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Homework answers / question archive / Air Transportation Chapter 2 Questions 1) Define aerospace industry, and describe the role of both the AIA and the GAMA

Air Transportation Chapter 2 Questions 1) Define aerospace industry, and describe the role of both the AIA and the GAMA


Air Transportation Chapter 2 Questions

1) Define aerospace industry, and describe the role of both the AIA and the GAMA. The industry is a vital factor in four particular areas of the U.S. economy. What are they?

2. How was the aerospace industry changed since the 1950s? What are the unique characteristics of the aerospace industry?

3. Describe the aerospace industry in terms of its major products and its sales during the 1990’s and early 2000s. What are related aerospace products and services?

4. What are some of the causes and effects of the significant downsizing in the the two major segments of the government market? Describe the outlook for the civil aviation market in the early to mid-2000s.

5. What was the primary cause for consolidation in the commercial aircraft manufacturing industry? Why has Boeing accused Airbus Industries of unfair competition? What has been Airbus’s response? How do you foresee the industry financing the new generation of aircraft that will appear in the 21st century? Why has there been a greater emphasis on international cooperation in building aircraft components and subassemblies?

6. List and briefly describe the major factors affecting commercial transport sales. How does the cyclical nature of civil aviation affect aircraft manufacturing ?

7. What are some of the factors that led to the decline in general aviation aircraft sales? Why have corporate and commuter segments of the general aviation industry done so much better than the personal-use segment? What is the outlook for helicopter sales?

8. Define air carrier, interstate air transportation, and air commerce. Both air carriers and general aviation fly for compensation or hire. What distinguishes the two?

  1. Discuss the impact of the air transportation industry on the U.S. economy in terms of dollar expenditures and jobs.
  2. Describe the contribution of air transportation to the efficient conduct of business and its impact on personal and pleasure travel.
  3. What is meant by emerging market opportunities in air transport? Which manufacturers have invested into the future of developing nations?




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