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Homework answers / question archive / Question 1 2 / 2 pts According to Bandura, the job of the therapist should be to:    gain insight into the client’s emotional problem     disconfirm erroneous expectations     give the client unconditional positive regard     shape desirable behavior patterns     Question 2 2 / 2 pts Bandura and Menlove (1968) used --------------------- to extinguish a dog phobia    symbolic modeling     direct modeling     behavior modification     modeling with participation     Question 3 2 / 2 pts The statement “I couldn’t be the only one saying no,” exemplifies:    moral justification     displacement of responsibility     advantageous comparison     diffusion of responsibility     Question 4 2 / 2 pts An art instructor guides the response of a student so as to improve his or her drawing ability

Question 1 2 / 2 pts According to Bandura, the job of the therapist should be to:    gain insight into the client’s emotional problem     disconfirm erroneous expectations     give the client unconditional positive regard     shape desirable behavior patterns     Question 2 2 / 2 pts Bandura and Menlove (1968) used --------------------- to extinguish a dog phobia    symbolic modeling     direct modeling     behavior modification     modeling with participation     Question 3 2 / 2 pts The statement “I couldn’t be the only one saying no,” exemplifies:    moral justification     displacement of responsibility     advantageous comparison     diffusion of responsibility     Question 4 2 / 2 pts An art instructor guides the response of a student so as to improve his or her drawing ability


Question 1

2 / 2 pts

According to Bandura, the job of the therapist should be to:


gain insight into the client’s emotional problem


disconfirm erroneous expectations


give the client unconditional positive regard


shape desirable behavior patterns



Question 2

2 / 2 pts

Bandura and Menlove (1968) used --------------------- to extinguish a dog phobia


symbolic modeling


direct modeling


behavior modification


modeling with participation



Question 3

2 / 2 pts

The statement “I couldn’t be the only one saying no,” exemplifies:


moral justification


displacement of responsibility


advantageous comparison


diffusion of responsibility



Question 4

2 / 2 pts

An art instructor guides the response of a student so as to improve his or her drawing ability. This exemplifies:


matched-dependent behavior


same behavior


copying behavior


observational learning



Question 5

2 / 2 pts

According to Bandura, how can performance at a task improve even after the observation of someone modeling the task has terminated?


fatigue dissipates, thus causing improvement


the observer compares his or her performance with the memory of the modeled experience


the observer seeks out other models to demonstrate the same task


all of the above


Question 6

2 / 2 pts

Which technique did Bandura, Blanchard, and Ritter (1969) find most effective ?


desensitization therapy


modeling with participation


symbolic modeling


behavior modification



Question 7

2 / 2 pts

---------------------- refers to one’s impression of what one is capable of doing.




Perceived self-efficacy


Motor reproductive processes


all of the above



Question 8

2 / 2 pts

According to social cognitive theory, reinforcement:


acts backward to strengthen preceding imitative responses


is important because anticipation of it influences the learner’s attentional, organizational, and rehearsal processes


both 1 and 2


none of the above



Question 9

2 / 2 pts

When a modeling experience causes a person to engage in an activity which was previously feared, the process is called:











Question 10

2 / 2 pts

According to Bandura, learning occurs:


only when there is a need of some kind


only as the result of direct experience




independent of observation



Question 11

2 / 2 pts

Kaufman, Baron and Kopp (1966) demonstrated that:


multiple modeling is more influential than single modeling


one's belief concerning reinforcement contingencies is more influential than actual reinforcement contingencies


direct modeling is more influential than symbolic modeling


modeling with participation is the best way to extinguish a phobia



Question 12

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following can influence what an observer attends to ?


sensory capabilities


prior reinforcements


characteristics of models


all of the above



IncorrectQuestion 13

0 / 2 pts

According to Bandura, one can learn by:


observing the consequences of one’s own behavior


observing the consequences of the behavior of others


both 1 and 2


none of the above



Question 14

2 / 2 pts

Watson concluded that observational learning occurred:


only in lower animals


only in humans


in both lower animals and humans


in neither lower animals nor humans



Question 15

2 / 2 pts

Everyone applauds at the end of a stage play. This exemplifies:


matched-dependent behavior


same behavior


copying behavior


observational learning



Question 16

2 / 2 pts

Rule or principle learning is accomplished by:


abstract modeling


symbolic modeling


multiple modeling


direct modeling



Question 17

2 / 2 pts

Most phobias probably result from overgeneralization of one or more direct and vicarious painful experiences.







Question 18

2 / 2 pts

The most startling outcome of Lashley’s research was his finding that the------------------ of the destroyed portion of the brain was not as important as the --------------------- of destruction.


location .... amount


amount ... location


size ... kind


shape ... location



Question 19

2 / 2 pts

While simple networks can use the Hebb rule, more sophisticated systems like NETtalk     use:


the NET rule


the Back rule


the propagation algorithm


the delta rule



Question 20

2 / 2 pts

Kandel and his associates have discovered that sensitization in Aplysia occurs due to :


inhibition of an inhibitory process


facilitation of the sensory neuron by a modulatory interneuron


actual decrease in neurotransmitter release by the sensory neuron


the long-term potentiation (LTP)



Question 21

2 / 2 pts

Psychologists have not been surprised at the accuracy of Hebb’s conjectures about the nervous system, as he fell short of being a brilliant theorist.







