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Homework answers / question archive / US crime data and focus on the state of New York

US crime data and focus on the state of New York


US crime data and focus on the state of New York.Your job is to "cut-&-paste" the data and create 7 columns and label them Murder, Rape, Robbery, Assault, Burglary, Larceny and Car Theft respectively. Next you are to perform a regression where you are to predict the murder count using the remaining 6 variables. Finally, pick the two variables with the best P-values, this time using these two variables in order to predict the murder. Answer the questions using this new table only:

I) What are the two variables you picked?

- a. Rape and Burglary
- b. Rape and Larceny
- c. Car theft and Robbery
- d. Larceny and Car theft
- e. None of the choicesII) After getting the new table, choose the variable with the larger coefficient and describe its interpretation. 

- a. Rape; For every rape there are 0.15 murders
- b. Car theft; For every car theft there is an increase of 0.011 murders
- c. Car theft; For every car theft there are 0.006 murders
- d. Car theft; For every murder there are 0.011 car thefts
- e. None of the choicesIII) How good is the fit and why?

-a. Very good; P-values are extremely small
- b. Excellent; R-square is very close to 1
- c. Good; Some P-values are small and some are not
- d. Poor; Some P-values are small and some are not
- e. None of the choicesIV) Which of the two variables have a better P-value?

- a. Rape
- b. Larceny
- c. Murder
- d. Robbery
- e. None of the choices

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