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Homework answers / question archive / Louisiana State University - HIST 2055 Chapter 9 The Early Republic TRUE/FALSE 1)The “revolution of 1800” refers to the election of Thomas Jefferson

Louisiana State University - HIST 2055 Chapter 9 The Early Republic TRUE/FALSE 1)The “revolution of 1800” refers to the election of Thomas Jefferson


Louisiana State University - HIST 2055

Chapter 9 The Early Republic


1)The “revolution of 1800” refers to the election of Thomas Jefferson.




  1. Marbury v. Madison was sparked by one of President Adams’s “midnight appointments.”
  3. Once in office, Jefferson set out to dismantle Hamilton’s Federalist economic program.




  1. During Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, the national debt grew much larger.




  1. Thomas Jefferson signed an act outlawing the foreign slave trade as of 1808.




  1. From 1763 to 1803, the Louisiana Territory belonged to France.




  1. The expansion of the United States into the West weakened the Federalists.




  1. President Jefferson ignored a subpoena requiring him to appear in court with certain documents in his possession.




  1. James Madison followed Thomas Jefferson as president.




  1. During the early 1800s, the British were more likely than the French to respect American shipping rights.




  1. Tecumseh was a Shawnee leader who supported the United States in the War of 1812.




  1. Most “war hawks” were New England Federalists.




  1. William Henry Harrison was the American hero at the Battle of New Orleans.




  1. The Battle of New Orleans was meaningless since it was fought after the war had officially ended.




  1. The Federalist party was badly hurt by its involvement in the Hartford Convention.




  1. Americans felt intensely patriotic in the aftermath of the War of 1812.






  1. Between 1800 and 1840, the nation’s most dramatic population expansion occurred:
    1. west of the Appalachians
    2. in New England
    3. in Atlantic seaports
    4. in the Deep South
    5. beyond the Mississippi



  1. In the early nineteenth century, the fastest growing segment of the population was:
    1. immigrants
    2. free blacks
    3. Indians
    4. slaves
    5. women



  1. The nature of work was transformed for numerous Americans by:
    1. government regulations
    2. the growing factory system
    3. free land in the West
    4. advances in education
    5. scientific farming methods



  1. Jefferson’s inauguration was notable for:
    1. its sharp partisan tone
    2. the impassioned delivery of his speech
    3. its being the first in Washington, D.C.
    4. the luxurious surroundings


    1. its immediate call to arms



  1. Who said, “We are all Republicans—we are all Federalists”?
    1. Alexander Hamilton
    2. Thomas Jefferson
    3. Francis Scott Key
    4. James Madison
    5. John Adams




  1. Thomas Jefferson’s inaugural address reflected:
    1. his strong partisan desire to oppose the Federalists now that he was in office
    2. his desire to adopt Federalist principles now that he was in office
    3. an affirmation of educational elitism and commitment to continued governmental formal- ity
    4. a tone of simplicity and conciliation
    5. his hopes for a new war to unify the country



  1. President Jefferson’s cabinet:
    1. included no one from New England
    2. was marked for its mediocrity
    3. included Madison as secretary of state
    4. never actually met



  1. In the case of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court:
    1. showed its commitment to states’ rights
    2. ruled that Marbury should occupy his judicial position
    3. made itself the government’s most powerful branch
    4. proved it was not influenced by politics
    5. declared a federal law unconstitutional



  1. In the case of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court chief justice who established the principle of judicial review was:
    1. Albert Gallatin
    2. John Jay
    3. John Pickering
    4. John Marshall
    5. John Quincy Adams



  1. Jefferson showed his commitment to limited government by:
    1. cutting military spending


    1. selling the national bank
    2. ending the tariff
    3. abolishing the post office
    4. canceling the national debt



  1. Thomas Jefferson believed that a large federal debt would:
    1. mean high taxes and public corruption
    2. be a national “blessing”
    3. help bankers and investors in the United States make money from the federal government
    4. be easily paid off in fifty years
    5. cause another revolution



  1. In the early 1800s, the United States engaged in a naval conflict with:
    1. France
    2. North African pirates
    3. Britain
    4. Spain
    5. Canadian smugglers



  1. The Louisiana Purchase was made possible by:
    1. Jefferson’s threat to take the land by force
    2. Britain’s support of the U.S. effort
    3. Napoléon’s disastrous setback in Haiti
    4. the fact that France offered it for free
    5. the political backing of the Federalists



  1. The Louisiana Purchase was a problem for Jefferson because:
    1. the cost was too high for the United States to pay
    2. acquisition of new Indian lands was contrary to his principles and beliefs
    3. the territory was ideal for slavery, which he opposed
    4. he believed that the Constitution did not give authority to acquire new land
    5. it would be hard to defend it against the Spaniards



  1. All of the following are true of the Louisiana Purchase EXCEPT:
    1. it was Jefferson’s greatest achievement as president
    2. the United States acquired an immensity of new territory
    3. it was easily approved by the Senate
    4. it was clearly constitutional
    5. it soon led to further territorial acquisition




