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Homework answers / question archive / Essay History 1302 2020 William McKinleyand Theodore Roosevelt This paper will compare and contrast these two men
Essay History 1302 2020
William McKinleyand Theodore Roosevelt
This paper will compare and contrast these two men. Using only the sources listed below, examine McKinley's and Roosevelt's fives and presidencies. What do they focus upon in their speeches? What are particular worries? What do they say about Americans, and their future? The speeches should be used extensively in the paper.
Use only the following sources. They will be used and cited in the paper. Use quotes from these sources to help your argument.
Google search Miller Center (University of Virginia). At the top of the page will be a tab for US Presidents. Click, and go to the two above listed. Use the extended biographies. Do not use the lives in brief. Another tab will take you to Presidential Speeches. Scroll down to Filter and use the same two men. For McKinley use his 1st Inaugural, 1st Annual Message, 2nd Annual Message, 2nd Inaugural, and Speech in Buffalo. For Theodore Roosevelt use the 1st Annual Message, 2nd Annual Message, Inaugural, and 8th Annual Message. Again do not use any other sources in paper.
Assigned Essay: The student will write an essay on the topic given by instructor. The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and 6-7 pages in length. 12 font size and 1 inch margins. In addition to the 6-7 pages indude endnotes and a bibliography as separate pages. Papers will be accepted or not The student must follow the essay prompt for the paper to be accepted. Turabian (Chicago) style will be used Instructions on Turabian (Chicago) style: Go to ACC home page -click Students- click Library - then Citing Sources in blue band near bottom - then Turabian Style. Use Notes-Bibliography (NB) style of Turabian (Chicago), and use Endnotes not Footnotes.
Papers will be stapled or they will not be accepted. No late papers will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS.
American Stories, Brands, et al.
Other writings to be discussed in class:
From The Peloponnesian War, The Fate of Melos, Thucydides/ From The Significance of the Frontier in American History, Frederick Jackson Turner/ From the writings of Alfred Thayer Mahan/ From Speeches, Theodore Roosevelt/ Front Speeches, Woodrow Wilson/ Zimrnerrnan Telegram/ 14 Reservations, Henry Cabot Lodge/ 1st Inaugural and The Four Freedoms, Franklin D. Roosevelt/ Atlantic Charter/ Truman Doctrine/ Duty, Honor, Country, Douglas MacArthur/ Inaugural Address, John F. Kennedy/ Recessional, Rudyard Kipling.
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