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Homework answers / question archive / Question 1 0 / 2 pts According to Timberlake, response or activity deprivation produces    motivation    negative reinforcement    unfortunate emotional by-products    instinctual drift   Question 2 2 / 2 pts Autoshaping seems to be best explained as:    superstitious behavior    the release of innate response tendencies    classical conditioning    operant conditioning   Question 3 2 / 2 pts The reinforcement schedule in which the administration of a reinforcement follows a response occurring some definite time period after the previous reinforcement is called a:    fixed interval schedule    fixed reinforcement schedule    fixed ratio schedule    fixed response schedule   Question 4 2 / 2 pts Herrnstein’s Equation is a mathematical expression that:    describes a learning curve for one operant behavior    predicts the effects of various reinforcements    describes complex choice behavior    predicts the Matching Law   Question 5 2 / 2 pts Which of the following procedures would give reinforcement every fourth trial?    fixed ratio    fixed interval    fixed duration    variable interval   Question 6 2 / 2 pts Which of the following develops through noncontingent reinforcement?    superstitious behavior    shaping    extinction    chaining   Question 7 2 / 2 pts Whereas --------------------- schedules of reinforcement are used to investigate simple choice behavior, ----------------- schedules are used to investigate complex choice behavior

Question 1 0 / 2 pts According to Timberlake, response or activity deprivation produces    motivation    negative reinforcement    unfortunate emotional by-products    instinctual drift   Question 2 2 / 2 pts Autoshaping seems to be best explained as:    superstitious behavior    the release of innate response tendencies    classical conditioning    operant conditioning   Question 3 2 / 2 pts The reinforcement schedule in which the administration of a reinforcement follows a response occurring some definite time period after the previous reinforcement is called a:    fixed interval schedule    fixed reinforcement schedule    fixed ratio schedule    fixed response schedule   Question 4 2 / 2 pts Herrnstein’s Equation is a mathematical expression that:    describes a learning curve for one operant behavior    predicts the effects of various reinforcements    describes complex choice behavior    predicts the Matching Law   Question 5 2 / 2 pts Which of the following procedures would give reinforcement every fourth trial?    fixed ratio    fixed interval    fixed duration    variable interval   Question 6 2 / 2 pts Which of the following develops through noncontingent reinforcement?    superstitious behavior    shaping    extinction    chaining   Question 7 2 / 2 pts Whereas --------------------- schedules of reinforcement are used to investigate simple choice behavior, ----------------- schedules are used to investigate complex choice behavior


Question 1

0 / 2 pts

According to Timberlake, response or activity deprivation produces




negative reinforcement


unfortunate emotional by-products


instinctual drift


Question 2

2 / 2 pts

Autoshaping seems to be best explained as:


superstitious behavior


the release of innate response tendencies


classical conditioning


operant conditioning


Question 3

2 / 2 pts

The reinforcement schedule in which the administration of a reinforcement follows a response occurring some definite time period after the previous reinforcement is called a:


fixed interval schedule


fixed reinforcement schedule


fixed ratio schedule


fixed response schedule


Question 4

2 / 2 pts

Herrnstein’s Equation is a mathematical expression that:


describes a learning curve for one operant behavior


predicts the effects of various reinforcements


describes complex choice behavior


predicts the Matching Law


Question 5

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following procedures would give reinforcement every fourth trial?


fixed ratio


fixed interval


fixed duration


variable interval


Question 6

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following develops through noncontingent reinforcement?


superstitious behavior








Question 7

2 / 2 pts

Whereas --------------------- schedules of reinforcement are used to investigate simple choice behavior, ----------------- schedules are used to investigate complex choice behavior.


fixed ratio ..... variable ratio


concurrent-chain ..... concurrent


concurrent ..... concurrent-chain


fixed interval ...... variable interval


Question 8

2 / 2 pts

The rate at which a response occurs before reinforcement is introduced is referred to as:


noncontingent activity


spontaneous activity


the operant level




Question 9

2 / 2 pts

According to Skinner, the best way to discourage undesirable behavior is to ------------ it.










Question 10

2 / 2 pts

A cue indicating which response is appropriate:


all of the above


becomes a secondary reinforcer


is a SD


is a discriminative stimulus


Question 11

2 / 2 pts

Slot machines are based upon which schedule of reinforcement?


variable interval




fixed interval


variable ratio


Question 12

2 / 2 pts

Whose name is associated with the concept of the “relativity of reinforcement “?


David Premack


Noam Chomsky


William Estes


Edward Thorndike


Question 13

2 / 2 pts

The relative rate with which responses are made, equals or almost equals the relative rate with which responses are reinforced. This statement summarizes the:


partial information effect


misbehavior of organisms


matching law


Premack Principle


Question 14

2 / 2 pts

On a cumulative recording, the slope of the line indicates:


rate of responding


what kind of response is being made


schedule of reinforcement


when a response is not being made


Question 15

2 / 2 pts

Skinner’s main argument against the use of punishment was that it:


is evil


causes aggression


is too effective


is ineffective in the long run


Question 16

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following is similar to the game of  “you’re hot, you’re cold”?






operant conditioning




Question 17

2 / 2 pts

According to Pavlov, physical stimuli that precede biologically significant events and thus allow for their anticipation are referred to as:


reciprocal induction


the second signal system


the first signal system


dynamic stereotypes


Question 18

2 / 2 pts

Using the method of --------------------, the CS eliciting undesirable behavior is paired with a US other than the one that reinforces undesirable behavior






systematic desensitization




Question 19

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following exemplifies an unconditioned stimulus?


a blinking light


a soft tone


a buzzer


a painful electric shock


IncorrectQuestion 20

0 / 2 pts

Pavlov considered his work pertinent to discovery of basic nervous system functions and was unaware that his work was relevant to the development of learning theory in the United States until the early 1980s.







