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Homework answers / question archive / Louisiana State University - HIST 2055 Chapter 1 The Collision of Cultures TRUE/FALSE 1)Unlike the Mayas and the Aztecs, Indians living north of Mexico practiced no agriculture

Louisiana State University - HIST 2055 Chapter 1 The Collision of Cultures TRUE/FALSE 1)Unlike the Mayas and the Aztecs, Indians living north of Mexico practiced no agriculture


Louisiana State University - HIST 2055

Chapter 1 The Collision of Cultures


1)Unlike the Mayas and the Aztecs, Indians living north of Mexico practiced no agriculture.



  1. England’s glorious age of discovery came during the reign of Henry VIII.
  2. Ferdinand and Isabella forced Muslims and Jews to either become Christians or leave Spain.



  1. Many of the New World’s early explorers were looking for a shorter and safer route to the Orient.



  1. Christopher Columbus had to convince his sponsors that the earth is round.



  1. The New World was named for the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci.



  1. The introduction of Indian foods such as corn and potatoes spurred a dramatic increase in Europe’s population.



  1. Ferdinand Magellan’s ship was the first to sail around the world.



  1. The horse was the only domestic four-legged animal in the New World before the arrival of the Europeans.



  1. The presence of horses greatly disrupted the ecology of the Great Plains.



  1. When Henry VIII set up the Church of England, he eliminated officials like bishops and archbishops.



  1. Calvinism stressed tolerance and liberal theology rather than a strict moral code.


  1. Those who wanted to purify the Church of England were called “Puritans.”



  1. Francis Drake was one of the most famous of the English “sea dogges.”
  2. Mary Scot was the first British child born in the New World.





  1. Scholars believe that Paleo-Indians migrated from Asia into North America:
    1. in response to global warming
    2. in pursuit of large game animals
    3. beginning about a thousand years ago
    4. to escape tribal warfare in Asia
    5. in search of a disease-free environment



  1. Thousands of years after people first appeared in North America:
    1. global warming increased grasslands
    2. global warming decreased forest growth
    3. climatic changes and extensive hunting had increased the large mammal population
    4. climatic changes and extensive hunting had killed off the large mammal population
    5. the environment remained basically unchanged



  1. From A.D. 300 to 900, which group in Middle America (Mesoamerica) developed large cities, includ- ing gigantic pyramids?
    1. Aztecs
    2. Incas
    3. Mayas
    4. Pueblos
    5. Caribs



  1. The city of Tenochtitlán was founded in 1325 by the:
    1. Mayas
    2. Chibchas
    3. Incas
    4. Aztecs
    5. Anasazi



  1. The Aztecs:
    1. were the most advanced example of the Adena-Hopewell culture
    2. had an empire of perhaps five million people in Mexico
    3. absorbed the Mayas around 1425
    4. succumbed to the Toltecs around A.D. 900
    5. were a peaceful, nomadic people



  1. Which of the following would NOT characterize the Mississippi Indian culture?
    1. towns built around plazas and temples
    2. cliff dwellings and widespread use of irrigation
    3. cultivation of corn, beans, and squashes
    4. ceremonial human torture and sacrifice
    5. extensive trading activities



  1. All of the following are true of the Anasazis EXCEPT that they:
    1. lacked a rigid class structure
    2. engaged in warfare only for self-defense
    3. lived in the Southwest
    4. were transformed by the arrival of horses
    5. were threatened by a prolonged drought



  1. At the time Europeans arrived in North America, Indians:
    1. had largely died off from contagious diseases
    2. all spoke dialects of the same language
    3. were producing tools and weapons of iron
    4. fed themselves exclusively through farming
    5. tended to worship spirits in their natural surroundings



  1. The importance of the Vikings in New World history is limited because:
    1. other Europeans arrived here first
    2. they had hostile relations with the Indians
    3. they were such a violent people
    4. they were far more successful in Greenland
    5. their Newfoundland settlements were not long-lasting



  1. Ancient Greeks:
    1. knew of the existence of the New World
    2. measured longitude at sea
    3. used printing presses
    4. knew of the riches of China and Japan
    5. knew that the world was round



  1. Navigation in the age of discovery was hampered by the inability to accurately determine:
    1. latitude
    2. longitude
    3. distance
    4. the direction of the wind
    5. temperature



  1. The extensive lands controlled by Muslims:
    1. hindered European trade routes to Asia
    2. were forfeited with the success of the Crusades
    3. lessened European interest in spices from Asia
    4. included France and Holland
    5. made many Christians begin to doubt their faith



  1. By 1492, united kingdoms in western Europe included all of the following EXCEPT:
    1. Italy
    2. England
    3. Spain
    4. Portugal
    5. France



