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Homework answers / question archive / MPH610  Assignment #2: Community Intervention Program Research Project 20% of course grade / 40 points    You will locate and research an organization with an intervention program around your health topic of interest for the course

MPH610  Assignment #2: Community Intervention Program Research Project 20% of course grade / 40 points    You will locate and research an organization with an intervention program around your health topic of interest for the course



Assignment #2: Community Intervention Program Research Project

20% of course grade / 40 points 


You will locate and research an organization with an intervention program around your health topic of interest for the course. 


The purpose of this assignment is for students to engage with theory in a real-life setting. 


This assignment is broken down into 2 milestones: 

  • Milestone 1: Submit a Letter of Intent for the organization/intervention you are researching by 11:59pm Week 2. 
  • Milestone 2: Summarize the health program/interventions in an 8-10 minute presentation by 11:59pm Week 4. 


If you have questions about this assignment, please post them in the Engage discussion board under “Assignments”. 




Step 1: Locate a social or behavioral health program to research

Before you start on this assignment, you will need to locate a health program with an intervention related to social and behavioral health. Ideally, this program is local in your community.


During the first few weeks of class, begin brainstorming organizations that have health interventions related to your chosen health topic for the course. You can use a variety of resources to locate an organization and/or health program.  Examples may include: city or country health agencies, community-based clinics, non-profit public health organizations, or another community-based organization that is addressing a public health issue.


Once you find an organization of interest, learn about the types of health interventions that organization hosts or provides. An intervention has a specific target population and a set of intended outcomes. 


You will want to be able to locate primary information about the organization online. The capacity for public health organizations is maxed out right now under COVID-19, so please do what you can to learn about the organization without contacting them.


If you have any trouble finding an organization or program, seek peer and instructor support. 


Milestone 1: 1 page Letter of Intent (10 points)

The first milestone is a graded 1-page letter of intent to ensure you are on the right track. I want to know you have located an appropriate organization to research, that you have identified a specific intervention that organization hosts, and that you will have enough information available to you in order to complete the presentation requirements. 


The letter of intent should include the following: 


  • A paragraph describing the organization you are researching. Include the location, the?         community it serves, the mission of the organization, and the health issues the organization is addressing. 
  • A paragraph summarizing the specific health intervention(s) the organization hosts.?       
  • A paragraph describing the relationship between this organization’s interventions and?        your chosen health topic of the course. 
  • A paragraph ? justifying ?           why you believe this organization’s work is relevant to social and? behavioral determinants of health. 


Please also include at least 2 primary sources you will use for your research on this organization’s health programs.


DUE DATE: You should submit your 1-pager via Engage by 11:59pm Sunday of Week 2. I will provide direct feedback about your topic paper to ensure you are on the right track in order to meet the goals of the assignment.



Milestone 2: 8-10 Minute Presentation (30 pts)

For the final part of this assignment, you will conduct an 8-10 minute presentation via Voicethread for your classmates. Please prepare presentation slides to accompany your presentation and use the voice-over feature to present to your peers about your interview. 


Your presentation should address: 

  1. A summary of the public health issue and organization
    • What is the public health relevance of the health issue? 
    • What is the population reach of this organization/who does the org serve?


  1. A description of the intervention(s) hosted by the organization 
    • Define the intervention’s target population
    • Define the intervention’s goals and objectives, and the health outcomes of interest 


  1. A discussion of how disparities are addressed by this intervention? 
    • What disparities are targeted? Could other disparities be relevant?
    • Do you think it is working? Why/why not?


  1. A discussion of the theoretical basis of the intervention/program 
    • Name at least two relevant behavioral theories or models and justify why you believe this program is related to those theories
    • Describe the specific constructs being addressed and use theory to explain how the program will create a positive change 


  1. A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, both in terms of theory and and in terms of the organization’s practical ability to reach its goals. 


  1. A discussion of how public policy affects this type of intervention  ? What is the larger environment affecting this type of work? 
    • Are there policy barriers in place, or policy initiatives supporting it? What kind of policies may support the goals of this intervention? 


Include at least 4 primary resources that you used to answer the above questions. All references cited should follow APA format.


DUE DATE: Presentations should be uploaded for peer review via VoiceThread no later than Sunday 11:59 of Week 4. 