  1. To President Jefferson, one major incentive to purchase Louisiana was to:
    1. gain the support of the Federalists
    2. secure American access to the Mississippi River and New Orleans
    3. spend some of the surplus money in the Treasury
    4. prove that the United States had become a world power
    5. acquire new ports on the Pacific




  1. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to:
    1. make peace with the Indians
    2. establish a settlement in Louisiana
    3. capture California
    4. spread Christianity westward
    5. map and explore well beyond the Mississippi



  1. Lewis and Clark’s expedition:
    1. gave the United States a claim to Oregon
    2. was a spectacular failure
    3. fought against Spaniards in Texas
    4. encountered no friendly Indians
    5. concluded that the West was uninhabitable



  1. Jefferson’s policy and political successes were indicated when          became a Republican.
    1. Thomas Pickering
    2. John Quincy Adams
    3. Daniel Boone
    4. Aaron Burr
    5. Alexander Hamilton



  1. The Essex Junto was:
    1. a group of New Englanders who supported the Louisiana Purchase
    2. the name given to Republican supporters of Aaron Burr
    3. an extremist group of Federalists in New England who developed the idea of secession from the Union
    4. the primary supporter of Jefferson’s Embargo Act
    5. Jefferson’s most trusted group of political advisers



  1. The 1804 presidential election resulted in:
    1. a comeback for the Federalists


    1. Aaron Burr’s duel with Alexander Hamilton
    2. Jefferson’s landslide reelection
    3. the rise of a powerful third party
    4. months of confusion over the actual winner



  1. To avoid the problems associated with political parties running multiple candidates for the presidency, Congress:
    1. outlawed multiple party candidates
    2. called for a constitutional convention to deal with this issue
    3. changed the qualifications for president
    4. passed the Twelfth Amendment providing that electors use separate ballots to vote for a president and a vice president
    5. made popular vote the method by which presidents would be chosen



  1. The “Old Republicans,” led by John Randolph:
    1. were mostly Southerners
    2. defended states’ rights
    3. opposed tariffs
    4. supported an agrarian society
    5. all of the above



  1. Aaron Burr’s conspiracy:
    1. involved a plot to assassinate Jefferson
    2. brought his conviction for treason
    3. involved the Federalists
    4. aimed to give him a private western empire
    5. caused his removal as vice president



  1. Aaron Burr’s treason trial featured:
    1. John Marshall’s insistence upon a rigid definition of treason
    2. Burr’s dramatic confession
    3. Jefferson’s testimony on behalf of the prosecution
    4. charges that the jury had been bribed
    5. three witnesses of overt acts of treason



  1. The British used the 1805 Essex decision as an excuse to:
    1. seize American ships
    2. close the West Indies to American trade
    3. blockade American ports
    4. cancel Jay’s Treaty
    5. reopen trade with France




  1. As a result of the competing British and French “paper blockades,” American shippers:
    1. stayed at home
    2. ran the risk of capture
    3. got Jefferson to strengthen the navy
    4. armed their merchant vessels
    5. paid bribes to the British and French navies



  1. In the Essex case:
    1. a British court ruled that enemy goods were subject to seizure even if shipped through neutral ports
    2. a French gunboat that ran aground in North Carolina was burned
    3. the American navy seized and improperly searched a British ship
    4. certain provisions of Pinckney’s Treaty were violated
    5. Britain explained why its impressment of American sailors was legal



  1. Jefferson’s response to British and French interference with American shipping was:
    1. an effort to woo France into an alliance
    2. an effort to woo Britain into an alliance
    3. what he called a policy of “peaceable coercion”
    4. to ignore the matter and continue trading with both
    5. to shift the American economy toward industrialization



  1. The Leopard’s attack upon the Chesapeake:
    1. resulted in an American victory
    2. occurred on the Great Lakes
    3. created war fever in the United States
    4. brought an official British apology
    5. ended the British practice of impressment



  1. Jefferson’s Embargo Act:
    1. forced a change in British policy
    2. was effectively enforced by the navy
    3. had widespread public backing
    4. sought to stop all American exports
    5. ended Jefferson’s presidency on a successful note



  1. President Madison’s attempts to deal with British and French interference with American trade:
    1. were far more effective than Jefferson’s


    1. showed his belief in peace at any price
    2. boosted the domestic economy
    3. revealed that Napoléon could be trusted
    4. led to war with the British



  1. The Shawnee leader, Tecumseh:
    1. worked to unite Indians in a vast confederacy
    2. was probably the greatest Indian preacher
    3. befriended western settlers
    4. attacked British Canada
    5. won a battle when Americans attacked his capital



  1. The greatest support for the declaration of war in 1812 came from:
    1. the New England area
    2. the areas in which commerce and international trade were a primary occupation
    3. the manufacturing centers
    4. the agricultural regions from Pennsylvania southward and westward
    5. the Old Republicans



