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Homework answers / question archive / 1)A major disadvantage of a matrix structure is that ________

1)A major disadvantage of a matrix structure is that ________


1)A major disadvantage of a matrix structure is that ________.






2) Indian Railways enjoys a monopoly in the country with regard to rail transportation as there is no other player in this segment. Based on this, it can be concluded that Indian Railways enjoys a fairly simpler ________ environment as compared to the numerous road transport service providers in the country.


3)Organizational structuring is the process of assessing the organization's strategy and environmental demands and then determining the appropriate organizational design.

4) Which of the following is true regarding the customer structure?

5) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of formalization?



6)Another key learning objective of the SAS video is to assist students see how SAS's stress-free culture serves as a retention strategy and to:



7)Another key learning objective of the SAS video is to assist students:

8) The purpose of the SAS Institute video is to help students:

9) Integration and coordination can be accomplished through rules, values, and _____.


Flat organizational structures become more and more desirable as ____________ uncertainty increases.








A ________ is a specific instance in which the employee's behavior and performance were above or below expectations.


2) When mentoring, a guide or knowledgeable person higher up in the organization helps a new employee "learn the ropes" of the organization and provides other advice.



3)Employment agencies tend to be expensive, so they are usually not cost-effective for low-level and low-paying jobs.

4) Auto parts manufacturer JEG Inc. has a number of vacancies at lower management levels and wants to fill the positions from within the company itself rather than recruit externally. The company plans to e-mail the job specifications to all employees and post the jobs on the company Web site. Which of the following, if true, will weaken the company's decision?



5) Instead of using hierarchical and segmented salary systems, many companies are now moving to broadband systems, where the range of pay is large and covers a wide variety of jobs.



6) Bertelsman BMG manager Sylvie Aronson insists that Paul Fioleki take the _____ for hiring the _______ person





7)Paul Fioleki, HR Director at Bertelsman BMG, approaches the interviewing and hiring process as a line management _________



8)The three major parts of company compensation systems are pay, ______, rewards and motivation.



9)While not all strategies are built around a firm's ______, all strategies are implemented by employees.



10)Bertelsman BMG manager Sylvie Aronson was focused on solving the hiring problem and improving the hiring and recruitment process





1) The three basic categories of variables that determine ______ in the workplace are characteristics of the individual, of the job, and of the work situation




2) Alderfer's Needs Hierarchy collapses ______ five needs into three categories



3)The entrepreneurial founder of Durango, Phil Handley, had experience in the Air Force and ___________ in professional pilot training




4)Phil Handley, Durango CEO, feels you need _____ to succeed in business


5)Herzberg's hygiene factors consist of ________ elements surrounding the job such as supervision, benefits, compensation, and relationship with coworkers vs achievement, responsibility, growth

6)Both positive reinforcements and extinctions maintain or increase particular types of behavior and performance.

7)Within the context of the job characteristics model, the event manager, handling all the plans for the annual executive retreat and attending the retreat and receiving information on its success from the participants, is an example of ________.




8) According to the job characteristics model, ________ is the degree to which a job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual in scheduling the work and in determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out.





9)Task significance is the degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities in carrying out the work.



10) Subordinates can influence the motivation of their superiors through their ability to punish behavior by subtly withholding rewards.




Ch 10


1) In larger groups, leader _____ tends to be more task than relationship oriented




2) Research shows that increased ______ potentially has somewhat negative effects on members' reaction to and interactions with each other



3) Membership in groups or teams can fulfill individual needs for security, social support, affiliation, _______, esteem, and status





________ is an underlying attribute of diversity.





________ conflict focuses on interpersonal differences and is sometimes called affective or emotional conflict.





6)The tendency for a strong consensus among most group members to override any individual member's dissent is known as ________.



7)The standing or prestige that a person has in a group, which can be based on a number of factors such as perceived leadership abilities, seniority, or special skills, is known as ________.




8)Amy has put together a team of eight employees to conduct a review of the company's safety practices. This function is new to most group members and nearly all of them have come up to Amy personally to clarify their doubts about how the group will function and what their responsibilities will be. What stage of group development is Amy's team in?


9)Alice is a barista at a coffee shop in her town. Though the baristas are expected to be friendly and interact with customers, Alice finds it difficult to spend enough time with individual customers when she is also required to serve a minimum quota of customers during her shift. Alice is experiencing ________.


10)ICE, Inc. has called upon a group of the Management Information System handlers to oversee the design and implementation of a new company-wide information system over the next two months. This group is an example of a ________.











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