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Homework answers / question archive / Chapter 12 Multiple Choice 1)  Which of the following did women not play a role with during the early to mid-nineteenth century?       a

Chapter 12 Multiple Choice 1)  Which of the following did women not play a role with during the early to mid-nineteenth century?       a


Chapter 12

Multiple Choice

1)  Which of the following did women not play a role with during the early to mid-nineteenth century?

      a.  abolitionism

     b.  mental health treatment

      c.  passing the gag rule

     d.  education


2.  The reform communities established in the years before the Civil War:

      a.  followed all of the laws but simply banned ownership of private property.

     b.  usually followed standard gender and marital relations.

      c.  set out to reorganize society on a cooperative basis.

     d.  called themselves utopian because they knew that their efforts were likely to fail.


3. Which statement about Shakers is FALSE?

      a.  They practiced “complex marriage” and publicly recorded sexual relations.

     b.  Their numbers grew through conversions and the adoption of orphans.

      c.  They bred cattle for profit and made furniture.

     d.  They believed that men and women were spiritually equal.

      e.  They abandoned private property and traditional family life.


4. What served as the major impetus on the reform movements of the nineteenth century?

      a.  Declaration of Independence

     b.  U.S. Constitution

      c.  Transcendentalism

     d.  Second Great Awakening




5. The American Tract Society was focused on:

      a.  slavery.

     b.  drinking.

      c.  feminism.

     d.  suffrage.

      e.  religion.


6. What did reformers commonly believe about prisons and asylums?

      a.  that the persons entering these institutions would likely never leave them

     b.  that they were not widely needed and not many were built

      c.  that they would be excellent holding centers for society’s undesirables

     d.  that the persons in the facilities could be used as forced labor in factories

      e.  that they could rehabilitate individuals and then release them back into society as productive citizens


7.  Common schools:

      a.  had no connection to the emerging industrial economy.

     b.  were based on the idea that the elite should be educated in their own schools.

      c.  suffered from the opposition of labor unions that wanted children available to work.

     d.  existed in every northern state by the time of the Civil War.


8.  Like Indian removal, the proposal for colonization of former slaves rested on the premise that America:

      a.  was fundamentally a white society.

     b.  wanted what was in the best interest of all the people.

      c.  was not financially able to support all who lived there.

     d.  was a land of diversity and equality.


9.  The colonization of freed U.S. slaves to Africa:

      a.  received no support from southern slaveholders.

     b.  was strongly endorsed by William Lloyd Garrison throughout his career.

      c.  led to the creation of the free African nation of Ghana in 1835.

     d.  was praised by the English writer Harriet Martineau.

      e.  prompted the adamant opposition of most free African-Americans.


10. Who was the North-Carolina-born free black whose Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World won widespread attention?

      a.  David Walker

     b.  William Lloyd Garrison

      c.  Lewis Tappan

     d.  Wendell Phillips


11. William Lloyd Garrison argued in Thoughts on African Colonization that:

      a.  blacks could never fully achieve equality in America and would be happier in Africa.

     b.  because slaves were uneducated, it was necessary to educate them in America before sending them to Africa.

      c.  blacks were not “strangers” in America to be shipped abroad but should be recognized as a permanent part of American society.

     d.  colonization should be subsidized through a tax on cotton.

      e.  because blacks had no political experience, Garrison himself ought to be appointed governor of the African colony.


12. What did the Fourth of July represent to Frederick Douglass?

      a.  the hypocrisy of a nation that proclaimed liberty but sanctioned slavery

     b.  the ultimate celebration of freedom

      c.  a beacon of hope that someday America would honor the claim that “all men are created equal”

     d.  an opportunity for slaves to join in a mass rebellion against their masters

      e.  the anniversary of the day he ran away from his master and claimed freedom


13  The gag rule:

      a.  stated that newspapers could not print antislavery materials.

     b.  prevented Congress from hearing antislavery petitions.

      c.  denied women the right to speak in mixed-sex public gatherings.

     d.  prevented Congregational ministers from preaching against Catholics.

      e.  was adopted at the Seneca Falls Convention to symbolize that women did not have a voice in politics.


14  Dorothea Dix devoted much time to the crusade for the:

      a.  immediate abolition of slavery.

     b.  establishment of common schools in the South.

      c.  better treatment for convicted criminals in jail.

     d.  construction of humane mental hospitals for the insane.

      e.  right for women to vote in local school elections.


15. The first to apply the abolitionist doctrine of universal freedom and equality to the status of women:

      a.  were the Grimké sisters.

     b.  was Frederick Douglass.

      c.  was Susan B. Anthony.

     d.  were Henry and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.