  1. Which war hawk loudly proclaimed that his state of Kentucky was ready to march on Canada and ac- quire its lucrative fur trade?
    1. Felix Grundy
    2. Henry Clay
    3. John Randolph
    4. John C. Calhoun
    5. Andrew Jackson



  1. In the Battle of Tippecanoe:
    1. British forces defeated a larger American army
    2. American forces defeated a larger British army
    3. American frontiersmen battled Spanish settlers in Florida
    4. the hope of an Indian confederation to protect their hunting grounds was ended
    5. William Henry Harrison was shamefully defeated by the Indians



  1. Western settlers and politicians believed war with Britain might enable:
    1. monopoly of the fur trade
    2. expansion to the Pacific
    3. conquest of Canada
    4. an alliance with Tecumseh
    5. an alliance with Napoléon



  1. As the War of 1812 started, one strength of the United States was:
    1. a large standing army


    1. a small but war-tested navy
    2. a surplus in the federal budget
    3. the national bank’s stabilization of the economy
    4. President Madison’s genius as commander-in-chief



  1. The naval battle on Lake Erie resulted in:
    1. the death of Tecumseh
    2. American control of Canada
    3. the end of British naval supremacy
    4. Commodore Perry’s glorious victory
    5. a British invasion of New York



  1. At Horseshoe Bend, Andrew Jackson won a smashing victory over the:
    1. Cherokees
    2. Shawnees
    3. British
    4. Spaniards
    5. Creeks



  1. The British invasion of the mid-Atlantic coast in 1814 resulted in:
    1. their capture of Baltimore
    2. their defeat by American militia
    3. the capture and burning of Washington, D.C.
    4. Madison’s resignation as president
    5. the U.S. decision to sue for peace



  1. The most notable aspect of the British assault upon Baltimore was:
    1. the complete destruction of Fort McHenry
    2. the large number of civilian casualties
    3. the length of the siege that followed
    4. its inspiration for the eventual national anthem
    5. the superb performance of the U.S. Navy



  1. The British attack on Baltimore’s Fort McHenry:
    1. resulted in the destruction of the British fleet
    2. made a national hero of Andrew Jackson
    3. increased support for the war in New England
    4. resulted in a bombardment that did not force the fort’s surrender
    5. resulted in an embarrassing American defeat



  1. The British defeat at New Orleans is best explained by:


    1. their attack upon a strong defensive position
    2. Andrew Jackson’s military genius
    3. their loss of energy in the southern heat
    4. the sharpshooting of the Americans
    5. prior awareness that a peace treaty had been signed



  1. The Treaty of Ghent:
    1. guaranteed American shipping rights
    2. gave the British access to the Mississippi River
    3. recognized the clear U.S. victory
    4. ended the war
    5. gave the United States part of Canada



  1. The Hartford Convention illustrated deep opposition to the war in:
    1. the South
    2. New England
    3. New York
    4. the West
    5. Congress



  1. At the Hartford Convention, delegates:
    1. voted to secede from the Union
    2. proposed a series of constitutional amendments to limit Republican influence in govern- ment
    3. denounced New England merchants who had traded with the British during t he war
    4. voted to join the Republican party
    5. offered generous peace terms to the British



  1. The War of 1812:
    1. made the United States a world power
    2. strengthened the Federalists
    3. was the deadliest in U.S. history
    4. gave the United States its first colonies
    5. generated intense patriotic pride



  1. In the aftermath of the War of 1812:
    1. Americans took decisive action against the Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean
    2. the Barbary pirates defeated the small U.S. Navy and forced President Madison into an ex- pensive settlement
    3. the U.S. government paid tribute to the Barbary pirates to avoid an additional war with them


    1. America and the Barbary states reached a peaceful settlement concerning shipping rights off the Barbary Coast
    2. the United States, Britain, and France combined to defeat the Barbary pirates



  1. As a result of the War of 1812, President Madison:
    1. ran for a third term
    2. was even more committed to limited government
    3. learned the value of some Federalist policies
    4. is recognized as a great president
    5. switched parties






51 Match each description with the item below.

    1. appointed justice of the peace in the District of Columbia
    2. elected president in 1804
    3. negotiated Louisiana Purchase
    4. was a naval hero against the Barbary pirates
    5. was a war hawk
    6. saw British attack of Fort McHenry from Baltimore Harbor
    7. became vice president in 1801
    8. was chief justice
    9. was an American naval hero in the War of 1812
    10. explored Louisiana Purchase and Far West
  1. Aaron Burr
  2. Henry Clay
  3. Stephen Decatur
  4. Thomas Jefferson
  5. Francis Scott Key
  6. Meriwether Lewis
  7. Robert R. Livingston
  8. William Marbury
  9. John Marshall
  10. Oliver H. Perry



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