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A study compared three display panels used by air traffic controllers


A study compared three display panels used by air traffic controllers. Each display panel was tested for four different simulated emergency conditions. Twenty-four highly trained air traffic controllers were used in the study. Two controllers were randomly assigned to each display panel-emergency condition combination. The time (in seconds) required to stabilize the emergency condition was recorded. The resulting data and analysis results are given below.

Display panel data:

Display panel EC 1 EC 2 EC 3 EC 4
A 17 25 31 14
  14 24 34 13
B 15 22 28 9
  12 19 31 10
C 21 29 32 15
  24 28 37 19

Two-way ANOVA results

Source of Variation DF SS MS F P
Panel 2 218.58 109.29 26.49 0.000
Condition 3 1247.46 15.82 100.80 0.000
Interaction 6 16.42 2.74 0.66 0.681
Error 12 49.50 4.13    
Total 23 1531.96    

(a) Set up null and alternative hypotheses to (a) test the significance of display panel effect, (b) test the significance of emergency condition effects, and (c) test the interaction a between the two factors.

(b) Justify the type of ANOVA (one-way or two-way) you will apply to test the hypotheses.

(c) Interpret the p values in the results table for an accept/reject decision regarding the hypotheses.

(d) State your conclusions including what the ANOVA results do not tell you and your needed actions as a researcher.

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