Introduce yourself to the class in a few short paragraphs (approximately 100–150 words)
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Introduce yourself to the class in a few short paragraphs (approximately 100–150 words). Select "Reply" to begin your post.
The purpose of this post is to spark conversation, so be creative, just as you might every day on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites.
You must include at least the following but you may choose to add anything else about yourself.
Hometown, state, country
Something interesting about you (funny, serious, crazy, fun, or just plain interesting) or something that you like to do.
Include at the end of your post a reflection on something specific that inspired you from this week's reading. Answer at least two of the following questions:
What does the statement "the family is not an accident of mortality" mean?
What impressions or inspiration did you gain from the talks and how might you apply those to your current family situation?
In what ways has your heart, mind and/or behavior changed because of what you have studied and pondered the week?
Make Connections: After posting your own introduction and reflection, carry on conversations the rest of the week with your classmates. Remember the purpose of this activity and have fun. Enjoy getting to know one another!
You should spend time getting to know several of your classmates but, for purposes of grading, you will be required to spend time in at least two separate student threads.
You should respond to both their introductions and the gospel reflection they shared.