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Homework answers / question archive / Project 15: Assessing the Value of Information Recently Santa Fe, New Mexico, was named one of the safest places to live in the United States

Project 15: Assessing the Value of Information Recently Santa Fe, New Mexico, was named one of the safest places to live in the United States

MS Excel

Project 15: Assessing the Value of Information Recently Santa Fe, New Mexico, was named one of the safest places to live in the United States. Since then, housing development projects have been springing up all around Santa Fe. Six housing devel-opment projects are currently dominating the local market: Pinon Pine, Rancho Hondo, Creek Side, Vista Del Monte, Forest View, and Santa Fe South. These six projects each started with 100 homes, have sold all of them, and are currently developing phase two. As one of the three partners and real estate agents of Affordable Homes Real Estate, you are responsible for analyzing the information concerning the past 600 home sales and choosing which development project to focus on for selling homes in phase two. Because your real estate firm is so small, you and your partners have decided that the firm should focus on selling homes in only one of the development projects.

From the New Mexico Real Estate Association, you have obtained a spreadsheet file that contains information concerning each of the sales for the first 600 homes. it contains the following fields: 
Column  Name A LOT 1 

The number assigned to a specific home within each project. 
A unique number assigned to each of the six housing development projects (see the following table). 
The initial posted asking price for the home. 

The actual price for which the home was sold. 
The date the home was listed for sale. 
The date on which the final contract closed and the home was sold. 
SQ. FT. 

# BATH. 
The total square footage for the home.  The number of bathrooms in the home. The number of bedrooms in the home. 
The following numbers have been assigned to each of the housing development projects: 
Project Number Project Name 23 Pinon Pine 47 Rancho Hondo 
61 Creek Side 78 Vista Del Monte 92 Forest View 97 Santa Fe South 
It is your responsibility to analyze the sales list and prepare a report that details which housing development project your real estate firm should focus on. Your analysis should be from as many angles as possible. 1. You do not know how many other real estate firms will also be competing for sales in each of the housing development projects. 2. Phase two for each housing development project will develop homes similar in style, price, and square footage to their respective first phases. 3. As you consider the information provided to you, think in terms of what information is important and what information is not important. Be prepared to justify how you went about your analysis. 4. Upon completing your analysis, please provide concise, yet detailed and thorough documentation (in narrative, numeric, and graphic forms) that justifies your decision. 
Data file: AYK15_Data.xlsx 

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