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Homework answers / question archive / Your assignment is to create a small clinical laboratory to service the university student community (lab size: 20 ft x 20 ft)

Your assignment is to create a small clinical laboratory to service the university student community (lab size: 20 ft x 20 ft)


Your assignment is to create a small clinical laboratory to service the university student community (lab size: 20 ft x 20 ft). The lab will be open 40 hours per week (M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM). Along with yourself, you have been authorized to hire 1 full time employee or 2 part time employees. You have no laboratory equipment except for a brand new clinical-grade microscope and a computer system. Your budget, although not disclosed to you, is limited. You need to be able to draw the necessary blood work on-site and perform CBCs, BMPs, urinalysis, urine pregnancy tests, rapid streps, and heterophile tests. Additional laboratory services may be added over time and as profits allow. MODULE: Leadership 1. What type of manager characteristics are important to you and you wish to emulate as a Laboratory Manager? Discuss your leadership style. 2. Take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II (download from Teams) and tabulate your results. Complete the DISC Personality Test ( and print your results (do not purchase reports). -Based on the results from these assessment tests, what did you learn about your leadership style from these assessments? (see Files attached) -How do these results support who you believe you are, how do they not support? -How will your results affect how you lead in times of prosperity? in times of stress? 3. What leadership challenges do you expect to need to work at, to overcome believed character weaknesses? What positive character qualities will you grow? 4. How will you “plan, organize, implement and control” your lab? How will you involve your employees in each process? MODULE: Hiring and Human Resources read: “Human Resource Management: The Personnel Process” (see file attached) 1. Design an advertisement for the positions you have available in your clinical lab. It should include all of the criteria relating to the positions you are offering, including essential job functions, full-time or part-time positions, shift/hours, attractive benefits, etc. Your advertisement should also include the degree(s)and any special training or skills required. (Follow the requirements for NYState, which requires licensed professionals to perform laboratory testing.) 2. Prepare a list of a minimum of 10 interview questions to ask prospective applicants. When preparing the questions, make sure you do not ask unacceptable or even illegal questions. Some of your questions must also be behaviorally based. 3. Find the “University Laboratory Applicants” list included in this document set. You have interviewed these individuals, made your notes, and now it is time to choose your employee(s). Who will you hire (either 1 full-time or 2 part-time)? Explain why you made the choice(s) you did with the information provided. 4. If you could “create” the perfect applicant/employee, what would he/she be like? Education? Experience? Attitude? Submit what your interview notes would look like for this individual. MODULE: Employee Training and EvaluationTraining: read: “’MBD – Medical Technologist - Days” (see file attached) 1. You have hired your employee(s) and now must see to the training. Write a minimum of 5 educational (training) objectives that they must master to begin working independently. Utilize the appropriate verbs to indicate the appropriate taxonomic level of the required tasks. Evaluation: 2. Your employees have been working and you are now tasked with doing a 90-day review with each of them. Design the performance review form you will use, including evaluating job performance (at least 10) and evaluating attitude/values (at least 5). Do not copy the statements provided in the lecture, but make this review based on working in your lab, and what values you desire to see in your employee(s). 3. Discuss/explain (1) how you will score an employee(s), including high and low scoring, (2) the setting in which you will deliver this review, (3) how you will discuss the review with your employees (positive and negative scores), and (4) who you hope your employee will respond. Also discuss/explain how you will ask for constructive feedback from your employee(s) and how you will receive and possibly implement that feedback.

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