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Homework answers / question archive / LAB 9 - Groundwater  Question 1         In which of the following rock types is a sinkhole most likely to develop?           Answers: Sandstone   Schist     Marble   Shale       Question 2         Why was the Dysart Drain a threat to Luke Air Force Base? Dysart Drain is now a threat to Luke Air Force Base (in the West Valley) because           Answers: The drain is contaminated from near by Morton Salt evaporating ponds

LAB 9 - Groundwater  Question 1         In which of the following rock types is a sinkhole most likely to develop?           Answers: Sandstone   Schist     Marble   Shale       Question 2         Why was the Dysart Drain a threat to Luke Air Force Base? Dysart Drain is now a threat to Luke Air Force Base (in the West Valley) because           Answers: The drain is contaminated from near by Morton Salt evaporating ponds


LAB 9 - Groundwater

  •  Question 1



In which of the following rock types is a sinkhole most likely to develop?













  • Question 2



Why was the Dysart Drain a threat to Luke Air Force Base?

Dysart Drain is now a threat to Luke Air Force Base (in the West Valley) because





The drain is contaminated from near by Morton Salt evaporating ponds. Luke gets it water from the drain.


The Dysart Drain has been designated as a wetland. The protected wildlife is at risk from jet noise. This situation could force the closing of the base.


The drain is removing groundwater from beneath the base, including the runway. This is causing the ground to crack and has disabled portions of the runway.



It now drains toward the runway because of land subsidence and could cause it to flood after heavy rains.







  • Question 3



Which of the following rocks cited in the lesson was the most porous?













  • Question 4



Permeability is the





A measure of the open spaces in rocks or sediments



degree in which pore spaces are interconnected


measure of the pressure exerted on fluids within pore spaces in the rock


a ratio between open spaces in the rocks and the hydraulic gradient

  • Question 5



Which of the following rock types would normally by the most permeable?













  • Question 6



In this diagram the ground surface is shown as the top line (with palm trees) and the line below that is the water table and is identified. What will the water table look like in a few months if no water is added to the ground?














  • Question 7



In this diagram, what is the area above the water table (area "A") called and what is the layer below it (area "B") called?






A is the region of capillary action B is the region of cementation


A is the A horizon B is the B horizon



A is the zone of aeration B is the zone of saturation


A is the area of recharge B is the area of discharge

  • Question 8



The driving force for the hydraulic gradient is





The weight of the rocks above the water table.





The degree of permeability of the rocks or sediments.


The distance the water table is below the surface of the Earth.

  • Question 9



These lines represent water tables below the surface. Which profile would created the greatest hydraulic gradient giving the same amount of water and the same kind of rocks.














  • Question 10



How does groundwater flow with respect to the groundwater contours?





The groundwater flows parallel to the contours.



The groundwater flows perpendicular to the contours.


The groundwater flows independent of the contours. The groundwater flow mimics the surface drainage.


The groundwater flows over the contours.

  • Question 11



This set of diagrams shows the contours of the water table (in feet above sea level) in the blue map, and the surface map (with brown contour lines and farms). In the upper right hand area of the surface map a factory is dumping toxic waste into a sinkhole. Based on the water table contours, which farm will not be influenced by the toxic threat? (Note that this question is worth more points because of the extra work.)






Farm A



Farm B


Farm C


Farm D


Farm E

  • Question 12



This Google Earth Image is of an area in southern Florida. A city (indicated) has accused a private landfill company of contaminating their primary water source, which is the big lake between the landfill and the city. A geological consultant was hired by the city to determine if the lake was being contaminated by the landfill. The numbers in the blue boxes represent the surface elevation of the lake next to the blue box. The geologist correctly concluded that






There is not enough information to make the determination. It will take more time and money to solve the difficult problem.



The lake was being contaminated by the landfill.


The lake was not being contaminated by the landfill.

  • Question 13



This area in the above image is dominated by sinkholes. This type of a landscape is called













  • Question 14



This image is near the intersection of the Loop 303 and Olive Ave in the western part of the "Valley of the Sun". The canal and the road need repairs every year due to subsidence. The county has decided to fix the problem of subsidence in this area by






Setting up water wells in the area to pump water out to stabilize the sediments.



The process of land subsidence is irreversible.


Set up water wells and pump water into the ground to re-inflate the sediments.


Plant mesquite and palo verde trees in the area. These trees have deep roots and will stabilize the sediments.

  • Question 15



What problem did I identify with Falcon Dunes Golf Course?





It was constucted over an old landfill and now methane is escaping to the surface.


The water table in the area has dropped so far that the golf course wells are now not producing.



It is not open to the public.


It is in an area that is experiencing significant subsidence.

  • Question 16



In which type of strata is subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal most likely to occur?









Sand and gravel



  • Question 17



What is unique about Bottomless Lakes State Park in New Mexico?





The water in the lakes is very salty.



They were formed from the solution of gypsum and halite.


They are extremely deep.  In some places they are over 750 feet deep.


They were created subsidence associated with groundwater withdrawal.



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