NOTE: You are expected to view and engage in meaningful discussion on each other’s?     presentations. I want you to respond to your classmates’ comments. We learn best from each other, and I will evaluate your participation in class presentation discussions as part of your assignment grade.





Grading criteria:

Letter of Intent 





Topic justification and relevance for course


7pts possible

Student has carefully chosen an organization with a health program that is clearly and directly related to their health topic of interest and the social and behavioral determinants of health.

Justification is excellent.


Student has located a health program with some connection to social and behavioral health, but requires some refinement in focus. Justification is acceptable. (5.5-6)

Student has attempted to locate a health program related to the course but needs some re-direction or change. Justification is developing.


Student is asked to find a different health program because it is too narrow or broad, or does not sufficiently apply to social/behavioral topics. Justification is weak.(0.5-4.5)

Writing skill and

APA formatting


3pts possible

Strong skill, no errors in spelling, punctuation, and mechanics. Properly follows APA with no errors (3)

Satisfactory skill. Minor errors in spelling, punctuation, or mechanics. APA has minimal errors. (2.5)

Inconsistent skill. Notable errors in spelling, punctuation, or mechanics. APA has notable errors.  (2)

Inadequate skill. Several major errors in spelling, punctuation, or mechanics. APA writing style is absent. (0.5-1.5)

Total points earned (out of 10)


Late adjustment (-10% or 1pt  for each day late unless other arrangements were made) 


Final grade


A: 90-100% (9-10 points) / B: 80-89% (8-8.5 points) / C: 70-79% (7-7.5 points) / BC below 70% (6.5 points or below)



Grading criteria:









5pts possible


Presentation soundly addresses all topics required by assignment.

Demonstrates a strong understanding of the program and related concepts. Minimal need for improvement. (4.5-5)

Presentation adequately addresses all topics required by assignment. Demonstrates a good understanding of the program and related concepts. A few areas need improvement. (4)

Presentation addresses some topics required by assignment. Demonstrates a developing understanding of the program and related concepts. Several areas need improvement. (3.5)

Presentation does not address most topics required by assignment. Demonstrates weak understanding of the program and related concepts. Major areas are missing or need improvement. (0.5-3)


Use of theory  


10pts possible

Several theories are accurately identified and appropriately discussed related to the program. Student provides a strong theoretical perspective.



Theories are accurately identified and appropriately discussed related to the program. Student provides an adequate theoretical perspective. (8-8.5)

Theories are identified and discussed. Student provides a basic application of theory and demonstrates a simplistic theoretical perspective that needs development. (7-7.5)

Theory is present but is used simplistically or not properly understood, or no theory is present at all.  (0.5-6.5)


Critical Thought 


5pts possible

High quality critical thinking is displayed connecting the program to theory, using strong reasoning and well-supported conclusions.Strengths & weaknesses in approach

are thoughtfully discussed. (4.5-5)

Basic logic and reasoning is displayed connecting the program to theory. At least some discussion of strengths & weaknesses in the intervention approach

is presented. (4)

Simplistic reasoning and potentially biased or unclear thinking is demonstrated. An opinion based perspective is used. Strengths & weaknesses in intervention approach not thoughtfully discussed. (3.5)

Weak reasoning with biased or unclear thinking is demonstrated.

Adequate discussion of strengths and weaknesses of intervention approach is not provided. Relies too heavily on personal opinion. (0.5-3)




5pts possible

Excellent visual and oral communication. Engaging and concise.

APA citations used well


Good visual and oral communication. Clear and concise. APA citations often used. (4)

Simplistic or unclear visual and oral communication. APA citations rarely used


Unclear visual and oral communication. APA citations not used



Discussion &

Peer Feedback 


5pts possible

Feedback and discussion demonstrates in-depth reflection on peers’ presentation. Insightful, clear, detailed, and engaging. (4.5-5)

Feedback and discussion demonstrates reflection on peers’ presentation. Appropriate, clear, and thoughtful. (4)

Feedback and discussion demonstrates minimal reflection on peers’ presentation. Unsupported ideas, flawed arguments, or irrelevant. (3.5)

Feedback and discussion demonstrates weak or absent reflection on peers’ presentation.


Total points earned (out of 30)


Late adjustment (-10% or 3pts  for each day late unless other arrangements were made) 



Final grade


A: 90-100% (27-30 points) / B: 80-89% (24-26 points) / C: 70-79% (21-23 points) / BC below 70% (20.5 points or below)


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