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Homework answers / question archive / W08 Writing Practice: Quote Integration Name: Click or tap here to write your name

W08 Writing Practice: Quote Integration Name: Click or tap here to write your name


W08 Writing Practice: Quote Integration

Name: Click or tap here to write your name.



Review the W08 Writing Lesson: Quote integration in your course. Then answer each of the following questions.


1. What prompt question are you going to answer in your informative essay due in Week 10? Check ONE.


?  What are the primary differences between top, mid, and lower-level goals?

?  What are three things people can do to start changing bad habits?

?  What are two of the benefits of holding regular family councils?

?  What are three steps people can take to avoid debt?

?  What are two things people can do to eliminate debt?

?  What are three steps people can take to invest in their future?

?  What is the difference between fixed and variable costs?



2. What is the thesis statement you will use in your informative essay due in Week 10? (You wrote this in the W06 Writing Practice).


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3. Choose a quotation or source you will use in your essay due in Week 10. Make sure this supports the thesis statement you just wrote above.


Example: In an April 2016 General Conference talk entitled “Family Councils,” Elder M. Russell Ballard teaches that the family council can “protect us from the evils of the world.” I have seen this promise prove true in my own life as my family has held regular family councils. One time, my little brother was on the computer and he accidentally saw some pornography. He told my mother about it. In our next family council, we talked about what to do if we see this kind of material. Thanks to the family council, I felt safer knowing our family had a plan.

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