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Jo Brown is General Manager of ABC Computer Services


Jo Brown is General Manager of ABC Computer Services. Jo receives an urgent call from XYZ, an important customer in Durban, who has a ‘major fault in his computer system’ and demands a service engineer immediately as his whole operation has ground to a halt. Jo tries to contact Edward Smith, the Service Manager, at once but finds he is out visiting PRQ Engineering, another important customer. As Jo considers that the Durban problem is urgent, she goes to the service department and finds service engineer Helen Jones working at her desk. They have the following conversation:

JB: Have you any really urgent work on hand?

HJ: Well, I’m sorting out a few patches for the new system we’ve sent to PRQ. Mr Smith is expecting me to have them done by tomorrow.

JB: But is it really urgent?

HJ: Well, I don’t know . . . I don’t suppose so.

JB: Good – you can sort out the Durban problem first.

Jo then decides that Helen should fly to Durban on an afternoon flight so she can start work at XYZ first thing in the morning. Jo suggests that she leave the office immediately to pack and get to the airport. As she is about to leave, Helen says, ‘I had better leave a message for Edward Smith.’ Jo says, ‘Don’t worry, I will let Edward know what is happening so he can reschedule your work for the next few days.’ Jo returns to her office and phones XYZ to confirm that Helen Jones will be there first thing in the morning. She then calls Ann Botham, her personal assistant, leaves a number of messages and instructions, and answers some queries. At the end of the call, she says, ‘Oh, by the way, let Edward Smith know that Helen Jones will probably be in Durban for a few days working on XYZ’s computer problems.’

When Edward Smith returns just after 2 p.m., he finds that Helen Jones is not at her desk, so he leaves a note instructing her to drop everything and go to clear up an urgent problem at PRQ Engineering first thing in the morning. He then leaves the office at 3.30 p.m. to meet another customer and does not return that day.

After working through the other jobs from Jo by around 3.45 p.m., Ann Botham sends an email to Edward Smith saying that Helen Jones will probably be in Durban for a few days on the XYZ job.

Next morning, Edward Smith arrives, notes that Helen Jones is not there, and assumes that she has gone to PRQ Engineering. He has an urgent report to finish, so does not check his email as he usually does first thing. About 9.30 a.m., he receives an irate phone call from PRQ Engineering saying that the promised service engineer has not arrived and threatening to cancel the lucrative service contract. At first no one else in the office knows anything about Helen Jones’s whereabouts. As a last resort he checks his email, to find the message from Ann Botham: ‘Jo has asked me to let you know that Ms Jones will probably be in Durban at XYZ for a few days.’ He is both puzzled and annoyed by the brief message.

About five minutes later, Smith storms into Brown’s office and says, ‘How the hell do you expect me to run an efficient service department, when you send my staff round the country without letting me know? We will probably lose the PRQ Engineering contract because Helen Jones did not report there this morning as I promised.’

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