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Homework answers / question archive / Week 3: Methods Developing computer programs is all about telling the computer what to do

Week 3: Methods Developing computer programs is all about telling the computer what to do

Computer Science

Week 3: Methods

Developing computer programs is all about telling the computer what to do. So far in this course, you have been exploring the specific Java statements that provide the foundation for telling the computer what to do. But, one Java statement can only do so much. The power comes when you put these statements together into a sequence of steps. These are called methods, and developing methods is a critical skill for object-oriented programmers.

As you step through the design of a computer program, abstracting the essence of what the computer needs to do, you are creating the outline for the methods that will eventually be implemented to actually carry out your task in Java. These methods are the meat of your Java program. They can be used, and reused, to provide great overall power to a program.

This week, you harness the power of methods in Java. You will evaluate the concept of succinctness in developing computer languages and programs, and you will step through a series of exercises that will extend your Java programming abilities by developing your skills in method design and implementation.


Students will:

  • Apply abstraction to analyze a task
  • Apply the concept of method abstraction in software development
  • Design and implement methods using stepwise refinement
  • Discussion: Succinct Code


You use the concepts of abstraction and encapsulation every day. You may call it “understanding the bigger picture” or “seeing the forest for the trees.” It helps you manage the complexity of your tasks without getting bogged down in the details. Think about the ways in which you apply abstraction to your tasks or decisions. Think about the ways you apply encapsulation to your tasks and organizing your work. In the context of computer programming, abstraction requires you to eliminate detail from an object to identify its defining characteristics—the things that make the object “tick.”

Give an example that describes how you have used abstraction as a strategy and how it was beneficial to you. Be as specific as possible about the strategy and why you feel it worked well. How was encapsulation applied in your strategy?

Next, describe a situation in which abstraction or encapsulation may not yield the best results. After all, boiling a group of things down to their defining, component attributes may overlook unique and special characteristics of that group’s members, and this could lead to a less-than-ideal process or decision. Once again, be specific about your method and the results.

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