair of shoes online but they don’t fit. You send them back. This is an example of a(n)            transaction.

A.         Downstream

B.         Internal

C.         Intraorganizational

D.         Upstream





44.       SCM helps address which of Porter’s Five Forces?

A.         Buyer power

B.         Rivalry

C.         Supplier power


D.         Threat of substitutes




45.       In the   component of SCM, the organization should come up with a strategy for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer demand for the product or service.

A.         Deliver

B.         Make

C.         Plan

D.         Source





46.       In the   component of SCM, the organization should manage the logistics process.

A.         Deliver

B.         Make

C.         Plan

D.         Source





47.       Which of the following companies uses a push model?

A.         Dell

B.         Ford

C.         Men’s Warehouse

D.         Rolls-Royce






48.       Which of the following is NOT a solution to supply chain problems?

A.         Horizontal integration

B.         JIT

C.         VMI

D.         Vertical integration





49.       Which of the following is NOT a reason Crate & Barrel implemented an SCM system?

A.         Better reporting

B.         Cost reductions

C.         Globalization

D.         Visibility





50.       Supply chain visibility enhances supply chain .

A.         cost

B.         e-commerce

C.         flexibility

D.         globalization





51.       Which of the following is an e-commerce opportunity for Crate & Barrel?

A.         Information demands

B.         Price transparency

C.         Purchasing ability

D.         Service expectations






52.       Which of the following is a NOT an e-commerce challenge for Crate & Barrel?

A.         Information demands

B.         Price transparency

C.         Purchasing ability

D.         Service expectations





53.                  is/are a communication standard that enables business partners to exchange routing documents electronically.

A.         EDI

B.         Extranets

C.         JIT

D.         Portals





54.       Which of the following is a limitation of EDI?

A.         Cycle time

B.         Data entry errors

C.         Initial investment

D.         Security





55.                  support(s) the linking of business partners.

A.         Extranets

B.         Intranets

C.         Suppliernets

D.         The Internet







56.       Which of the following do extranets use to make communication over the internet more secure?

A.         EDI

B.         SFA

C.         JIT

D.         VPN





57.                  allows you to work from home.

A.         EDI

B.         SFA

C.         JIT

D.         VPN





58.       India’s automotive supply chain issues were resolved with the implementation of .

A.         a portal

B.         an extranet

C.         JIT

D.         VMI





59.       India’s  paid for the supply chain extranet.

A.         Customer

B.         Government

C.         OEMs

D.         Suppliers





60.       The main benefit of India’s new automotive supply chain extranet is          .

A.         cost

B.         customer intimacy

C.         efficiency

D.         security





61.       Super Retail Group addressed the issues resulting from its growth in sales volume and brand strength by implementing         .

A.         a CRM system

B.         an SCM system

C.         CIC

D.         EDI




62.       Super Retail Group used a      approach to system implementation.

A.         Direct

B.         Parallel

C.         Phased

D.         Pilot






63.       Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the SCM system Super Retail Group implemented?

A.         Inventory reductions

B.         Scalability

C.         Supplier lock-in

D.         Reliability




Question Type: True/False


1.         CRM is just about using software to improve the customer experience.






2.         When a company encourages you to buy extra cables like car adapters with your electronic devices, that is called bundling.






3.         Loyalty programs are customer-touching CRM applications.






4.         Analytical CRM systems support OLAP.






5.         Open-source CRM systems are also known as utility computing.






6.         Customers are downstream of manufacturers in a supply chain.





7.         The push model is the same as make-to-order.






8.         Dell uses a pull model.






9.         Distribution portals are for downstream customers in a supply chain.






Question Type: Fill-in-the-Blank


1.                    CRM systems provide effective and efficient interactive communication with the customer throughout the entire organization.





2.         Customer-       CRM applications are those services that interact directly with customers.





3.                    selling is a sales strategy in which the business person provides to customers the opportunity to purchase related products or services of greater value in place of, or along with, the consumer’s initial product or service selection.





4.         OLAP is a type of         CRM system.







5.                    CRM systems are CRM systems whose source code is available to developers and users.





6.                    is where sourcing or procurement from external suppliers occurs.




7.         The      model generates customized products.





8.                    portals automate the business processes involved in selling or distributing products from a single supplier to multiple buyers.





Question Type: Essay


1.         Why are CRM systems so important today? Suppose you are starting your own campus bookstore; how would you utilize a CRM system?


2.         How do operational and analytical CRM systems work together? Using an example technology for each CRM system, explain how these technologies could be used by a business to service customers better.





3.         List and describe the four alternatives to traditional, on-premise CRM systems. If you couldn’t afford an on-premise CRM system, which of these would you choose to implement (you can choose more than one), why would you choose this one (or these), and why wouldn’t you use the others? In other words, you should consider the benefits and limitations of each solution.



4.         How do SCM systems improve supply chain visibility? You should include the structure and components of a supply chain, the different flows along the supply chain, and problems along the supply chain in your answer. Evaluate how a company like Walmart, known for their SCM systems, is so successful.


5.         List and describe the three systems that provide support for IOSs and SCM systems.





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