Chapter 13        A House Divided, 1840–1861

Multiple Choice

1.  Why did Mississippi politician Jefferson Davis object in the 1850s to the original design of the Statue of Freedom that now adorns the U.S. Capitol dome?

      a.  He disliked the fact that the sculptor was a former slave who had won acclaim for his talent, thus suggesting blacks were as gifted as whites.

     b.  The use of a soldier as the key figure made the nation appear too militaristic.

      c.  It portrayed “Freedom” as a nude woman, which he saw as inappropriate.

     d.  Its use of an ancient Roman liberty cap on “Freedom” raised a touchy matter about slaves’ longing for freedom.


2.  American settlement in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s:

      a.  took place without approval from the Mexican government.

     b.  did not exceed the Mexican population there until the United States annexed Texas in 1845.

      c.  led Stephen Austin to demand more autonomy from Mexican officials.

     d.  included no slaves, because Mexico had banned slavery in its territory.


3.  Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren rejected adding Texas to the United States in the late 1830s because:

      a.  the population of Texas was too small to justify it.

     b.  the Texas Republic’s congress opposed joining the United States, preferring to stay independent.

      c.  the presence of slaves there would reignite the issue of slavery, and they preferred to avoid it.

     d.  Henry Clay wanted to add it and, as the Whig leader, he was their sworn enemy.





  4  “Fifty-four forty or fight” referred to demands for American control of:

      a.  Texas.

     b.  Oregon.

      c.  California.

     d.  Mexico.


5.  During the Mexican War:

      a.  Mexican troops occupied much of Texas after winning at the Alamo.

     b.  the bulk of the fighting occurred in California.

      c.  for the first time, the U.S. troops occupied a foreign capital.

     d.  an American revolt in California led briefly to a monarchy.


  6  Who wrote “On Civil Disobedience” as a response to the U.S. war with Mexico?

      a.  Abraham Lincoln

     b.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

      c.  David Walker

     d.  David Wilmot

      e.  Henry David Thoreau


7.  Who in Congress questioned President Polk’s right to declare war on Mexico based on the spot where the conflict started?

      a.  Daniel Webster

     b.  John C. Calhoun

      c.  Stephen Douglas

     d.  Abraham Lincoln

      e.  Charles Sumner




8.  The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848 did the following:

      a.  transferred California to the United States.

     b.  took away individual rights of Mexicans.

      c.  recognized Texas as an independent nation.

     d.  led to the United States settling the Oregon Country.


9.  During the 1850s, 80 percent of the world’s gold came from two places that experienced gold rushes at about the same time, California and:

      a.  Canada.

     b.  Argentina.

      c.  South Africa.

     d.  Australia.


10. In 1846, Congressman David Wilmot proposed to:

      a.  prohibit slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico.

     b.  allow voters to decide the status of slavery in new territories.

      c.  divide the Oregon Country between Great Britain and the United States.

     d.  annex Cuba in order to avoid southern secession.

      e.  allow slavery to expand into California and New Mexico.


11. In 1848, The Free Soil Party:

      a.  demonstrated that antislavery sentiment had spread far beyond abolitionist ranks.

     b.  cost Henry Clay the presidency by siphoning off votes from him in New York.

      c.  was powerful enough to convince James Polk not to seek reelection.

     d.  strongly opposed the Wilmot Proviso but agreed to let it pass as part of a compromise.

      e.  nominated Zachary Taylor for president.




12. Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Compromise of 1850?

      a.  California entered the Union as a free state.

     b.  The slave trade was abolished in Washington, D.C.

      c.  The Oregon Territory was created.

     d.  The federal government adopted a tougher fugitive slave law.

      e.  Some territories created from the Mexican Cession were to vote on whether to allow slavery.


13. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850:

      a.  won the grudging support of Ralph Waldo Emerson as a necessary compromise.

     b.  gave new powers to federal officers to override local law enforcement.

      c.  was declared unconstitutional in the Dred Scott case.

     d.  angered southerners by weakening an earlier law on fugitive slaves.


14. Stephen Douglas’s motivation for introducing the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to:

      a.  boost efforts to build a transcontinental railroad.

     b.  spread slavery.

      c.  win the position of speaker of the House of Representatives.

     d.  pacify southerners who strongly supported the idea of popular sovereignty.

      e.  help Franklin Pierce win a second term as president.


15. Which of the following is an example of the political impact of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

      a.  A strong, united Whig Party won the White House in the next presidential election.

     b.  Nearly half of northern Democrats joined the patriotic American Party.

      c.  The Whig Party collapsed, and many disgruntled northerners joined the new Republican Party.

     d.  Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln decided to become running mates for the presidential election of 1856.

      e.  The new Free Soil Party strongly endorsed the Act and won new congressional seats in several Upper South districts.