Question 21

2 / 2 pts

Ader and his colleagues have demonstrated classical conditioning in


the immune system




sea mollusks


green plants


IncorrectQuestion 22

0 / 2 pts

In the Garcia and Koelling experiment, which of the following became associated with shock?






bright, noisy water


saccharin solution


Question 23

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following becomes a secondary reinforcer in classical conditioning?











Question 24

2 / 2 pts

Pavlov referred to stimuli that signal biologically significant events as the:


first signal






conditioned stimuli


IncorrectQuestion 25

0 / 2 pts

The opposite of generalization is:










Question 26

2 / 2 pts

What is a problem in explaining the development of taste aversions as a classical conditioning phenomenon?


all of the above


such aversions are highly resistant to extinction


sometimes such aversions develop in one trial


the CS-US interval is too long


Question 27

2 / 2 pts

When a CR has been extinguished, it will often reappear if the animal is re-exposed to the original US. This is called:


the reminiscence effect


the renewal effect


the reinstatement effect


the reminder effect


IncorrectQuestion 28

0 / 2 pts

Which of the following exemplifies an conditioned response?


your mouth watering when you bite a lemon


withdrawing from a painful stimulus


squinting at the bright sun as you leave a movie theater in the middle of the afternoon


your mouth watering because it’s dinner time


Question 29

2 / 2 pts

Rescorla (1966) found that no conditioning occurs when:


there is no correlation between the CS and the US


a CS reliably predicts the US


a CS reliably predicts the absence of the US


more than one of the above


IncorrectQuestion 30

0 / 2 pts

If a 1600 cycle per second tone is used as a CS during conditioning, it will be found that    during a test for generalization, the CR of greatest magnitude will be given to a tone of -------------------- cycles per second.










IncorrectQuestion 31

0 / 2 pts

Which of the following symbolizes the procedure used to develop classical conditioning?


US ------> CS ------> UR


CS ------> US ------> UR


UR ------> US ------>CS


US ------> UR ------> CS


Question 32

2 / 2 pts

In the study by Garcia and Koelling, which of the following became associated with nausea?


saccharin solution


bright, noisy water






IncorrectQuestion 33

0 / 2 pts

According to Kamin, conditioning continues as long as,


the organism attends to the US


the US will support additional conditioning


the organism is surprised by the occurrence of the US


a CS is paired with a US


Question 34

2 / 2 pts

According to Guthrie, students learn:


only that material that supports their biases


what a book or lecture causes them to do


only that which is challenging


what is in a book or lecture


Question 35

2 / 2 pts

There is a difference between breaking a habit and sidetracking a habit.







Question 36

2 / 2 pts

According to Guthrie, the effectiveness of punishment is determined by:


how much pain is involved


whether or not the organism understands the relationship between its behavior and the punishment


emotional factors


what it causes an organism to do and when it causes it to do it    


IncorrectQuestion 37

0 / 2 pts

Punishment should do the following:


be used as the disruptive behavior is occurring


two of the above


cause a new association to be formed


product undesirable behavior


Question 38

2 / 2 pts

According to Guthrie, if you want to learn how to fill out tax forms you should:


all of the above


study any difficult topic and you will be better able to perform on any number of difficult tasks


fill out tax forms


study mathematics


Question 39

2 / 2 pts

Guthrie’s position on transfer was:


energy in the brain spills over to neighboring areas and generalizes


all of the above


transfer occurs continuously


it happens in new situations because of similarity to an old situation


Question 40

2 / 2 pts

What explains Guthrie's lack of theoretical experimentation?


Principles of learning were stated in terms that were too general to be tested easily.


theory minimized the roles of motivation and reinforcement, the two components of most other learning theories in the 1930s and 1940s that stimulated most of the research associated with them.


All choices are reasons


Theses and dissertations of graduate students, which were often used to test other theories experimentally, were not available.


Page 209


Question 41

2 / 2 pts

According to Guthrie, which of the following had no meaning?




All of the above






Question 42

2 / 2 pts

Guthrie would advise a student to


use the threshold method for studying


study in the room where the exam will occur


sidetrack the exam habit


take a “diversity break” before an exam


Question 43

2 / 2 pts

“The last thing done in the presence of a stimulus combination will be that which will be done when the stimulus combination next occurs” was Guthrie’s:


principle of polarity


principle of response by analogy


recency principle


principle of generalization


Question 44

2 / 2 pts

Who was able to develop a diverse body of theory and research that extended into the 1990s by using the basic ingredients of Guthrie’s position.


Robert D. Thorndike


William K. Estes


Ivan Pavlov


Jacie K. Horton



Question 45

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following best summarizes Guthrie’s theory of learning?


reinforcement and punishment


contiguity and one trial learning


classical conditioning and introspection


trial and error learning and associative shifting


IncorrectQuestion 46

0 / 2 pts

A student has forgotten an answer to a test question. According to Guthrie:


this indicates that the student never really learned the correct response


a new pattern of response has been learned and is interfering with the correct response -   comprehensive


lack of reinforced repetition has eliminated the answer from the student’s mind


the student’s competence is questionable


Question 47

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following is correctly arranged from most complex to least complex?


acts, movements, skills


movements, skills, acts


skills, acts, movements


movements, acts, skills


Question 48

2 / 2 pts

The essence of Guthrie’s theory is:


responses are learned in one trial when there is contingency between stimulus and response


the number of pairings of stimulus and response determines degree of learning


trial and error learning


all of the above


Question 49

2 / 2 pts

Maintaining stimuli that keep the organism active until a goal is reached is provided by










Question 50

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following can be used to break a habit?


retroactive inhibition method


formulation of expectancies method


compatible response method


threshold method

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