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Homework answers / question archive / Question 1 1 / 1 pts According to Fodor,    behaviour is intrinsically organised;     behaviour's organisation is merely derivative of the mental organisation that lies behind it;    behaviour's organisation is merely derivative of the environmental influences acting upon the organism;    behaviour's organisation is determined by the history of the organism

Question 1 1 / 1 pts According to Fodor,    behaviour is intrinsically organised;     behaviour's organisation is merely derivative of the mental organisation that lies behind it;    behaviour's organisation is merely derivative of the environmental influences acting upon the organism;    behaviour's organisation is determined by the history of the organism


Question 1

1 / 1 pts

According to Fodor,


behaviour is intrinsically organised;


behaviour's organisation is merely derivative of the mental organisation that lies behind it;


behaviour's organisation is merely derivative of the environmental influences acting upon the organism;


behaviour's organisation is determined by the history of the organism.


Question 2

1 / 1 pts

Affordances are, for Gibson,


the projection of our biological needs onto the environment;


the behavioural possibilities supported by a particular object or surface in the environment;


the energetic cost that engaging in a particular behaviour has on the organism;


the environmental cost that an organism's behaviour has on the environment.


Question 3

1 / 1 pts

Cartesian materialism is used by Dennett to refer to the belief that


consciousness arises at a particular time and place in the brain;


the pineal gland has a special role to play in consciousness;


consciousness can only be instantiated in a specific kind of physical material;


consciousness does not arise in the brain at all, but in the material body considered as a whole.



Question 4

1 / 1 pts

Connectionism differs from traditional AI in that it


sees mental states as essentially connected with one another;


views the mind as a tabula rasa rather than in terms of innate capacities;


conceptualises mental representations as patterns of activity rather than as symbols;


rejects the idea of different brain areas being specialised for different types of processing.



Question 5

1 / 1 pts

For embodied cognition theorists, perception is primarily


a means of building up stored knowledge of the world;


a means of knowing what is there by looking;


a means of probing the world for information to be used in ongoing tasks;


a source of subjective conscious experience.



Question 6

1 / 1 pts

For empiricism, the structure of the mind is


the result of a process of association;


the expression of innate structure;


the expression of the structure of the human body as a whole;


the result of the organisation of the brain only.



Question 7

1 / 1 pts

For Fodor, a module is


an anatomical unit that can be involved in a number of different processes;


an anatomical unit whose processing is determined by its links with other modules;


a functional unit that is created through learning and experience;


a pre-existing functional unit that performs a particular type of mental processing.



Question 8

1 / 1 pts

For Fodor, the structure of the mind is


the effect of the processing that it performs;


the cause of the processing that it performs;


largely the result of learning and adaptation;


logically indistinguishable from the structure of the brain.



Question 9

1 / 1 pts

Functionalism has been criticised by Patricia Churchland because


the distinction between hardware and software cannot be made with respect to the brain in the same way that they can with respect to a computer;


it does not take into account the subjective, conscious aspect of mental processes;


it pays too much attention to what is going on within the organism and not enough attention to what occurs in the environment;


it is too materialistc.



Question 10

1 / 1 pts

Informational encapsulation refers to the idea that


information is coded and transmitted between modules in discrete bursts;


modules condense perceptual information into a more coherent and economical form;


modules are unaffected by the processing that goes on in other modules;


modules store information until it is needed.


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