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Chapter 12 - Personal Loss Question(s): Be prepared to discuss 2 questions 1


Chapter 12 - Personal Loss

Question(s): Be prepared to discuss 2 questions

1. Discuss what is complicated grieving.

2. Mention at least 3 clues for identifying complicated grief reaction.

Guidelines: The answer should be based on the knowledge obtained from reading the book, no just your opinion. If there are 2 questions in the discussion, you must answer both of them. Your grade will be an average of both questions. Student discusses what is complicated grieving (55 points). Student mentions 3 clues for identifying complicated grief reaction (45 points - 15 points each clue).  

Chapter Twelve: Personal Loss: Bereavement and Grief








Terms Critical to Understanding Loss


Uncomplicated bereavement


Complicated grief/prolonged grief

Traumatic grief

Disenfranchised grief


Primary loss

Secondary loss

Ambiguous loss





Dynamics of Bereavement

Cultural Dynamics


3 patterns of response:

Death accepting

Death defying

Death denying

Sociocultural Mores

Spirituality and Religion





Conceptual Approaches to Bereavement

Stage/Phase Models

Kubler-Ross’s Stages

Bowlby’s Attachment Theory

Schneider’s Growth Model


Counterpart to Traditional Models

Dual Process Model

Loss orientation

Restoration orientation

Adaptive Model

Intuitive grieving ??Instrumental grieving





Assessment Tools

Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (TRIG)

Current Grief

Past Disruption

Grief Experience Inventory (GEI)

Nine clinical scales

Hogan Grief Reaction Checklist (HGRC)

Can discriminate variability in the grieving process as a function of cause of death and time elapsed since death

Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG)

Targets symptoms of grief that are distinct from bereavement-related depression and anxiety, and predicts long-term functional impairments





Types of Loss

Death of a Spouse

One of the most emotionally stressful and disruptive events in life

More widows than widowers


Loss Due to Caregiving


Death of a Child

Perhaps the ultimate loss for a person to endure regardless of the age of the child





Types of Loss Cont.

Bereavement in Childhood


Primary school age

Middle school age

Intervention and treatment

Bereavement in Adolescence

Value of connectedness

Intervention and treatment

Bereavement in the Elderly

Present more somatic problems than psychological problems

No indication that the intensity of grief varies significantly with age

Grief among older people may be more prolonged than among younger people

Tend to be lonelier and to have far longer periods of loneliness than younger people





Types of Loss Cont.


Job Loss

Separation and Divorce

Death of a Pet

Complicated Grief

Traumatic grief





Being There for Grievers

Empathic Presence

Gentle Conversation

Providing Available Space

Eliciting Trust








Fitting Technique to Style of Grief

The Dual Process Model

The griever sometimes confronts and sometimes avoids the stressors of both orientations

Adaptive Model









Fitting Technique to Style of Grief Cont.

Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches

Most commonly used therapies for those who suffer from complicated grief

Narrative Therapy

Reconstructs the relationship with the deceased rather than abandoning it

Attachment Theory and Therapy

One of the oldest theories that deals with grief and loss

“Coherent narrative”




Case Examples for Dealing with Loss

Sudden Death of a Spouse



Traumatic Death of a Child

Helen and Brad


Bereavement in Childhood



Separation and Divorce





Case Examples for Dealing with Loss Cont.

Death of a Pet

The Thompsons

Bereavement in Elderly People


Bereavement in an HIV-Infected Client


Complicated Grief: Death of a Mother

Ann Marie





The Crisis Worker's Own Grief

Emotional investment in the client

Bereavement overload


Emotional replenishment

Facing one’s own mortality

Sense of power

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