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submit a 2250 words paper on the topic How to Train Experienced Supervisors. M?n?gers selection is the decision process by which ?pplic?nts ?re ?ssigned to one of two possible outcomes (e.g., “hire” vs. “do not hire”). The decision could be with reg?rd to hiring for ? p?rticul?r job or ? p?rticul?r cl?ss of jobs. M?n?gers cl?ssific?tion refers to ? decision process th?t requires e?ch individu?l to be either not hired or hired ?nd then ?ssigned to one of two or more job ?ltern?tives. Th?t is, if individu?ls ?re hired, there ?re ?ltern?tive job ?ssignments for which they could be considered. If there exist some set of ?ssignment decision rules th?t will yield more benefit to the org?niz?tion th?n r?ndom ?ssignment, then there exists ? potenti?l cl?ssific?tion g?in. Consequently, the benefits from improving selection ?nd cl?ssific?tion procedures c?n ?ccrue from two m?jor sources. Better selection would bring in people whose predicted benefit would be higher, no m?tter wh?t the job ?ssignment (i.e., ?ver?ged ?cross ?ll the different jobs they could t?ke). Better cl?ssific?tion would, for ?ll those people hired, ?chieve ? better “fit” of individu?ls with different ch?r?cteristics to jobs with different requirements.
The more ?ny org?niz?tion c?n le?rn ?bout the benefits ?nd costs of ?ltern?tive methods for selecting ?nd cl?ssifying the individu?ls who ?pply, the more effective its personnel m?n?gement systems c?n be. Ide?lly, personnel m?n?gement would benefit most from ? complete simul?tion of the entire system th?t would permit ? full r?nge of “wh?t if” questions focused on the effects of ch?nges in (?) l?bor supply, (b) recruiting procedures, (c) selection ?nd cl?ssific?tion me?sures, (d) decision-m?king ?lgorithms, (e) ?pplic?nt preferences, (f) v?rious org?niz?tion?l constr?ints, ?nd (g) org?niz?tion?l go?ls (e.g.. m?ximizing ?ggreg?te perform?nce, ?chieving ? cert?in distribution of individu?l perform?nce in e?ch job, minimizing ?ttrition, minimizing discipline problems, or m?ximizing mor?le). Further, it would be desir?ble to h?ve ? good estim?te of the specific costs involved when e?ch p?r?meter is ch?nged.
However, describing, or “modeling” effective selection ?nd cl?ssific?tion in ? l?rge org?niz?tion is ? complex business. When considering ?ll the v?ri?tions in ?ll the relev?nt components, there m?y be dozens, or even hundreds, of ?ltern?tive models. ?lso, there is ?lw?ys ?t le?st one constr?int on m?n?gers decision-m?king specific to the org?niz?tion, which complic?tes the decision model even further. The over?ll complexity of ?ny re?l-world personnel m?n?gement situ?tion is such th?t it prob?bly c?nnot be fully modeled by currently ?v?il?ble ?n?lytic methods (C?mpbell, 1990).
It m?y not be possible even to describe ?ll the potenti?l p?r?meters th?t influence the outcomes of ? re?l-world selection procedure. However, for purposes of setting the context for this series of projects, we st?rt by simply listing some of the m?jor p?r?meters of selection ?nd cl?ssific?tion decision-m?king th?t we do know ?bout, ?nd the princip?l implic?tions of e?ch.
By definition, selection ?nd cl?ssific?tion decision procedures ?re implemented to ?chieve ? p?rticul?r objective or set of objectives. Identifying the objective(s) for the selection system is the most critic?l ingredient in the design of the system bec?use it directly determines the ?ppropri?te input inform?tion ?nd procedures to be used in decision-m?king.