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Saudi Electronic University - MGT 321
Chapter 12 The Global Capital Market
True / False Questions
1)A capital market brings together those who want to invest money and those who want to borrow money
Saudi Electronic University - MGT 321
Chapter 12 The Global Capital Market
True / False Questions
1)A capital market brings together those who want to invest money and those who want to borrow money
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Saudi Electronic University - MGT 321
Chapter 12 The Global Capital Market
True / False Questions
1)A capital market brings together those who want to invest money and those who want to borrow money.
True False
- Market makers are companies that make large investments in governmental bonds.
True False
- Commercial banks perform a direct connection function in capital markets.
True False
- An investor purchases the right to receive a specified fixed stream of income from the corporation when he purchases a share of stock.
True False
- A debt loan requires a corporation to repay a predetermined portion of the loan amount at regular intervals regardless of how much profit it is making.
True False
- Debt loans include cash loans from banks and funds raised from the sale of corporate bonds to investors.
True False
- The liquidity of the market is limited in a purely domestic capital market.
True False
- The cost of capital is the difference between cost of inputs and outputs.
True False
- The cost of capital is higher in a global market than in a purely domestic capital market.
True False
- By using the global capital market, investors have a much wider range
. of investment opportunities than in a purely domestic capital market.
True False
- The risk associated with a portfolio increases as the investor increases
. the number of stocks in her portfolio.
True False
- Investors can reduce the level of risk by diversifying a portfolio
. internationally.
True False
- Systematic risk refers to the movements in a stock portfolio's value that
. are attributable to macroeconomic forces affecting all firms in an economy.
True False
- The systematic risk is the level of diversifiable risk in an economy.
True False
- The relatively low correlation between the movements of stock markets
. in different countries indicates that countries face different economic conditions.
True False
- Using floating exchange rates will help countries reduce the risk of
. investing in foreign assets.
True False
- Financial services is an information-intensive industry.
True False
- An integrated international capital market is less volatile compared to a
. nonintegrated market.
True False
- Hedge funds position themselves to make "long bets" on assets that
. they think will increase in value.
True False
- Global capital market often lack information about the fundamental
. quality of foreign investments.
True False
- A Eurocurrency is the currency used by the countries of the European
. Union.
True False
- Eurocurrency can be created anywhere in the world.
True False
- A factor that makes the Eurocurrency market attractive to both
. depositors and borrowers is its lack of government regulation.
True False
- Banks charge borrowers a lower interest rate on Eurocurrency
. borrowings than for borrowings in the home currency.
True False
- The spread between the Eurocurrency deposit rate and the
. Eurocurrency lending rate is more than the spread between the domestic deposit and lending rates.
True False
- Eurocurrency market is characterized by lack of government
. regulation.
True False
- Domestic currency deposits are regulated in most industrialized
. countries.
True False
- Governments give banks less freedom when they deal in foreign
. currencies.
True False
- Companies receive a higher interest rate on deposits and pay less for
. loans when using the Eurocurrency market.
True False
- Depositors are not protected against bank failures in the Eurocurrency
. market.
True False
- Investors who purchase a fixed-rate bond receive cash payoffs only at
. maturity.
True False
- Foreign bonds are sold within the borrower's country and are
. denominated in the currency of the country in which they are issued.
True False
- Foreign bonds sold in the United States are called bulldogs.
True False
- Eurobonds are usually offered to residents of the country in whose
. currency they are denominated.
True False
- Eurobonds are normally underwritten by an international syndicate of
. banks.
True False
- Government limitations are more severe for securities denominated in
. foreign currencies than for domestic securities.
True False
- Eurobonds fall within the regulatory domain of European Economic
. Community.
True False
- Historically substantial regulatory barriers separated national equity
. markets from each other.
True False
- A Chinese firm borrows 1 million U.S. dollars from an American bank.
. The cost of this loan will be less if U.S. dollar appreciates against the Chinese currency.
True False
- Borrowers can hedge against foreign exchange risks by entering into a
. forward contract.
True False