  1. In 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain did all of the following EXCEPT:
    1. capture Granada, the last Muslim stronghold in Spain
    2. force Jews to either convert or leave Spain
    3. sponsor Columbus’s first voyage across the Atlantic
    4. begin to build an overseas empire
    5. unite Spain and Portugal under one crown



  1. The first Europeans to sail around Africa and on to India were the:
    1. Portuguese
    2. Spaniards
    3. English
    4. Italians
    5. Irish



  1. Christopher Columbus first landed in the New World in:
    1. Venezuela
  1. Panama
  2. Jamaica
  3. Florida
  4. the Bahamas





  1. On his first voyage, Columbus:
    1. explored a number of Caribbean islands
    2. landed on the mainland of North America
    3. realized he had discovered a new world
    4. expressed his kind intentions toward the Indians
    5. ensured that he would be wealthy for life



  1. Columbus succeeded in:
    1. finding a water route to Asia
    2. proving the world was round
    3. inspiring subsequent European explorations
    4. bringing the benefits of European civilization to the Indians
    5. finding rich sources of rubies and diamonds



  1. Which of the following foods did Europeans introduce to the New World?
    1. beans
    2. corn
    3. potatoes
    4. squash
    5. rice



  1. Which of the following animals were NOT found in the New World before the Europeans arrived?
    1. flying squirrels and catfish
    2. bison and opossums
    3. sheep and pigs
    4. turkeys and llamas
    5. rattlesnakes and iguanas



  1. Food crops exported from the Americas:
    1. were more valuable to Europeans than gold or silver
    2. allowed a worldwide population explosion
    3. included the meat of cattle and pigs
    4. made Spain the most powerful nation in Europe
    5. included commodities like rice and wheat previously unknown in Europe



  1. After the arrival of Europeans, the greatest number of Indians died as a result of:
    1. depression
    2. starvation
    1. battle
    2. disease
    3. enslavement



  1. John Cabot’s crossing of the Atlantic in 1497 resulted in his:
    1. sighting of the Pacific
    2. sailing around the tip of South America
    3. discovery of a shortcut to China
    4. exploration of Florida
    5. making landfall in present-day Canada



  1. In most cases, Spanish explorers and soldiers who came to the New World were motivated by all of the following EXCEPT:
    1. religious zeal
    2. desire to serve their fellow man
    3. pursuit of riches
    4. desire for power
    5. patriotism



  1. After defeating the native forces at Vera Cruz, Cortés:
    1. ordered all the defeated people to worship him as a god
    2. instructed all the defeated people to move out of the area
    3. insisted that all female prisoners be executed
    4. invited the warriors to join his advance on the Aztecs
    5. received permission from the governor of Cuba to go further



  1. The main Aztec god, Huitzilopochtli:
    1. was usually depicted as a woman
    2. caused the Aztecs to live at peace with their neighbors
    3. required a constant offering of human blood
    4. was ultimately repudiated by Montezuma
    5. had many similarities to Jesus



  1. One of the major factors in Cortés’s defeat of the Aztecs was:
    1. a drought that ruined Aztec agriculture
    2. the large size of his army
    3. the absence of a true Aztec civilization
    4. the pacifistic nature of Aztec society
    5. superior weapons technology


  1. During Cortés’s siege of Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs were especially weakened by:
    1. the death of Montezuma
    2. cannon fire
    3. smallpox
    4. a crisis of religious faith
    5. a series of natural disasters



  1. The encomienda system:
    1. kept the Portuguese out of Mexico
    2. allowed privileged Spanish landowners to control Indian villages
    3. benefited the Native American populations of Spanish America
    4. allowed Mayan and Incan leaders to become very wealthy through the labor of their people
    5. was replicated by the English in their later New World colonies



  1. By the seventeenth century, the Indian population in Spain’s New World empire had decreased by about:
    1. 5 percent
    2. 50 percent
    3. 25 percent
    4. 90 percent
    5. 10 percent



  1. The primary objective of the thousands of priests in New Spain was to:
    1. bless marriages
    2. establish towns
    3. educate Spanish colonists
    4. serve as government officials
    5. convert the Indians



  1. The government of Spain in the New World differed from that of the later British colonies in that:
    1. Spain permitted a greater degree of self-government in its colonies
    2. there was less bureaucracy associated with the government of the Spanish colonies
    3. every detail of colonial administration was closely regulated by the Spanish king
    4. Spain completely uprooted the native cultures it encountered
    5. Spaniards were more likely to settle as families



  1. Spanish explorers of North America such as Narvaez, de Soto, and Coronado:
    1. found large deposits of gold and silver
    2. established numerous permanent settlements
    1. added to the knowledge of the continent’s interior
    2. converted lots of Indians to Christianity
    3. journeyed as far north as current-day Canada