IncorrectQuestion 22

0 / 2 pts

The neglect syndrome involves either not seeing or not paying attention to the:


simple responsibilities of life


right visual field


left visual field


social environment



Question 23

2 / 2 pts

Generally, research has shown that animals reared in an enriched environment are ________ when compared to those reared in a more sterile environment.


more aggressive


more fearful


more intelligent


less aggressive



Question 24

2 / 2 pts

In general, it seems a main function of the reticular activating system (RAS) is to:


provide a mechanism for memory


prepare higher centers of the brain to receive and act upon information from the environment


keep the organism awake during a learning experience


provide equipotentiality of brain functions



Question 25

2 / 2 pts

Many of the functions related to speech are found in:


the left cerebral hemisphere


the RAS


the right cerebral hemisphere


the hippocampus



Question 26

2 / 2 pts

Hebb argues that sports, TV, movies and paperback thrillers are reinforcing because:


humans need successful persons with whom to identify in order to overcome their innate feelings of inferiority


they provide a distraction from intolerable threat and anxiety over which humans have no control


they excite people, increase their level of arousal and reduce boredom


they provide socially safe outlets for destructive impulses



Question 27

2 / 2 pts

Nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, and heroin are addictive substances that seem to cause the stimulation of nucleus accumbens dopamine.







Question 28

2 / 2 pts

Kandel and his associates have demonstrated that habituation in Aplysia is the result of:


active inhibition by a modulatory interneuron


a decrease in neurotransmitter output by a sensory neuron


long-term potentiation


a process that provides as good model for Hebb's notion of recruitment


Question 29

2 / 2 pts

------------------- refers to the loss of memory for those events just prior to a traumatic          experience.


consolidation effect




the hippocampus effect (HE)


retrograde amnesia



Question 30

2 / 2 pts

Lashley’s principle of Equipotentiality states that:


one part of the cortex can take over from an injured part.


loss in the ability to learn or remember is proportional to the amount of cortical destruction


the disruption of learning caused by the cortical destruction is related to the complexity of the learning task


all of these



Question 31

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following is not a characteristic of reinforcement by direct brain stimulation?


does not satiate


extinguishes very slowly


performance is poor when intervals between reinforcements are long


reinforcement effects interact with drive state



IncorrectQuestion 32

0 / 2 pts

According to Hebb, if a cell assembly is stimulated, one experiences:


an idea


a stream of thought


an emotion


none of the above



Question 33

2 / 2 pts

Electroconvulsive shock has what effect on memory?


increases and sharpens memories for recent learning especially those immediately prior       to the shock


prevents retention of information immediately preceding the shock


wipes out early memories (childhood) while leaving recent memories intact


has little or no effect on memory



Question 34

2 / 2 pts

In order to become active, NMDA receptors


must be stimulated by norepinephrine


must be stimulated at the same time as non-NMDA receptor


must be stimulated by LTP


must be stimulated by spectrin



Question 35

2 / 2 pts

Seligman suggest that some species learn a task more easily than other species because


reinforcement principles only apply to mammals


only some species experience drive and drive reduction


larger mammals have larger brains and thus learn more readily


they are biologically prepared to do so



Question 36

2 / 2 pts

“Fitness” is defined in terms of


greater physical fitness




longer lifespan





IncorrectQuestion 37

0 / 2 pts

Öhman and his colleagues found that fear responses to snake stimuli could be conditioned:


only when participants were snake phobic


only when participants could detect the CS (snake stimulus)


only if the participants were predisposed to have general phobias


even when participants could not detect the CS (snake stimulus)



Question 38

2 / 2 pts

According to Bolles, classical conditioning involves learning        associations and instrumental conditioning involves learning         associations.


R–R ; R–O


S–R ; S–S


O–O ; S–O


S–S ; R–S



Question 39

2 / 2 pts

According to Hamilton’s Rule, who are we most likely to help?


our children


female relatives


our spouse(s)


individuals who can help us in return



Question 40

2 / 2 pts

Bolles uses the concept of SSDR to account for behavior during


instrumental conditioning


classical conditioning


operant conditioning


escape/avoidance conditioning



Question 41

2 / 2 pts

According to the empirical principle of equipotentiality,


laws of learning apply equally to all species


different parts of the brain learn the same thing in different ways


different species have different learning predispositions


reinforcement operates similarly in all species



Question 42

2 / 2 pts

Buss found that males place more value than do females on          when selecting a mate.






physical appearance





Question 43

2 / 2 pts

Most species can develop learned food aversions to


flavor cues


shape–appearance cues


color cues


any cue can become a cue for learned food aversions



Question 44

2 / 2 pts

According to Bolles, what kind of learning is most flexible?


escape learning


S–R learning


instrumental conditioning


S–S learning



Question 45

2 / 2 pts

Bolles’s Niche Argument states that in order to understand learning we must understand


that every organism finds its special learning niche


that laws of learning apply equally to all species


the biological niche in which an organism evolved


the reinforcement contingincies under which an organism is behaving



IncorrectQuestion 46

0 / 2 pts

When an adaptation is co-opted for an unrelated but often useful purpose, it is called


an exaptation




a spandrel





Question 47

2 / 2 pts

According to Evolutionary Psychologists, people develop phobias because


of repressed conflicts


it is adaptive to learn to fear certain kinds of stimuli


phobias lead to greater reproduction rates


classical conditioning occurs even in non–adaptive contexts



Question 48

2 / 2 pts

A beneficial side-effect of a specific adaptation is called


a spandrel


a retraptation


an exaptation


a co–option



Question 49

2 / 2 pts

According to Bolles, SSDRs are elicited by


any CS


only unconditioned stimuli


CSs with emotional significance


pain or warnings of pain



IncorrectQuestion 50

0 / 2 pts

The belief that natural events or substances are naturally good is


Hamliton’s Rule


the naturalistic fallacy


nothing butism


the nominal fallacy


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