16. From 1848 to 1860, most of the railroad construction was in what region?

      a.  Northeast

     b.  Southeast

      c.  Southwest

     d.  Midwest

      e.  West Coast


17. What attracted voters to the Know-Nothing Party?

      a.  its desire to dissolve the Missouri Compromise

     b.  its move to annex Cuba for the expansion of American slavery

      c.  its call for immediate emancipation of all slaves

     d.  its opposition to the Dred Scott decision

      e.  its denunciation of Roman Catholic immigrants


18. In 1854, the Know-Nothings won all the congressional races as well as the governorship in:

      a.  Louisiana.

     b.  South Carolina.

      c.  Ohio.

     d.  Massachusetts.

      e.  Georgia.


19. By 1856, the Republican Party formed from a coalition of the following political groups EXCEPT:

      a.  northern Whigs.

     b.  Free Soilers.

      c.  Know-Nothings.

     d.  antislavery Democrats.

      e.  Federalists.



20. The Republican free labor ideology:

      a.  convinced northerners that Catholic immigrants posed a more significant threat than the southern slave power.

     b.  won Republicans significant support from non-slaveholders in the South in 1856.

      c.  owed its origins to Abraham Lincoln’s reemergence in the wake of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

     d.  accepted southerners’ point that slavery protected their liberty but explained that the economic benefits of free labor would outweigh the damage abolition would do to southern liberty.

      e.  led to the argument by William Seward that free labor and slave labor were essentially incompatible.


21. The Republican Party founded in the 1850s strongly endorsed the same policy about slavery in the territories that ___________ had begun advocating in 1846.

      a.  David Wilmot

     b.  Stephen Douglas

      c.  John C. Calhoun

     d.  Roger Taney


22. Who was the Republican presidential candidate in 1856?

      a.  John Breckinridge

     b.  Abraham Lincoln

      c.  Charles Sumner

     d.  John Frémont


23. The Lecompton Constitution was the:

      a.  antislavery constitution adopted in Nebraska.

     b.  proslavery constitution proposed for Kansas.

      c.  pro-secession constitution of North Carolina.

     d.  Missouri constitution preferred by Abraham Lincoln.

      e.  compromise offered in 1861 to end the secession crisis.


24. The famous Lincoln-Douglas debates took place during the campaign for:

      a.  U.S. president in 1856.

     b.  U.S. president in 1860.

      c.  governor of Illinois in 1858.

     d.  a congressional seat from Illinois in 1856.

      e.  United States senator from Illinois in 1858.


25. During his debate with Abraham Lincoln in Freeport, Illinois, Stephen Douglas:

      a.  called for the free soil principle to determine the status of slavery in the West.

     b.  denounced popular sovereignty as a fraud.

      c.  praised the temperance movement and other key social reforms.

     d.  insisted that popular sovereignty was compatible with the Dred Scott decision.

      e.  argued that slaveholders had a constitutional right to take their slaves anywhere.


26. Who was responsible for the 1856 Pottawatomie Creek Massacre in Kansas and led the raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859?

      a.  Frederick Douglass

     b.  Joseph Lane

      c.  Robert E. Lee

     d.  Henry Ward Beecher

      e.  John Brown


27. The Democratic Party split in 1860 over the question of whether to:

      a.  renominate President James Buchanan for a second term.

     b.  protect slavery in the territories or allow popular sovereignty in them.

      c.  impeach Chief Justice Roger Taney for the Dred Scott decision.

     d.  endorse the acquisition of Cuba by the United States, thus increasing slave territory.

      e.  immediately bring Kansas and Nebraska into the Union as slave states.




28. In 1860, which state became the first to pass an ordinance of secession and declare itself separated from the Union?

      a.  Virginia

     b.  Kentucky

      c.  Georgia

     d.  South Carolina

      e.  Tennessee


29. When the South seceded, Lincoln:

      a.  made sure the South fired the first shot.

     b.  sent the Union navy to destroy Fort Sumter.

      c.  refused to listen to peace overtures from Confederate politicians.

     d.  was relieved when the biggest slave states left the Union.


30. The American Civil War began in April 1861, when:

      a.  Confederate forces fired upon and captured Fort Sumter.

     b.  U.S. naval vessels bombarded the city of Wilmington, North Carolina.

      c.  Confederate and Union cavalry clashed in disputed territory in Texas.

     d.  General William Sherman led Union soldiers on a devastating march through Georgia.

      e.  Confederate infantry attacked Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.





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