  1. In 1565, the first European town was established in the current-day United States at:
    1. Santa Fe
    2. St. Augustine
    3. Jamestown
    4. Plymouth
    5. San Antonio



  1. The presidios established by the Spaniards in the Southwest housed:
    1. missionaries
    2. settlers
    3. soldiers
    4. ranchers
    5. explorers



  1. The original Spanish settlement of New Mexico:
    1. sought to Christianize Plains tribes like the Apaches
    2. was enriched by discoveries of gold and silver
    3. ended when Santa Fe was abandoned in 1620
    4. was led by Juan de Oñate
    5. soon had a larger population than Mexico City



  1. Which is NOT true of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680?
    1. Indians forced the Spaniards to temporarily retreat.
    2. Indians attacked numerous churches and priests.
    3. It occurred in New Mexico.
    4. It led the Spaniards to immediately colonize Texas and California.
    5. It was led by an Indian named Popé.



  1. The introduction of horses to Plains tribes:
    1. bettered the lives of their women
    2. lessened their dependence on bison
    3. replaced dogs as beasts of burden
    4. minimally altered the ecology of the Great Plains
    5. made them less nomadic


  1. Horses became so valuable in North America they:
    1. intensified intertribal competition and warfare
    2. were very hard to purchase
    3. became the sole responsibility of men
    4. were rarely used for hunting due to the dangers involved
    5. were worshipped as gods



  1. The Protestant Reformation was launched in Europe by:
    1. Henry VIII
    2. John Calvin
    3. Martin Luther
    4. Charles V of Spain
    5. Isaac Newton



  1. A central element of John Calvin’s theology was his belief in:
    1. salvation through good works
    2. predestination
    3. infant baptism
    4. papal infallibility
    5. the basic truth of all religions



  1. The Protestant Reformation in England:
    1. occurred more for political reasons than because of disagreement about religious doctrine
    2. was almost undone when Elizabeth tried to reimpose Catholicism
    3. was led by John Calvin
    4. occurred prior to the Reformation in Germany
    5. led to the overthrow of Henry VIII



  1. During Queen Elizabeth’s reign:
    1. Catholicism again became the official religion
    2. archbishops and bishops were eliminated in the Church of England
    3. her subjects gained true religious freedom
    4. some Calvinists separated from the Church of England
    5. England became militarily weak and politically unstable



  1. The French captain, Jacques Cartier, most importantly explored the:
    1. Caribbean
    2. Mississippi River
    3. Great Lakes
    4. St. Lawrence River
    5. Hudson Bay



  1. The Dutch “Sea Beggars” and English “sea dogges” were essentially:
    1. slave traders
    2. explorers
    3. missionaries
    4. pirates
    5. deep-sea fishermen



  1. The Spanish Armada:
    1. attempted to invade England
    2. was a treasure fleet attacked by the English
    3. was destroyed by a storm before it left Spain
    4. caused Spain to give up New World colonization as a result of its defeat
    5. broke English naval power for a century



  1. A major reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was:
    1. storms in the North Sea
    2. Elizabeth’s brilliance as a naval strategist
    3. the incompetence of the Spanish captains
    4. the greater size of the English vessels
    5. inaccurate Spanish maps and compasses



  1. The explorer Sir Humphrey Gilbert:
    1. was lost at sea
    2. founded the Roanoke colony
    3. became a notorious pirate
    4. married Queen Elizabeth
    5. was an English captain hired by the French



  1. Which country did Sir Walter Raleigh argue should establish colonies in the New World?
    1. England
    2. France
    3. Holland
    4. Spain
    5. Portugal



  1. The English attempt to establish a colony on Roanoke Island resulted in:
    1. a severe blow to Spanish power
    2. a permanent English presence in North America
    3. a severe blow to English power
    4. the execution of Sir Walter Raleigh
    5. the disappearance of the colonists






  1. Match each description with the item below.
    1. conquered the Incan Empire
    2. wrote The Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536)
    3. was killed in the Philippines
    4. began the Protestant Reformation
    5. was the captain of the Santa Maria
    6. led first French effort to colonize the New World
    7. was the Spanish ruler in New Mexico
    8. explored what is now the southeastern United States
    9. wrote A Brief Relation of the Destruction of the Indies
    10. attempted first British colonization of the New World
  1. John Calvin
  2. Jacques Cartier
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. Hernando de Soto
  5. Sir Humphrey Gilbert
  6. Bartolomé de las Casas
  7. Martin Luther
  8. Ferdinand Magellan
  9. Juan de Oñate
  10. Francisco Pizarro



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