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Homework answers / question archive / The Program Your program should process one to two files: the current leaderboard, and an optional file containing updates to the leaderboard

The Program Your program should process one to two files: the current leaderboard, and an optional file containing updates to the leaderboard


The Program Your program should process one to two files: the current leaderboard, and an optional file containing updates to the leaderboard. For example, when the program is run with just the provided current leaderboard file, it should display the following: $ ./a3 data/current_leaderboard.csv Current Leaderboard: Rank Score Team Name 1 382 Mount Royal University 2 243 University of Calgary 3 234 University of Alberta 4 123 University of Lethbridge 5 111 MacEwan University 6 101 University of Saskatchewan Note that the field widths and spacing for the output are as follows: Field Widths When the program is run with both the provided current leaderboard and update file, it should display the following: $ ./a3 data/current_leaderboard.csv data/updated_teams.csv Current Leaderboard: Rank Score Team Name 1 408 Mount Royal University 2 307 University of Saskatchewan 3 243 University of Calgary 4 234 University of Alberta 5 123 University of Lethbridge If no arguments are provided, the program should display an error message and exit. Bash commands typically use [square brackets] to indicate optional arguments, e.g.: $ ./a3 Usage: ./a3 current_leaderboard [updates] Input Files The input files are formatted as CSV files, with the current leaderboard and updates having the same format. For example, the current_leaderboard.csv file looks like this: Team name, Score, Eligible MacEwan University, 111, true Mount Royal University, 382, true University of Alberta, 234, true University of Calgary, 243, true University of Lethbridge, 123, true University of Saskatchewan, 101, true Don’t forget to deal with the header before reading each Team! The output should be formatted as shown in The Program section. You do not need to write to an output file this time, just print to the console (a real program would probably re-write a new CSV with the updated list, but I figured there was enough going on in this assignment anyway). The Starter Code As usual, clone the starter code to begin. The repo is located at: /library/students/comp1633/a3.git Note: I am not providing you the exact git command to clone the repo! There has been some confusion about what a file path is and how to use it, so I want you to look at previous assignment instructions and figure out which parts need to be changed rather than just providing something you can copy and paste. After cloning the repo, configure your “submit” repo by running: $ git-asg-config and selecting the a3 option from the menu. Inside this directory you will find the following: $ tree . ??? data ? ??? current_leaderboard.csv ? ??? updated_teams.csv ??? leaderboard.h ??? main.cpp ??? makefile ??? team.h ??? testing ??? makefile ??? test_a3.cpp Note that there are no files named leaderboard.cpp or team.cpp. You will need to create these files yourself. main.cpp The main program logic should do the following: Check for the correct number of command line arguments (2 or 3), print an error message and return if the number is incorrect Initialize an empty leaderboard (linked list) by declaring the head Node *. Read the current leaderboard from the first file and add each team to the list using the update function (in leaderboard.cpp) to ensure the list is sorted If a second file is provided, read the updates from that file and process them as follows: If a team is eligible to continue, call the update to add a new team or update the score of an existing team. update should ensure the list remains sorted. If a team is not eligible to continue, call the remove function to remove the team from the list. Print the leaderboard to the console Clean up any memory that was allocated, and close the input file(s) For both files, make sure that the file can be opened; if not, display an error message and return. You may find it useful to define a helper function to read the input file, create the list, and return the head pointer. This requires maintaining two lists (one for the current leaderboard and one for the updates), but reduces repetition in reading the input files. team.h and team.cpp The Team structure is provided in team.h, while you will need to implement read/write functions in team.cpp. The Team struct is defined as follows: struct Team { std::string name; int score; bool eligible; }; The read function should read a single row from the CSV into a Team object, while the write function should display the team info formatted for human readability as shown in The Program . Do not print the rank from this function - your Team object should have no idea what position it occupies in the list. Notice also that read returns an istream& instead of void. This is so that you can chain multiple reads together, and use the read function in a while loop, e.g.: Team t; while (read(in, t)) {... Tests for the read and write functions are provided in testing/test_a3.cpp. Side note on std::string std::string objects behave much like Python lists - they can be reassigned, concatenated, and you don’t need to worry about the buffer size. To read a line from an input stream to a string, you can use the std::getline function. For example: string line; getline(cin, line); This is different from the cin.getline function used with C-strings! leaderboard.h and leaderboard.cpp This is where most of the magic happens: your linked list. leaderboard.h defines a Node struct as well as a set of public functions: update: modifies the list to either add a new team or update an existing team’s score. The list should remain sorted in descending order by score. remove: removes a team (by name) from the list, if it exists. Frees the memory for the removed node. clear: empties the list and frees all the memory write: writes the list to an output stream, formatted as per the examples in The Program section. You’ll need to write out the header, then iterate through the list and keep track of the rank (position in the list), printing out the rank and calling the write function for each Team. For each of these functions, don’t forget to consider edge cases, such as: Is the list empty (head == NULL)? Does the head need to be updated (either removing the head, or inserting before the head)? Is the list a singleton (head is the only node)? Are you adding or removing at the end of the list? Feel free to implement private helper functions as desired to keep the logic straight. Testing Tests are provided for the functionality defined in leaderboard.h and team.h in the testing directory. You can run these tests using the provided makefile: $ cd testing $ make For your convenience, the makefile also runs the test for you. Note: The provided tests are not exhaustive, and do not test main or check for memory leaks! Make sure to do your own testing in addition to running the provided tests. valgrind To make sure you don’t have memory leaks, check your program using valgrind periodically. You can run valgrind on your program using the following command: $ valgrind ./a3 data/current_leaderboard.csv data/updated_teams.csv Don’t forget to also try running valgrind with just the current leaderboard file, and with no arguments at all! I will be running valgrind on your program as part of grading (memory leaks will impact your grade by up to 10%).

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