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Homework answers / question archive / The evaluation design will consist of a pre and post program survey for a quantitative data analysis where the survey will be assessing behaviors, attitudes and beliefs about tobacco among Dakota County high school students

The evaluation design will consist of a pre and post program survey for a quantitative data analysis where the survey will be assessing behaviors, attitudes and beliefs about tobacco among Dakota County high school students


The evaluation design will consist of a pre and post program survey for a quantitative data analysis where the survey will be assessing behaviors, attitudes and beliefs about tobacco among Dakota County high school students. III. How the program will be measured is in the pre and post program survey the questions will be designed to evaluate the high schoolers behaviors, attitudes and beliefs about tobacco. Questions that will consist of the survey include: Do you think high schoolers that smoke cigarettes have more friends compared to those who don't smoke? (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], n.d.). Do you believe high schoolers risk harming themselves if they smoke from 1-5 cigarettes per day? (CDC, n.d.). Do you use tobacco for ceremonial prayer or traditional reasons? (CDC, 2008). I will also use questions adapted from the Youth Tobacco Survey presented by the CDC to examine the behaviors, attitudes and beliefs (CDC, n.d.). IV. The data collection plan will consist of the pre and post program survey that will be given out to all the high schoolers that attend the program. The indicators of the type of data will come from the existing questionnaire from the Youth Tobacco Survey. The source of my data will come from the high schoolers of Dakota County. The survey will be uploaded in Qualtrics and will be given out online. I will leave the survey open for two weeks once the program starts for the pre-test and for the post- test I will leave the survey open for two weeks after the program ends. Then I will close the survey after the two weeks to analyze the data. Timetable Objective Jun(2021) Jul. Aug. . Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May(2022) Pre-planning committee X X meeting

Lesson plans created for X can easily identify them. This program is relevant to the priority population because program Decision on X the majority of the American Indian population in Minnesota live in Dakota County implementation procedure Breathe Clear Program X and big tobacco corporations target their products towards American Indians. This starts Distribute online pre-test X issue is important to address in the high schools at a young age to change the number survey to program participants of future adult smokers in Dakota County and educate on how to avoid the pressure Begin data collection X of using tobacco products. The program will also obtain IRB approval to validate that Data analysis X the research gathered is clean and honest. Develop outcome X objectives VIII. Staffing and Management of the program will involve me, Megan Mochling, as the Distribute 200 flyers to X Dakota County high program director. I will have a statistical expert to help with data analysis and another schoolers Distribute online post-test x colleague to help with data coding and analysis. I will have an executive assistant that survey to program participants will help with proposing the grant and completion of tasks. In June, July and August Analyze Data X members of the planning committee, that will include volunteers and stakeholders, Publish Work will be assembled for a meeting in each month to go over the program plan, educational materials and execution plan. In September the statistical expert will V. Samples will be collected online through the survey distributed. begin data analysis on the pre-test responses. In October and November volunteers VI. The contents of my quantitative questionnaire will consist of questions first asking and my executive assistant will give feedback on what the outcome objectives should about general demographics. Questions that will address the student's behaviors, be and assist in developing the flyers and distributing them. In May the statistical attitudes and beliefs will be given in a likert scale format. Why this format is useful expert and my colleague will work together in analyzing the data from the post- for the research I'm collecting is because it will be easy to compare responses from program survey and comparing results to the pre-test. Finally, me, my colleague, and the pre and post-test. When the final analyzation of the data takes place in May, we the statistical expert will develop a final report about the program and publish our will be able to analyze how the student's attitudes and beliefs have changed over the findings. Volunteers will consist of parents of the high schoolers and high school course of taking the program. staff, for example physical education teachers and health teachers. Stakeholders will VII. All of the surveys that will be taken by the high school students will be completely be school administration, school nursing team, city authorities, community members, anonymous, they will not have to provide their name or any personal information that

school board members and local businesses leaders. An MOU will be given to stakeholders who want to be involved to understand what will be expected out the two parties. IX. How we will analyze the data comes from an adapted experiment from Alavi et al., 2011, that gathered conclusions through the SPSS program. The changes in the student's answers to the likert scale questions will be analyzed and compared from the pre-test and the post-test. Exploratory factor analysis will be used to identify the changing relationship between the student's attitudes, beliefs and behaviors about tobacco products and participation in the program. The mean of the student's responses will be reported that showed the program significantly changed their attitudes and beliefs about tobacco use. X. The proposed budget for the program from June 2021-May 2022 will be $200,000. Five to ten percent of the budget will go towards evaluation, Survey Sheets/Survey Form = 3%, Consultant/Research Team Fee = 5%, flyers = 2%.


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