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Homework answers / question archive / On August 6, 2017 National Football League professional football player T

On August 6, 2017 National Football League professional football player T


On August 6, 2017 National Football League professional football player T.O. Owens signed a contract to play for the Seattle Seahawks. Right before the first game of the season, T.O. goes to the owner and says that he will not play unless the owner produces a new hip-hop CD that T.O. wants to record titled “First Misunderstood in San Francisco, Then Philly, Then Dallas, Then Buffalo, Then Cincinnati, Then Allen (Texas), Now Seattle and Soon-to-Be Unemployed and Owing Back Child Support.” The owner, being desperate, agrees. When the season ended, T.O. demanded that the owner produce the CD, but the owner refuses. T.O sues.

Most likely:

A.) T.O wins; this is a valid modification of an earlier contract.

B.) Owner wins: contracts can never be modified.

C.) T.O. wins; this is a modification under the U.C.C. which needs no new consideration to be enforceable.

D.) T.O. wins; this is a case of a modification due to unforeseen circumstances, and the modification is


E.) Owner wins: T.O. was under a prior duty to play football, so T.O.’s new promise is not supported

by consideration.

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