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Chapter 10 Quiz Questions   1


Chapter 10 Quiz Questions


1.Which of the following types of teams has the authority to change their composition as well as all of their tasks and work methods?

2. Raul, the CEO of Color Paints Inc. noticed that their plant loses considerable time daily because the assembly line has to be cleaned whenever the production schedule called for a different color to be produced. He, thus, established a team which was composed of employees from several different departments in order to solve this problem in a creative manner. This team came up with a solution that resulted in a significant increase in plant availability and an innovative alternative which successfully decreased plant downtime. This team exemplifies a(n) _____.

3. How are organizations using teams to help increase customer satisfaction?

4. A research organization has project teams that perform field research for its clients. Each member of these project teams is trained to conduct observational research, interview clients, and understand the marketing impact of what they learn. Thus, the team is able to work normally even when one of its members is absent. The organization uses _____ to make its project teams more efficient.

5. The Turnpike Authority of the state of Lakewood encountered several challenges while constructing tunnels. Hence, it created a national team of tunnel experts to develop road tunnel engineering principles, traffic flow patterns, and maintenance practices through the use of telecommunications and information technology. In this scenario, this group of tunnel experts can be best categorized as a _____.

6. With _____ conflict, team members disagree because their different experiences and expertise lead them to different views of the problem and solutions.

7. Which of the following types of conflicts is most strongly associated with improvements in team performance?

8. A manager who wants to give his team the highest amount of autonomy should select _____.

9. Cohesiveness refers to the extent to which members of a team are experiencing job satisfaction.

10. An advantage of _____ is that it broadens workers' skills and increases their capabilities while also making their work more varied and interesting.

11. A preference for teamwork (i.e., collectivism), team level, and team diversity can help companies choose the right team members.

12. The only type of responsibility given to traditional work groups is to:

13. _____ can be best defined as the ability to change organizational structures, policies, and practices if doing so helps teams meet their stretch goals.

14. A group of workers in a medical examiner's office decided that they would not wear light-colored denim jeans to work because such casual wear seemed unprofessional. This informal agreement was made although the office did not have a dress code policy. The workers created a(n) _____.

15._____ are often used to develop new products, significantly improve existing products, roll out new information systems, or build new factories or offices within a specific time, following which the team members either move on to the next project or return to their functional units.

16.To enhance work team effectiveness, managers should carefully set team goals and priorities and take care when selecting, training, and compensating team members.

17. Spencer's Autotech Inc. is a car repair company. It maintains an employee involvement group to track the company's goals and performance metrics. This team would most likely:

18. Identify the correct statement about team conflicts.

19. Which of the following statements is true of a-type conflict?

20. In the autonomy continuum, the correct sequence, from low team autonomy to high team autonomy, is:

21. The achievement of stretch goals is made easier when the team members have _____.

22. Cognitive conflict is strongly associated with improvements in team performance, and affective conflict is strongly associated with decreases in team performance.

23. _____ means that teams no longer have to go through the frustratingly slow process of multilevel reviews and sign-offs to get management approval before making changes.

24. Which of the following statements about semi-autonomous work groups is true?

25. A(n) _____ is defined as a group that has the authority to make decisions and solve problems related to the major tasks of producing a product or service.

26. A work team is a small number of people who have been assigned responsibility for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance goals, and improving interdependent work processes.

27.Joshua, an employee at Waves Corp., is a member of a typical traditional work group. Joshua should expect to be responsible for:

28. The least amount of autonomy is found in ____.

29. Identify the statement that is true about virtual teams.

30. A drawback of virtual teams is that:

31. Self-managing teams are different from semi-autonomous work groups in that team members:

32. Companies are making greater use of teams because teams have been shown to increase (1) customer satisfaction, (2) product and service quality, (3) speed and efficiency in product development, and (4) employee job satisfaction.

33. Which of the following statements regarding cohesiveness is true?

34. One of the disadvantages of project teams is their lack of flexibility.

35. Employee involvement teams not only provide advice and suggestions to management but also have the authority to make decisions and solve problems related to the major tasks required to produce a product or service.

36. Structural accommodation means giving teams the ability to change organizational structures, policies, and practices if it helps them meet their stretch goals.

37. A local hospital ran into a funding problem when it tried to build a new state-of-the-art pediatric unit. The hospital management asked a group of physicians, hospital volunteers, and administrative staff to develop and implement a plan to raise the necessary money. This group of people with complementary skills formed a(n) _____.

38. _____ refers to the emotional reactions that can occur when disagreements become personal rather than professional.


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